Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 222 Reputation

Knowing that she could hide this from Zhao Ming for the time being, she wouldn't be able to hide it for long when the iron ore was officially mined.

And she didn't really want to hide it. After all, using firewood to make iron... consumes too much firewood and the effect is not good, so she needs coal.

Fu Tinghan has already made steel in a blast furnace. The blast furnace has been modified again and again, and now it can be determined.

He did not interfere in the matter anymore, but handed over the craftsmen who built the blast furnace and knew how to make iron and steel to Zhao Hanzhang, and then took Zhao Hanzhang's sword to the newly built blast furnace.

Blacksmith Lu was sweating all over while forging iron beside the blast furnace.

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter outside, and it's freezing cold, but it's sizzling hot inside. Although the blacksmiths feel hard work, they don't feel sad.

Seeing Fu Tinghan, all the craftsmen stopped their work and saluted him respectfully.

Fu Tinghan waved his hand nonchalantly and handed the sword to Blacksmith Lu, "Let's beat it again with the steel we made some time ago."

Blacksmith Lu took the sword with both hands, put the scabbard aside, carefully looked behind the sword and said, "This sword is already very good, and its power can be called a famous sword. Why do you need to fight it again?"

"Not as good as steel."

In fact, if he hadn't been weak enough, he would have done it by himself.

However, blacksmithing is also a skill and does not require strength.

Fu Tinghan has theoretical knowledge, but his practical ability is equivalent to zero, so he can only leave it to Blacksmith Lu.

To conquer Yuzhou, Zhao Hanzhang will definitely go to the battlefield in the future. A sharp sword is the best guarantee he can give her at present.

"If there is any steel left, beat it all into spearheads."

The road blacksmith responded.

Fu Tinghan started to inspect the room, and the craftsmen immediately came up and asked, "Da Langjun, the steward asked us to pack our things and said we were going to build a blast furnace somewhere else. I don't know where we are going?"

Fu Tinghan said: "You will know when you go."

The craftsmen hesitated, "Isn't it far away? If it's too far, can we bring our family with us?"

Fu Tinghan did not answer, but after coming out, he went to Zhao Hanzhang to ask about the matter.

Zhao Hanzhang was arranging materials and asked people to transport the materials for building houses and blast furnaces. Hearing this, he said: "The houses haven't been built yet. When everything is built over there, I will give priority to their family members."

After the winter solstice, the weather is getting colder and colder. Most of the women, children and the elderly in the city are staying at home, while the young and middle-aged people are gradually leaving their homes, taking jobs at the county government and going out to work.

At this Zhao family banquet, Zhao Hanzhang sold a lot of glass products, among which full-length mirrors had the highest sales volume.

No man in the Wei and Jin Dynasties could refuse a full-length mirror. If there was one, it would be because the other party was rude.

As a noble, makeup is the most basic etiquette. Whether applying powder or dressing, it is very important to have a full-length mirror so that they can face themselves clearly and comprehensively.

Not only do they need it for themselves, they also want to bring some to their dad, their brother, their uncles and younger brothers.

Therefore, the supply of full-length mirrors from colored glaze workshops exceeds demand.

Ji Yuan had to take the steward to write down their addresses and the quantity they wanted to buy, saying that he would deliver the goods to their door after they were ready.

Yes, their service is so attentive.

Because they decided to buy some food after giving away the full-length mirror.

Zhao Hanzhang took in too many people. Although he had stockpiled a lot of food before, due to the work-for-relief, the food reserves were falling sharply.

So when the weather got colder, Zhao Hanzhang stopped posting jobs. Everyone spent the winter at home, and food consumption decreased a lot.

But through the Winter Solstice banquet, she not only made a lot of money, but also made agreements with several companies to exchange glass products for food.

With more grain in hand, Zhao Hanzhang became more enthusiastic, so she took advantage of the lack of farm work in winter. As soon as she returned to the county government office, she called all the local officials and team leaders to come and issued new labor requirements.

In fact, it is still a work-for-relief program, but this time it is not food but money.

Zhao Hanzhang listed more than a dozen types of jobs. The daily wages for each job ranged from eight to fifteen cents, and were settled every ten days.

After taking the money, the people can choose to buy grain from the county government, or they can buy other things. Anyway, it is not like before when they only distributed grain.

As everyone was returning with the news, many people went out to participate in the labor wave.

Not to mention the captains of the army. The people under their command are all refugees who have been taken in. They have no family and no roots, and they will not let go of such an opportunity to make money.

But the team owners still checked with Zhao Hanzhang, "Can they also get wages?"

"Of course," Zhao Hanzhang said: "This is winter, and they should rest. If they work when they should rest, I naturally have to pay them wages."

The team leaders breathed a sigh of relief, expressed their understanding, and immediately took the news back to their respective settlements to tell them the good news.

So, when the guests who came to Xiping had almost left, the entire Xiping County started to move.

Whether they were the people in Xiping County or the tenant farmers in the countryside, they all followed Li Zheng or the team leader out, hunching their necks to resist the cold wind while working.

After you do it a few more times, your body will start to get warmer and not so cold anymore.

The main work of young people in the county is to dig canals, reservoirs and build houses.

The ground in winter is not very easy to dig. There have only been two snowfalls. The top soil is a bit difficult to dig and requires a lot of effort. But as long as they think of the ten cents a day they are full of energy.

In four directions in Xiping County, four brick kilns were built and began to deliver ready-made bricks to various resettlement sites.

Zhao Hanzhang rode around on horseback every day and solved various problems on the spot. She was moved by his diligence.

She had never been so active in working for a salary before.

However, in this way, the people of Xiping County quickly became familiar with this "county king".

Ordinary people don't care whether the person in power is a man or a woman, as long as their lives are not so miserable.

Although they had some doubts about Zhao Hanzhang's ability to exempt them from their taxes this fall, they were more grateful;

And when she later provided work for relief and asked Li Zheng to send the people in the village who had become orphans due to the rebellion to the county Yushan Hall to be raised, everyone began to identify with her from the bottom of their hearts and hoped that she could always be a Xiping The magistrate of the county.

After all, it is rare to meet a county prince who is as kind as her.

To this day, she issued a work-for-relief order in the depth of winter, and the people's respect for her has been rising. In addition, the Zhao family's banquet has spread her reputation as a compassionate, righteous and filial person, and the people's hearts have been lifted. I completely lean towards her and feel from the bottom of my heart that this is their county king!

As the actual agent of the clan, Zhao Ming immediately noticed the change in Zhao Hanzhang's popularity among the people.

Seeing that she had conquered the hearts of the people in Xiping County in just three months, the hesitation in Zhao Ming's heart also dissipated.

He held a clan meeting and formally said: "Let Zhao Kuan and others prepare to join the world."

See you tomorrow

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