Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 501 Drawing the Arrow

Fu Tinghan cut off all the unsightly armor and exposed his shoulders. The military doctor lowered his head. After being urged by Fu Tinghan, he raised his head to look at the place where the arrow hit.

Zhao Hanzhang's armor resisted for a while, and the arrow was not deep, but Fu Tinghan and the military doctor were still very scared, because for the person who was hit by the arrow, unless it hurt the vital part, the real fear is never the damage caused by the arrow, but the damage caused by the arrow. Infection problems caused by arrow wounds.

The military doctor took out his knife and glanced at Zhao Hanzhang nervously, "General, I will remove the arrowhead for you right now."

Zhao Hanzhang nodded.

Fu Tinghan couldn't help frowning when he saw that he was going to do it like this, "Don't you need anesthesia?"

"Ah?" said the military doctor, "General, do you want to use hemp powder? I'll have someone boil it right now."

"Okay, I've taken off my clothes and you didn't even think about the Ma Fei San. How long do I have to wait until you finish it?" Zhao Hanzhang said: "Come on, dig quickly. After digging, I still have something to do."

Fu Tinghan glanced at her, silently took a piece of wood wrapped in cloth from Tinghe and stuffed it into her mouth, then sat behind her and supported her.

Zhao Hanzhang also honestly held the cloth in his mouth and motioned for the military doctor to come forward.

The military doctor then stepped forward with a knife. He used the knife to separate the meat next to the arrowhead, and then pulled out the arrowhead accurately and quickly...

As soon as the arrow was pulled out, blood flowed out. The medical assistant quickly covered the wound with a medical bag. Zhao Hanzhang was sweating on his forehead. He just groaned and leaned into Fu Tinghan's arms. He looked hopeless and could not say a word. Prefer not to say.

The military doctor pulled out the arrowhead and looked at it carefully to confirm that it was not damaged before starting to prepare the next medication.

After the bleeding stopped, the military doctor opened the medicine bag and began to clean her wounds.

The main reason is that I am afraid that there is something bad on the arrow, so I need to clean up some flesh and blood before applying the medicine.

As a result, the wound was a bit big. After he had cleaned it, he was about to apply medicine. Fu Tinghan stopped him and said tiredly: "Didn't I let you practice suturing? First suture with thread and then apply medicine."

"Ah, the wound is not very big... Yes, let's put on the needle and thread." Under Fu Tinghan's gaze, the military doctor immediately took out the needle and thread.

They basically don't know how to sew up arrow wounds. They only use sutures when they have big wounds made by knives and the bleeding cannot be stopped.

After all, they are not very proficient in this new medical skill, and it takes a long time to use it.

The military doctor sutured Zhao Hanzhang, and after taking the golden sore medicine, he was about to sprinkle it on. Fu Tinghan took it and said, "I'll do it."

The military doctor reluctantly stepped aside and hurriedly asked someone to boil the medicine. He stood aside with his head lowered, not daring to look at the two people on the bed. Oh no, it was three people.

Tinghe helped Fu Tinghan, and the two worked together to bandage Zhao Hanzhang's wound.

Zhao Hanzhang slowly raised his hand to take off the cloth strip he was biting, and said with a white face: "The medical skills of the doctors in our army are worrying."

Military doctor: ...

Zhao Hanzhang said to Tinghe: "Go and send a message to Fan Ying and ask her to recruit doctors and apprentices who have studied medicine among the refugees. One by one, don't be stingy with money and win them over to me."

He added: "We still don't have enough military doctors. We can't always hope to recruit people from outside. We also need to train people ourselves. We are not used to suturing such a big incision. So how big of an incision do we usually have to make?"

She said: "You have to use the new medical skills you learn, otherwise it will be wasted? Recruit more people, regardless of whether they are men or women. As long as they are careful and strong, they will all be recruited. The treatment of trauma is the first thing to learn."

Zhao Hanzhang looked at the military doctor who didn't even dare to look at her, and couldn't help but sigh and looked back at Fu Tinghan.

Fu Tinghan: "...Don't worry about these things, have a good rest, I will take care of it."

"I remember there was a doctor named Zhang Sheng...well, I won't talk about it anymore," Zhao Hanzhang honestly shut up under Fu Tinghan's gaze, leaned into his arms and said, "I'll leave this matter to you, by the way. Where is Mr. Ji?"

Seeing that she really couldn't take any time off, Fu Tinghan had someone bring the medicine, drink it for her and press her down on the bed, "At least you have to rest for half a day and you can't do anything anymore. I'll do the rest."

Fu Tinghan turned around and told Ting He, "You watch here and don't allow her to get out of bed and move around."

Tinghe immediately responded, "Yes."

Fu Tinghan left with the military doctor.

Zhao Hanzhang lay on the bed honestly, but couldn't sleep.

Her shoulder was still hurting, and she felt the burning pain of the golden sore medicine applied to the wound, but she didn't feel too uncomfortable in her heart. She was reviewing today's battle.

She didn't expect that Liu Cong was more shameless than a modern person like her. He even ignored the rules of the fighting general and ran away. It seemed that she was not shameless enough. This wouldn't work.

If she had thrown the gun at that time, she didn't know if she could have hurt Liu Cong.

Zhao Hanzhang described what happened at that time in his mind, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that if he had thrown the gun out at that time, he would definitely be shot to death.

Her gun tip is made of steel!

But is she strong enough?

Zhao Hanzhang clenched his right hand under the quilt, felt the strength of his body and shook his head slightly, "No, I still have to practice my strength."

"Ah, what did the girl say?" Tinghe turned around and asked.

"It's nothing," Zhao Hanzhang said, "I'm hungry. Go and ask for some food."

Tinghe hesitated for a moment and then said: "Girl, you have a wound and cannot eat hair."

"I eat pork."

Ting He said: "Girl, it's not that I look down on pork, but we don't have pork to eat during the march."

"Where's Mitze? He hasn't arrived yet? He brought the army rations, right? I remember he brought pigs with him."

Tinghe saw that she really wanted to eat, so he got up and went out to ask. After a long time, he came back and said, "General Mi's army said it will take two days to arrive."

"It's too slow," Zhao Hanzhang said: "Send someone to urge him to arrive before sunset tomorrow."

Then he asked: "What about Xun Xiu? Let him lead the army to take a detour. Where has he gone? It's been a day since I arrived, and there is still no sign of him."

Tinghe went out to ask again, and soon came back with a calm face and said expressionlessly: "General Gou will be here tomorrow. Madam, please stop asking me questions. The big man scolded me just now, saying that I was not optimistic. You clearly said you wanted to rest, but you ended up taking care of military affairs by asking for meat."

Zhao Hanzhang: "I have one last question. How is Erlang doing in the city? There is no fight, right?"

Tinghe wanted to pretend that she didn't hear, but she couldn't help but ran out to ask for her. After a while, she came back and said: "Erlang Jun was scolding the Huns opposite. He was scolding so loudly that there was no fight."

"You are not allowed to ask again. If you ask again, I won't tell you."

Zhao Hanzhang pulled on her mouth to indicate that she would shut up.

Shut up when he said it. Zhao Hanzhang closed his eyes and lay down to rest, but his brain didn't want to rest.

The current situation is not detrimental to them. After all, they are outside, including Wang Mi and Liu Cong, but it is very detrimental to the people in the palace. It is too difficult to rescue them.

In fact, Zhao Hanzhang had another worry that she never mentioned. She was very afraid that Liu Cong and Liu Yao would become angry and attack Luoyang City.

This is what they did in history, burning the magnificent Luoyang City and the Imperial Palace into ruins.

If they are unable to capture the palace for a long time, they may choose to set fire to it.

In history, it was so if they successfully invaded the palace, not to mention that it was not smooth now.

See you tomorrow

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