Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 291 Transaction

One thousand shi of food is not much, but it is definitely a lot. Even the Guan family needs an entire night to collect it.

So Mr. Guan returned home one night later than others.

Because Zhao Hanzhang had a tough attitude and had Master Guan in his hands, the Guan family did not dare to bargain with her.

When Mr. Guan returned to the Guan family, he was completely thin and exhausted. It had only been three days, but he felt that a lifetime had passed.

He hated Zhao Hanzhang, but he hated the county magistrate even more. If he hadn't pointed him out, how would Zhao Hanzhang have done anything to him?

He wiped his face, threw the cloth into the basin, and asked, "How is Su County Cheng doing now?"

Guan Dalang whispered: "It's good. Magistrate Sun is not here and the chief clerk is dead. Now he is basically running errands for Zhao Hanzhang in the county government."

He said: "Now, besides Fu Tinghan and Ji Yuan, he is the third person beside Zhao Hanzhang."

Mr. Guan gritted his teeth, tried hard to hold back his resentment, and asked, "Is there any news from County Magistrate Sun?"

"No, but my son has sent people to Chen County. They should be here by now, right?"

The chief clerk was killed in front of him, and Mr. Guan was detained in the granary and could not get out. Guan Dalang sent people to Chen County to chase Magistrate Sun.

At that time, the Guan family's predicament could only be solved by the return of County Magistrate Sun, so he sent people to look for it. However, Chen County was not close and there was no news so far.

Magistrate Sun, who they were thinking about, had just entered Chen County. He had been traveling so fast, and he was so anxious that he could not wait to arrive in Chen County in a hurry.

However, his body was not functioning well, and because he was so frightened and traveled all night, he fell ill the next day. However, he still insisted on walking, just at a slower pace.

This delay took more than half a day to get to Chen County.

As soon as he arrived in Chen County, he went straight to the governor's office. The pale and haggard Magistrate Sun fell in front of the governor and cried loudly: "Your Majesty, please send troops to Ai Yang to save Ai Yang..."

He Cishi held the letter that Zhao Hanzhang had just arrived in his hand. He glanced down at Magistrate Sun and sneered, "There is no need for Magistrate Sun to be polite. The Yiyang Rebellion has been over."

Magistrate Sun was stunned: "Huh?"

Governor He took out all the anger he had just received from Zhao Ming on Magistrate Sun. He threw the letter in his hand at him, "Take a look!"

County Magistrate Sun hurriedly held down the letter that hit his face, lowered his head and scanned it ten lines at a time, his eyes widening and widening, and he was panicking, "This, this..."

"Have I wronged you?"

Magistrate Sun was dripping with cold sweat. He was already sick. When he was hit by the information in the letter, his mind was as confused as mush. When He Jishi asked him, his eyes dazzled and he fainted.

Seeing that he fainted like this, He Cishi became even more angry, and his breath was filled with anger.

Zhao Ming, who was sitting aside and drinking tea quietly, suddenly sighed quietly. He Jishi calmed down when he heard his sigh.

He calmed down his anger and said expressionlessly: "Help Magistrate Sun down and rest."

Even though some servants came forward and dragged Magistrate Sun down.

Governor He seemed unable to see the rudeness in his servant's actions. He turned to face Zhao Ming and said with a half-smile, "Let Zinian laugh."

Zhao Ming was unmoved and asked straightforwardly: "What do you plan to do with County Magistrate Sun?"

The smile on He Jishi's face was a little weak. He sat opposite Zhao Ming, stared at the teacup in front of him and pondered, "Looking at what Hanzhang said in the letter, she plans to use all the taxes that Gaoyang should pay this year as relief food." It’s been issued.”

Zhao Ming: "She did this out of necessity. If Gaoyang wants to be stable, it is necessary to stabilize the people's hearts and envoys. It will not benefit anyone if Gaoyang is in chaos at this time."

"Gaoyang can't be in chaos, but Chen County can't be in chaos," He Governor said: "Now the King of Donghai and Gou Xi are fighting outside Chen County, and it may affect Chen County at any time. As the governor of Yuzhou, I have to hurry up. prepare for."

Zhao Ming thought for a moment, sighed and said, "I am willing to persuade Hanzhang to hand over part of the tax."

He Jishi insisted, "It's all!"

He paused and then said: "If she can collect the military rations needed in Yuzhou this time, I can recommend her to the position of Prime Minister of Runan County."

Zhao Ming: ...Although he wanted to refuse forcefully, considering Zhao Hanzhang's goal, he still swallowed his words.

He lowered his eyes and thought for a long time, then responded for Zhao Hanzhang, "Okay."

Zhao Kuan, who was standing behind him, hesitated to speak, but seeing Zhao Ming's resolute expression, he could only suppress the words on his lips.

After leaving the governor's office, he became a little anxious, "Uncle, he needs a lot of military rations this time. Gaoyang County has rebelled because of the tax this time. How can you promise him for Sanniang?"

Zhao Ming said: "There is no county governor in Runan County now. The county magistrate is equivalent to the county governor. He can buy the entire Runan County with money. If Sanniang were here, she would agree."

Zhao Kuan: "...But Runan County belongs to the imperial court, not to the governor He. How can the imperial court recognize his empty talk?"

Zhao Ming glanced at him and asked, "Can the imperial court control Yuzhou now?"

Zhao Kuan was speechless.

If the imperial court could control Yuzhou, and if the governor was obedient, would he swing back and forth between King Donghai and Gou Xi?

Huh, it's obvious that Governor He can be the master. As long as he recognizes Zhao Hanzhang as the county magistrate of Runan County, then she can be the master of Runan County.

Of course, whether the counties under Runan County will listen to her depends on her ability.

But he didn't think this was a problem. She had money and soldiers, so was she still afraid that those counties would disobey her?

Zhao Ming said: "I'll go back to the Governor's Mansion tomorrow and get ready before going back."

Zhao Kuan asked blankly, "What else are you doing here?"

"Come and get the official seal of Aoyang County, come and get your appointment letter as Aoyang County," Zhao Ming said angrily: "Have you forgotten why we came here?"

Zhao Kuan stopped talking, but he was still a little confused, as if in a dream, "Uncle, I haven't finalized the product, and now I'm going to be an official?"

Zhao Ming responded, "Listen carefully to Sanniang. Although I haven't seen her letter to Governor He, she can be so angry with him, and she can also forcefully say that all the taxes will be used as relief food. It can be seen that she has already taken the money." Go to Aoyang County."

Zhao Ming sighed when he said this, "In terms of means and courage, she is far above your brothers."

Zhao Kuan also felt that not only were they more courageous in their methods, but they were also far more courageous and ambitious than them. After all, who would have thought of seizing Aoyang and then actually sending troops to seize it?

When Zhao Ming went to see Governor He again the next day, Governor He did not embarrass him. He readily gave Zhao Kuan the official seal of the magistrate of Aoyang County and the letter of appointment, and then sent them away with a smile.

As soon as the uncle and nephew left, the smile on his face fell.

His staff also felt very sad and asked: "Your Majesty, you just gave away Runan County like this? The taxes from Gaoyang are not exclusive to Gaoyang, they can be shared with other counties."

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