Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 223 Change 1

Zhao Kuan copied the picture that he had already painted onto the canvas. After making sure that there were no mistakes or omissions, he put away his pen and quit. His task for today was completed.

When Zhao Rong saw it, he immediately looked around and saw that there were only a few of them in the room and no elders were there. He immediately put down his brush and asked, "Brother Kuan, Uncle Ming asked us to join the world to help the third sister, but weren't we already helping her before?" Really? How else can I join the world?"

When the other disciples in the room heard this, they immediately looked at Zhao Kuan, "Yes, how can you join the world?"

Zhao Kuan knelt on the ground for a long time. Now his knees hurt and his neck hurt. He stood up and twisted his neck and said: "It was for a bet before. This time, uncle asked us to work hard to help the third sister, or in other words, Try to gain her approval."

"What does this mean?"

Zhao Kuan glanced outside and lowered his voice: "It means that in the future our Zhao family will have to listen to the Third Sister's orders in Xiping, or in Yuzhou."

The teenagers were shocked and exclaimed, "Isn't it possible? Isn't there Uncle Ming?"

Zhao Kuan: "So it's the future."

Some teenagers had a headache, "Then how do we win the approval of the third sister?"

Zhao Kuan spread his hands and said, "I don't know."

Seeing everyone looking at him, he said seriously: "I really don't know, but don't we need to draw pictures and sort out Mr. Xiahou's manuscript right now? Let's sort out the manuscript first."

"That's right," Zhao Rong said, "If Third Sister needs us, she will naturally come to us. Let's draw the picture first."

They consciously said these words without outsiders present, so it would be impossible for Zhao Hanzhang to know about it in the short term. Who would have known that Zhao Zheng would reveal the matter to Zhao Erlang as soon as they left the yard.

Zhao Erlang returned to the county government office and learned from his sister.

Zhao Hanzhang was even more happy when he heard that there were so many people in the clan waiting to be driven by her, "Let them wait first and prepare the pictures on their hands. They are not needed for some small things now. I will invite them when there is a big thing." them."

Fu Tinghan saw that she was deceiving people again. County affairs are complicated and detailed. How far is the difference between the current affairs and the future affairs?

Obviously, she plans to wait until she has complete control of Xiping County before re-employing the Zhao family, but judging from the current situation, it is not far off.

"This is the account of the newly stored grain. Take a look at it."

Zhao Hanzhang took it and said, "Pick out a batch and send it to Shangcai. Shangcai has also announced a lot of work, which also requires a lot of food."

Fu Tinghan agreed.

Going to Cai Zhangjia Village, Zhang Dayan strode into the village carrying a bow and arrow and a deer.

The village was quiet because it was cold in winter. In order to keep out the cold and eat less food, most people stayed at home and did not go out.

Zhang Dayan first carried the deer home, then turned around and went to the village chief's home not far from his home.

He shouted through the wall, "Third uncle, third uncle, are you at home?"

After a while, the village chief opened the door, shrank his neck and said, "What are you shouting for? Where can I go if I'm not at home?"

Seeing that he was not freezing even though he only wore two layers of clothes on such a cold day, but instead looked strong and strong, the village chief was envious and said, "Dayan, did you catch another prey?"

Zhang Dayan responded vaguely and said: "Third Uncle, I met Bao Sanzhu from Dajiao Village on the mountain. He said that Zhao's Manor was recruiting workers to dig canals and reservoirs. They included two meals a day. , even if you have enough food and ten cents to pay, do you want to go and ask someone in our village?"

The village chief was so hungry that he leaned against the door and said groggily: "Then why don't we stay here? They took in a lot of refugees before winter. It doesn't cost any money to use them, so why should they use us?"

"Who says there is no money? Bao Sanzhu said that those refugees only get ten cents a day to work, and they also get clothes. However, we went outside and had no clothes."

The village chief became more energetic, "So Zhao is so good? Even the refugees he takes in are paid?"

"Yes, I've asked about it, and it's absolutely true," Zhang Dayan said: "They don't even trap the refugees from outside, let alone us. We are from Shangcai."

The village chief hesitated.

"Third Uncle, if we don't make some food, we will survive the winter but not the spring. We will still have half a year to harvest wheat next year."

Upon hearing this, the village chief gritted his teeth and said, "Go and call a few more people. We'll go to Zhao's Manor first to find out. If we really need people, we'll come back to take them."

Zhang Dayan immediately responded, turned around and left.

Life has not been easy this year. Although the rebels have not reached Shangcai, Shangcai still has to pay military taxes. There are also three taxes that have just been added to the autumn taxes this year. In order to complete the taxes set by the county magistrate, almost everyone in the village Empty the family fortune.

After the winter wheat is planted and the weather starts to get cold, every household begins to "hibernate". They only need to eat a little soup with rice a day to stay in a state of immortality.

More grain must be left until spring, when the strong laborers have to work in the fields, and then they have to eat twice a day so that they can have some strength.

Those like the village chief's house are in a better situation. Although they won't be "hibernating", they won't be full either, so they try to save food.

Zhang Dayan only knew how to hunt, knew some medicinal herbs, and could go into the mountains, so his life was a little easier.

But his family was the only one in the village who was having an easy time, and he felt uneasy because he was afraid that one day when he was not at home, someone in the village would be hungry and rob his family.

So as soon as he got the news, he came back immediately, thinking that if the young people in the village could go to work in Zhao's manor, everyone's life would be much easier.

Zhang Dayan called someone, took the village chief's son and a few young men with them and headed to Zhao's manor with dry food. They were far away and it took them two days to arrive.

Different from the depressed scene outside, they saw people working in the fields before they arrived at Zhao's manor.

Zhang Dayan was strong enough and ran over to take a look. He saw more than 20 people digging soil, "Brother, what are you doing?"

The worker looked up at him and said, "They are digging ditches."

"Is it the water channel of Zhao's manor?"

The other party responded, and Zhang Dayan immediately asked, "Are there still people in the manor now?"

Only then did the other party look up and look at Zhang Dayan and the others seriously. Seeing that they were all young and strong, he nodded, "Yes, we dig ditches, dig reservoirs, cut trees, quarry and transport rocks all require people."

Zhang Dayan asked: "How much wages can I get in a day?"

"It ranges from eight to fifteen cents, depending on what kind of work you do. The pay for heavy work is also high," the other party said, "Two meals a day are included."

The person behind Zhang Dayan quickly asked: "Where do the people from outside live?"

"There is a house for the helpers in the village. Don't worry, it will be warmer than at home."

When the people in Zhangjia Village heard this, they immediately urged Zhang Dayan to go to the manor to find the steward.

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