
Fang Xiu fell into an ice cave!

I can see you! ?

See what happens! ?

His brain was confused for a moment, he wanted to clear his mind, but his wife didn't give him a chance at all.


The sound of porcelain shattering continued to be heard.

I saw that my wife's delicate and cold white skin was constantly cracking. In the blink of an eye, countless dense black cracks spread all over her body, and her whole body was like broken porcelain.

In the black crack, the sound of running water sounded, and the dark red blood came out of the crack like wriggling worms.

The wife's smooth long hair began to move, dancing wildly in the air like twisted black snakes.

"You can see me!!" An inhuman roar came from the wife.

At this time, her small cherry mouth had already reached the base of her ears, her flat teeth were jagged, and there was actually a mouth embedded in her mouth, as if a mouth had grown in her throat.

Fear hit Fang Xiu like a tide, instantly flooding Fang Xiu's body.

His body was inevitably stiff, his brain froze and went blank.

The next moment, the shadow of death arrived as expected.

A bloody mouth covered Fang Xiu's head.

Fang Xiu's eyes went dark, cold, slippery, and a feeling of suffocation emerged, his head was eaten by his wife.

Immediately afterwards, an unimaginable pain hit my whole body...

Fang Xiu, pawn!

The scene looked very scary at one point.

A suspected inhuman existence bit off Fang Xiu's head in one bite.

The headless corpse did not fall down immediately, and a large amount of blood burst out from the neck, like a fountain, soaking the bed sheet.

However, in the next second, the time and space around him began to shatter like glass, and everything returned to nothingness.


Never let them know you can see!

Never let them know you can see! ! !

On the white ceiling, it seemed that someone had bitten off their fingers and written all over densely packed blood.

Fang Xiu, who was sleeping, woke up suddenly, and sat up from the bed with a bang.

Cold sweat covered his forehead, he was panting heavily, and his eyes were full of fear.

what happened! Am I not dead? Could it be that I was dreaming just now! ?

This was the first thought that came to Fang Xiu's mind. However, when he saw the blood on the ceiling, his body froze instantly.

Never let them know you can see! ?

Damn it! This is not a dream!

Fang Xiu stared intently at the writing on the ceiling. Under his gaze, the bloody writing suddenly disappeared, as if it had been wiped off by something.

Disappeared again!

Is this sentence a reminder?

Let yourself pretend to be blind? No! No, the original owner of the body was not blind, he was just an ordinary person, and he had never seen his wife in his memory.

He has always lived alone, a very normal life, and has never seen or heard another person in the family. Perhaps it is because of this normality that he will not be killed like himself.

Then don't let them know that what you can see can't let your wife know that you can see her, you have to pretend that your wife doesn't exist!

Only by living a normal life like the original owner of the body, as if you are the only one at home, seeing or hearing, completely ignoring, will you not be killed.

At this time, a gentle female voice came from outside the bedroom.

"Husband, it's time for breakfast."

The voice is so gentle, with a little affection, giving people infinite reverie.

However, what Fang Xiu brought was only fear, endless fear.

The fear of being bitten off his head by the blood pot suddenly surfaced in his heart.

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

Because the wife has already entered the bedroom.

She is still wearing a white nightdress with suspenders, and her cold white skin is enough for a gentle smile.

"Honey, you're awake, it's time to have breakfast." The wife smiled softly.

The shadow of death shrouded him, he was just an ordinary person, when had he experienced such a weird thing, and when had his head been bitten off by inhuman weirdness.

But this time, he suppressed his fear and lowered his head to look at his quilt, trying to pretend not to see his wife according to the prompt in the blood.

But who knows, my wife didn't follow the common sense at all, and bent her slender waist directly towards Fang Xiu's trousers. When her face was about to touch the quilt at the trousers, she turned her head upwards and faced Fang Xiu. Smiling softly.

For a moment, the four eyes met, and the air froze.

The next second, I saw a horrifying look of surprise burst out in my wife's eyes, and the gentle smile on her face was instantly ferocious.

"You can see me!"

Fang Xiu turned into a headless corpse again.


Never let them know you can see!

The bloody text pierced Fang Xiu's eyes again, Teng!

Fang Xiu bounced off the bed again, panting heavily.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Another death made him feel angry in addition to fear.

I'm dead, I'm alive again, death rollback? Infinite loop? Return to the original origin after each death? Something like an in-game save?

I just looked down at her, but she took the initiative to come over, which further confirmed my guess, which means that she must confirm that I can see before she will do anything.

Fang Xiu's brain was running fast.

At this time, a gentle female voice appeared again.

"Husband, it's time for breakfast."

The wife with a gentle smile slowly walked into the bedroom.

This time, Fang Xiu directly took out his mobile phone and started pretending to play with his mobile phone. He swiped the short video and saw Miss Hei SI.

His back was already wet with cold sweat.

"Honey, why are you looking at other women in front of me? Do you not like me anymore~"

I like Nima! Fang Xiu cursed in his heart.

He continued to swipe the short video, trying to divert his attention. This time he had experience, and deliberately put the phone so close that he almost slapped his face, in order to block his sight.

"Husband, I remember you are not nearsighted, why do you put your phone so close? Can you see me?"

Fang Xiu was shocked instantly!

Isn't it okay to make unusual moves?

However, after the wife finished saying this, she didn't move her mouth directly.

This made Fang Xiu slightly relieved.

However, when he turned to the next video, his vision suddenly froze.

Because the young lady in the next video... is actually my wife!

The wife in the video smiles like a flower and is as gentle as water. "Honey, do I look good?"

Fang Xiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes fell on his wife's face uncontrollably.

"You can see me!!"

"I'm going to Nima!"

Fang Xiu was so frightened and angry that he threw the phone directly, hitting the wall and smashing it to pieces.

But the wife at the side came closer, her face was ferocious, her skin was cracked, and she kept repeating in her mouth: "You can see me! You can see me!"

"I saw Nima!"

Fang Xiu let out an angry roar, and punched his wife hard on the cracked face.

He never thought of himself as a wife beater and always hated it.

But life is like this, people will always live in the way they hate.

With one punch, Fang Xiu let out a cry of pain, as if his hand had hit a wall and was broken directly.

But the wife was intact, with crazy greed in her eyes, and without giving Fang Xiu any time to react, she opened her bloody mouth and bit off his arm in one bite.


There were shrill screams in the room.

Fang Xiu's death this time was miserable, worse than the previous few times, at least the previous few times he was killed by one blow, but this time he was eaten bite by bite.

It's really hard for a normal person to have this kind of experience, watching a weird thing eating away at your body bit by bit until you die.

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