Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 500 Intention to Kill

Liu Cong gritted his teeth, but he really didn't dare to have a bigger conflict with Zhao Hanzhang at this time.

It's okay that she was injured. The Zhao army was leaderless. Not only the army in the city, but also those outside the city dared to move.

But she was obviously uninjured at this time. If the fight started, it would be a street fight. It was not certain who would win.

When fighting inside the city, the Huns were inferior to the Han.

Zhao Hanzhang was also looking for a problem. In street fighting, the Huns were inferior to the Han people. Zhao's army had its own small formation to deal with it. Massacres often occurred in this era, so she focused on practicing street fighting.

She was confident that even facing the brave Xiongnu army, her Zhao family army could win in a street battle.

But it will also come at a huge price.

She recruited this pro-army force after she left Luoyang, and has been practicing it until now. In every war, a group of people will die and another group will be replaced.

She had been careful not to suffer too many casualties.

Therefore, she did not want to confront Liu Cong head-on at this time unless it was absolutely necessary.

Moreover, her family knew about her family affairs, and she was injured, which still affected Yu Jun's morale.

Zhao Hanzhang stared at Liu Cong with sharp eyes until he turned around and returned to the army angrily.

Zhao Hanzhang sat on his horse and waited, waiting for Zhao Erlang to come, waiting for news from everywhere in the city, and waiting for news from the palace.

This time there was a shooting exchange, both sides suffered some casualties, and the injured soldiers were taken to the rear.

Everyone was very quiet at this time, so quiet that Zhao Hanzhang could hear the shouts on the palace tower in the distance. Listening to the sound, they once again guarded the tower.

Liu Cong angrily returned to the house where he was stationed. When he heard that the palace not far away had stopped attacking again, he couldn't help but ask Wang Mi, "Why haven't you captured the palace yet?"

Wang Mi: "They are well prepared. The palace towers are strong and easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"I guess you're not careful," Liu Cong glared at her angrily, "Is it because you're afraid that I'll steal the credit, so you haven't broken down the tower yet?"

Liu Cong took out all the anger he received from Zhao Hanzhang today on Wang Mi, "Otherwise the palace tower is far inferior to the Luoyang tower. Why can Luoyang be broken in two days, but the palace tower can't be broken even after almost three days?"

Wang Mi sneered: "General Liu is so powerful, why not try it yourself?"

He snorted coldly and said: "There are not many defenders in Luoyang City, and all the soldiers and officials in the palace and their servants are among them. How can it be said that it can be broken?"

He glanced at Liu Cong calmly and saw that the armor on his chest was damaged. His eyes flashed slightly and he said sarcastically: "Why, General Liu had a bad time in going out today and lost to Zhao Hanzhang?"

Liu Cong sneered and said: "What a joke, I will lose to a female prostitute? She has already hit me with an arrow. She is the loser, not me."

"Really?" Wang Mi looked sarcastic, not believing it at all.

With Liu Cong's personality, if Zhao Hanzhang was really hit by an arrow, he would have already launched a fight with Zhao's army with his army. At this time, he came back aggressively to cause trouble for him. It was obvious that he did not get good things from Zhao Hanzhang, so he came back to cause trouble for him. .

Liu Cong failed to win over Wang Mi in the quarrel. He became even more angry and turned around to go back to his office opposite.

He was so angry that he smashed the table with his palm, showing hatred in his eyes, "Wang Mi is conceited, cruel, and disrespectful to me. If a war hadn't been imminent, I would have killed him."

The generals on the left and right had already had problems with Wang Mi. When they attacked Luoyang, they clearly attracted a large number of troops. They should have attacked Luoyang City first, but the villain Wang Mi got there first.

Especially Liu Yao. He and Liu Cong are clan brothers and are still close to each other, so he said: "He is a minister, and the general is a prince, so he should be respected as a general. But from the time he went on the expedition to now, he has been fighting for everything. Luoyang has been captured, and the people of Luoyang are the people of our Han country. Life and death are in the hands of the general, but he went past the general to plunder and kill the Han people, which shows that he does not take the general seriously."

Another man, Dan Li, also said: "Wang Mi is so powerful that even His Majesty doesn't pay attention to it. If things go on like this, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing. Now that the Jin Emperor is besieged, there is only one palace gate left. Even if it is a siege, we can Surround them. Why not take this opportunity to kill him to get rid of future troubles?"

Liu Cong glanced at him and said: "Zhao Hanzhang's army is outside. If we conflict with Wang Mi's people, we will be the ones who die!"

If Shan Li hadn't been a Huns, Liu Cong would have suspected that he was a spy sent by Zhao Hanzhang.

Liu Yao also felt that Shan Li's idea was too bad. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt something in his heart and lowered his voice and said: "If you find an excuse to invite Wang Mi here, we will kill him privately. Wang Mi's army will be leaderless. How can the general Can’t accept it?”

Liu Cong was moved, but after a moment he shook his head, "No, Zhao Hanzhang is here. Once we fail, or if we fail to control Wang Mi's army, it will be a disaster for us."

Liu Yao and Shan Li could only respond.

Zhao Hanzhang waited in front of the army for more than two quarters of an hour before Zhao Erlang rushed over with Xie Shi, "Sister, you..."

Zhao Hanzhang turned around and looked at him coldly, and Zhao Erlang suppressed his words.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "I'm tired. Let's go back and have a meal to rest. You and Xie Shi will stay here to prevent the Huns from crossing this street. Send people to guard each intersection to be careful of sneak attacks."

Zhao Erlang agreed.

Zhao Hanzhang took Tinghe and a group of soldiers back to the tent outside the city.

Fu Tinghan had received the news one step ahead. Waiting at the entrance of the tent, he paused when he saw Zhao Hanzhang riding back with no other color on his face except for his lips being a little white.

He was startled when he saw Zhao Hanzhang's feet were floating when he dismounted. He quickly reached out to support her and took her off the horse, "Are you really injured?"

"Put me down," Zhao Hanzhang whispered, "I have to walk in by myself to avoid disturbing the morale of the army."

Fu Tinghan put her down, held her waist, took her into his arms and brought her into the tent, "Where are you injured?"

Tinghe was about to cry. He untied his cloak and showed it to Fu Tinghan, "The girl has been hit by an arrow."

Fu Tinghan's face changed slightly when he saw it, and he hurriedly said: "Let the military doctor come in quickly."

The military doctor had been waiting for a long time. After hearing the order, he immediately brought the medicine box in. When he saw that it was an arrow wound, and the wound was downward on the shoulder, he immediately hesitated, "Here, the wound is here, how can I remove it?"

"Isn't it easy to pull out?" Fu Tinghan frowned and said, "I took a look and found that the arrowhead didn't go deep inside, so it probably didn't hurt the bones."

"That's what I say, but the general is a girl after all..."

Zhao Hanzhang raised his eyelids and glanced at him and said: "I don't mind, what do you mind?"

The military doctor looked at Fu Tinghan.

Fu Tinghan: "...I don't mind either, what do you mind?"

Dalangjun is quite reasonable.

After both of them said this, the military doctor started to take action, but he still didn't dare to do it himself. The hand holding the scissors would not cut.

Fu Tinghan was angry when he saw it. He grabbed the scissors and cut off all the clothes near Zhao Hanzhang's wound. He took off the armor that could be removed and cut off the parts that couldn't be removed from the joints.

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