Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 292 Zhao’s Intention

"Zhao..." He Cishi paused and said, "They are the largest family in Yuzhou. Since they are interested in Runan County, do you think they can be dismissed easily?"

"You have also seen Zhao Hanzhang's letter. Without my order, she directly sent troops to Aoyang, tricked Magistrate Sun away, and directly took charge of Aoyang County affairs. She even deducted taxes from the governor's office at will," He Jishifang frowned. Wrinkling, "Zhao Ming is here with me, obviously waiting to break up with me. Once we break up, Xiping, Shangcai and Gaoyang will be in chaos. Now I am restrained by the war between Donghai King and Gou Xi. They If there is chaos, I will be attacked from both sides."

The staff couldn't help but said: "Zhao Hanzhang is ungrateful. You are so kind to her."

He Jishi shook his head, "I'm afraid it wasn't what she meant, but what Zhao ordered her to do."

The staff was shocked, "What does Zhao want to do? Rebellion?"

"It's not a rebellion. Zhao Zhongyu is still in Luoyang," He Cishi said, "It's just for the safety of the clan..."

The staff member thought of the incident last year when Zhao's Wubao was surrounded by rebels and the clan was almost wiped out, and he suddenly became speechless.

"Will the Zhao family agree to raise military supplies for the envoy?" At this time, he didn't even mention Zhao Hanzhang. He obviously believed that this was Zhao's doing, and Zhao Hanzhang was just the one who was pushed to the front.

He Cishi said: "Since Zhao Ming agreed, he will not break his promise, and if he exchanges military rations for Runan County, the Zhao family will not lose."

When He Jishi said this, he smiled half-heartedly and said sarcastically: "It's just that in such troubled times, it's not certain whether the Zhao family can conquer Runan County. After all, the one they pushed to the stage is a girl."

Other county magistrates may not recognize Zhao Hanzhang.

The staff also found it strange that the Zhao family had many children in the family, so why did they push a girl in front of the stage?

Zhao Ming didn't think as much as they did. Although he agreed to Governor He, he had no intention of using the Zhao family's resources to help Zhao Hanzhang, so Zhao Hanzhang had to collect the military rations himself.

So he took Zhao Kuan directly to Aoyang to tell her the "good news".

As soon as they met, he said: "Congratulations. Why does the governor want to make you the chief minister of Runan County?"

Zhao Hanzhang's first sentence was, "Does he have this right?"

Zhao Ming stared at her.

Zhao Hanzhang asked in a different way, "Okay, Uncle Ming, I wonder what the conditions are for Governor He to do this?"

"He wants you to raise military rations for him." Zhao Ming handed her the list.

Zhao Hanzhang took it, and there was a figure higher than the tax in Gaoyang.

She rolled her eyes and asked, "Does this number include the taxes paid by each county in Runan County this year?"

"Don't think about it. Except for Aoyang County, all the taxes paid by the counties this year are already being transported to Chen County. Won't your taxes from Xiping County be shipped out?" Zhao Ming said: "So of course. It’s not included.”

Zhao Hanzhang looked at the numbers on the list again and again, "Is this planning for me to force Runan County to rebel, or to make the people of Runan County hate me to death?"

Zhao Ming said: "I have already agreed for you."

Zhao Hanzhang said with a smile: "Uncle Xie Ming, from today on, everything I do to Runan County will be justified."

Zhao Ming ignored her sweet words and asked directly: "How are you going to raise this army ration?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "Did he limit the time?"

Zhao Ming raised his lips slightly, "No."

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and said: "Then take your time and don't be in a hurry. As for food, apart from planting and collecting it, you have to buy it with money. Unfortunately, I am not short of money."

Zhao Ming thought so too, so he dared to agree.

However, so much food cannot be bought at once. Zhao Ming did not intend to get involved too much. He pointed at Zhao Kuan and said: "I have also brought you your new county magistrate. You can get busy."

When Zhao Hanzhang saw him turning around and leaving, he hurriedly chased after him, "Uncle Ming, you are already here. You can live in the county government office so that our family can get closer."

"You should still think about how to buy food, and I won't disturb you." Zhao Ming resolutely refused to participate.

Zhao Hanzhang felt that he should rest after working hard for several days, so he hurriedly asked people to wait on Zhao Ming to rest, and did not force anyone to stay.

So the question is, who should I approach for such a big matter?

Of course, we should discuss it together and work together.

So Zhao Kuan, who had just arrived in Aoyang County, and his brothers from all ethnic groups stood in the county government hall to discuss matters.

Zhao Hanzhang sat on the main seat and asked, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Zhao Kuan had just arrived, so although he was the nominal magistrate of Aoyang County, he still kept his head down and did not express any opinions.

Zhao Hui and other clan members had not yet reacted. They were still a little confused at this time, so they turned to ask Zhao Kuan, "What does this mean? Why does the governor want to give Runan County to our Zhao family?"

Zhao Kuan corrected him, "It's not for our Zhao family, it's for Sanniang!"

So the army rations have to be raised by Sanniang. Don’t you see that even Uncle Ming has turned his back on this matter?

Zhao Hanzhang ignored them and let them discuss, focusing mainly on Ji Yuan.

Ji Yuan said simply and rudely: "Give him the grain and transport a batch to Chen County first, and ask him to immediately give the girl the position of county magistrate. With this official position, the girl can raise military rations."

Zhao Ju asked, "How to raise funds? You can't ask the people to pay taxes, right? If such a large batch of military rations are shared equally, I'm afraid that not only Gaoyang County will rebel."

Ji Yuan glanced at him and said: "Just buy it. Ordinary people are short of food, but there are always people who are not short of food. First, they must get the position of county magistrate."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded, "We can't give too much at once. The position of county magistrate must be obtained first."

Fu Tinghan: "What if he finds another governor for Runan County?"

Ji Yuan frowned, it was possible.

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and said, "It depends on whether the county guard can take control away from me."

Ji Yuan relaxed his brows and said, "The girl is right. Qianli trains his troops well. As long as we have enough soldiers and horses in our hands, we won't be afraid."

"Then the procurement of military rations..."

Ji Yuan directly took it over and said, "I'll buy it."

After finishing the conversation, he said, "We have enough money for the time being, but if we spend it this way, I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future."

Fu Tinghan said: "The income of the paper mill is slowly increasing, and the income of the bookstore is also beginning to bear fruit. There is no need to worry about money."

Zhao Hanzhang clapped his thigh happily, "Then what do we have to fear?"

Zhao Kuan and other Zhao children:...

I'm so scared, uncle, where are you?

Zhao Ming was hosting a banquet. As soon as he arrived, the wealthy gentlemen from Aoyang County came to visit him. They had one purpose: to find out what Zhao was going to do. Was what Zhao Hanzhang did meant by her alone or Zhao Ming? What do you mean?

Of course, Zhao Ming couldn't drag the entire Zhao family into trouble, so he told them directly that this was Zhao Hanzhang's personal opinion and had nothing to do with the Zhao family.

Mr. Guan and others: Bah, if Zhao Hanzhang really meant it, why is it that the new county magistrate is a son of the Zhao family, and Zhao Ming came to Aoyang in person, and there are still so many children of the Zhao family in the county government now?

They became more and more convinced that this was Zhao's intention.

See you tomorrow

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