Weird And Hard To Kill? Sorry, I'm The Real Immortal

Chapter 1 Don't Let Them Know That You Can See!

Never let them know you can see!

Never let them know you can see! ! !

In the haze, Fang Xiu opened his sleepy eyes, and on the white ceiling, dense blood-colored characters pierced his eyes.

His eyes were lifeless, his pupils were slightly slack, and he looked as if he had just woken up, but in the next second, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he woke up from the bed with a bang like a frightened bird.

The whole person sat up directly.

"This...this is..."

Fang Xiu raised his head and looked at the blood-colored text on the ceiling with a look of horror and astonishment. The blood-red fonts densely covered the ceiling. feeling.

His mind is completely blank now, and he can't understand at all why he was sleeping at home well, and when he woke up, the ceiling of the bedroom was covered with words, as if someone bit his finger and wrote it bit by bit .

"What's going on? Who wrote on the ceiling of my house?"

"Don't... don't... let them know, can you see?"

Fang Xiu subconsciously read out the dense bloody writing on the ceiling.

However, in the next second, the bloody text all over the ceiling disappeared out of thin air, and disappeared very abruptly, as if it had never appeared before.

Fang Xiu rubbed his eyes in disbelief, then looked up again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see any bloody text at all, only a white ceiling.

"How is this possible?! Could it be that I've been blinded by sleep? Too many rewards? Hallucinations? Is it a dream?" Fang Xiu began to question his eyes.

"But the font just now is too clear, too real."

Such a strange thing made Fang Xiu inexplicably palpitate, his heart was beating very fast, as if being pinched by someone.

Whether it was a hallucination or reality, Fang Xiu just wanted to leave the bedroom quickly and get some air.

But just when he was about to leave the bed, his eyes subconsciously looked around, but his whole body froze suddenly, as if struck by lightning.

"This is not my bedroom!"

"What's going on? Am I still in a dream?"

Fang Xiu looked at the strange room in front of him in disbelief, the desk, the computer, the wardrobe, the bed, no matter what, he felt extremely strange.

He can be sure that this is definitely not his bedroom.

"Where the hell is this!?"

Fang Xiu didn't drink alcohol yesterday, and he didn't go to the wrong house. After working overtime yesterday, he clearly remembered that he came home, ate a bowl of instant noodles, went to bed, watched a small movie, and fell asleep exhausted.

But now, the bucket of instant noodles on the bedside table is gone, and the two balls of used toilet paper that were thrown on the floor yesterday are also gone.

Everything is too neat and too strange.

"What's going on here?" Fang Xiu murmured incredulously, but in the next second, a messy and strange memory flooded his mind, making him slightly absent-minded.

After a while, Fang Xiu came to his senses and stared blankly at his palm.

"Am I... transmigrate?"

"Transmigrate to a parallel world similar to the previous life?"

Fang Xiu was full of thoughts for a while. The strange memory just now was the memory of the original owner of this body. There were too many memories and they were too messy. He received all of them in just a short moment, so he could only pick up the important memories to read.

The original owner of the body is also named Fang Xiu, who is the same as the transmigrated Fang Xiu, both orphans, similar in age, almost identical in appearance, as ordinary as Gu Tianle.

The only difference is the life trajectory of the two, as well as the background of the world.

Fang Xiu, who came from transmigrate, was sponsored by kind people and his own hard work, so he was admitted to a key university and is currently attending university.

But Fang Xiu here is not so lucky. He was forced to drop out of school to find a part-time job because he had no money before finishing high school. He is currently working as a salesman in a sales office.

The background of the world is also similar to the previous life, but many historical processes and characters have long been plausible.

"But even if it is transmigrate, what happened to the bloody text just now? In the memory of the original owner of the body, such a strange thing never happened at all?"

The strange bloody text gave Fang Xiu a bad feeling. He searched the memory in his mind, but there was no relevant information at all.

At this moment, suddenly!

A gentle female voice sounded from outside the bedroom.

"Husband, it's time for breakfast."

Fang Xiu was startled by the sudden voice, and then was startled suddenly, husband! ?

Did I get married so early in the parallel world? Or a girlfriend? After all, there are quite a few male and female friends who call each other this way.

He hurriedly recalled the memory of his wife, but his thoughts were interrupted in the next second, because a beautiful figure in a white suspender silk nightdress came into view.

The first time he saw his wife, Fang Xiu's eyes widened subconsciously, and he was slightly absent-minded.

After watching too many beauties in short videos, Fang Xiu thought he was already very resistant to beauties, but when he saw his wife, his first reaction was not only amazing, but also amazing.

The woman in front of her was really too beautiful.

A pure white silk nightdress with suspenders is soft and fits very well, outlining perfect and imaginative curves.

The nightdress was very short, only covering the roundness, a pair of white and tender long legs exposed to the air, slightly glowing with a cold white luster, like the most precious suet white jade in the world.

She is not the ordinary fair skin, but cold white, commonly known as cold white skin, fair to cool toned, with a slightly pink undertone to the naked eye.

On the cold white fragrant shoulders, there are only two slender white suspenders hanging.

The swan-like neck and the delicate and beautiful collarbone are all displayed unreservedly.

With such an exquisite and perfect figure, even with a sixty-year-old face, it is enough to be called a beauty.

But her face was more than sixty points. If Fang Xiu were to rate it, he would score ninety-nine points. One point less is afraid of the other party's pride.

It was a face that almost fully interpreted the gentleness and beauty of women.

The eyes like autumn water are watching Fang Xiu affectionately, with a gentle smile on his face, that smile is very healing, as if it can heal all the wounds in his heart.

Fang Xiu suddenly felt at this moment that transmigrate is also good, at least if he didn't transmigrate, he would never find such a beautiful and gentle wife in his life.

"Honey, you're awake, it's time to eat breakfast." The wife said softly again with a gentle face like water.

Fang Xiu was about to agree in a hurry, after all, when talking with people, if he couldn't respond within two seconds, he would appear very wise.

But he didn't know how to address the woman in front of him, whether it was her name or his wife? daughter in law? baby? sweetheart? Or a good girl? So the memory of my wife frantically recalled in my brain.

The original owner of the body had too many memories, and Fang Xiu couldn't digest them all at once. Those memories were stored in the brain's database, and Fang Xiu needed to input commands to retrieve the memories.

At this time, he was searching for the memory of his wife, but... a horrifying thing happened.

Wife's name, no! Contact experience, no! Special hobbies, no! Favorite pose, no!

Nothing at all! !

Even, there is no such person in memory. is this possible! ?

The original owner of the body was actually single, so where did the wife come from?

Fang Xiu suddenly felt that his blood was congealed, and his heart skipped a beat. Looking at the gentle smiling wife in front of him, he felt his throat was dry, as if something was stuck, and he couldn't speak.

At this point two seconds have passed.

My wife is very patient, and she still has a gentle smile on her face, but the strange thing is that her smile has not changed from the beginning to the end. It is as precise as a robot, always maintaining a fixed arc and angle, and even the size of the curved eyes. Neither has changed.

Coupled with that cold white skin, it gave people the illusion of a dead thing.

It was as if a beautiful face was engraved on a white and delicate porcelain.

This is unbelievable, because a human being is a living creature with a heartbeat and breathing, just as it is difficult for a person not to blink for a long time, and it is also difficult for a person to maintain a constant smile without even the slightest trembling of the eyelashes.

For some reason, being stared at by such a smile, Fang Xiu no longer felt the gentleness before, but instead had a creepy feeling.

The once healing also began to become depressed.

"You... who are you?" Fang Xiu spoke with some difficulty.

As this sentence was asked, the wife's smile changed.

Huge surprise burst out in her eyes, and the originally gentle smile was exaggerated and enlarged, so that the corners of her mouth formed an astonishing arc.

"You can see me!" A voice containing suppressed ecstasy came from his wife's mouth.

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