"Xiao Zhao!" Wu Dahai yelled, but there was no reply from the darkness.

"Wu...Manager Wu, why don't we call the police." Someone suggested.

Wu Dahai's face was ugly, so he couldn't help walking to Wang Ziteng's side with a flashlight to ask for instructions.

"Young Master Wang, what do you think?"

At this moment, Wang Ziteng's expression was very strange. His previous anger had long since disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented fear, restlessness, anxiety, and even a trace of ecstasy of anticipation.

He seemed to be afraid of something, but also seemed to be looking forward to something.

Fang Xiu noticed Wang Ziteng's expression and felt strange.

He must know something!

"Young Master Wang?" Wu Dahai spoke again.

Wang Ziteng suddenly woke up like a dream: "What did you just say?"

"Young Master Wang, do you want to call the police? The yelling just now is obviously wrong. I'm afraid something will happen."

"Oh, that's right, call the police." Wang Ziteng seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly started calling the phone.

However, after a while of busy tone, the phone never got through.

At this time, other employees also exclaimed: "The phone can't get through!"

"I can't get through either."

"How is this possible? The police call can be made without a card, but now it can't be made."

"The phone seems to have no signal at all."

This time, everyone was even more flustered.

Even an employee who often visits the weird forum trembled: "Isn't it weird!?"

Everyone was chattering, and the scene was once very chaotic.

Wang Ziteng's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the lack of signal on the phone seemed to make him sure of something, only to hear him yell suddenly: "Shut up!"

After all, his identity was there, and his voice instantly calmed everyone down.

All eyes were on him for a moment.

Wang Ziteng's face was illuminated by the faint light of the mobile phone, and most of it was shrouded in shadow. Coupled with his weird expression, it was a bit permeable.

He swallowed hard and pretended to be calm: "Everyone keep quiet now, what I say next is very important! It is related to whether we can survive!"

The three words of "survive" seem to carry a strange weight, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts.

Li Feifei beside Wang Ziteng was taken aback: "Young Master Wang, what are you talking about, what are you doing to survive, don't be scared..."

"Shut up!" Wang Ziteng yelled violently, making Li Feifei's face pale with fright.

He took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly: "If I'm not mistaken, we're probably entering the realm of mystery now."

"Wang... Young Master Wang, what is a paradox?"

"Don't interrupt me! I don't have so much time to explain now, I said, you guys do it! Do you understand!!"

Wang Ziteng roared for a while, calming everyone down again.

"With my status, I have more contact with things than ordinary people, and you can't even imagine the secrets of this world.

To put it simply, there are ghosts in this world, and the so-called ghost domain is a domain of ghosts. You can understand the domain of ghosts as a different dimension space. This is a world of ghosts, a territory of ghosts!

What we have to do now is to escape from this damned treacherous realm, or everyone will be killed by treachery! "

This series of words directly shocked everyone's scalps.

sly! ?

Everyone thought that Wang Ziteng was joking, but after seeing the frightened expression on the other side's face, they didn't think it was right.

"Young Master Wang, are you kidding me? Where is the weirdness in this world?"

"What the hell! Didn't I just say, don't interrupt me! Mad! You bastards, if I wasn't a spirit master, I still need to live on you. You think I'm willing to tell you these secrets! "

Wang Ziteng's tone became more urgent, as if there was a knife on his neck.

"Whether you believe it or not, please listen carefully to me. We are definitely entering the realm of spooky things now. The mobile phone has no signal and the light is suppressed. This is proof. Remember, the only ones who can deal with weirdness are spirit masters. The so-called spirit masters are One who masters one's own spirituality.

My cousin is a spirit master, and he told me these words.

The only way for ordinary people to survive in the face of weirdness is to observe the strange pattern of killing, and then try to avoid it.

So from now on, everyone obeys my command and must not act alone, even if it is going to the toilet, I will solve it on the spot! "

What Wang Ziteng said made everyone skeptical. After all, it challenged their worldview for decades. Before they really saw Wei, normal people would take chances.

Perhaps the only one present who fully believed in Wang Ziteng's words was Fang Xiu.

Because his wife is a creep.

However, Fang Xiu was puzzled in his heart. Although Wang Ziteng knew about the existence of Wei, it was obvious from his appearance that he was not the same as himself, who could see Wei all over the street.

If Wang Ziteng could also see the weirdness all over the street, he would definitely not be as flustered as he is now.

Although his current performance as an ordinary person is quite good, it is far from enough. It is impossible to keep the color unchanged before the collapse of Mount Tai, and it is impossible to survive in front of the world full of weirdness.

But these are not important, the important thing is the spirit master!

When Fang Xiu heard that the only one who could deal with the weirdness was the Imperial Spirit Master, the flame of hatred in his heart began to churn.

Perhaps, the imperial spirit master can see the strangeness all over the world, and master the power to fight against the strangeness.

"Wang...Young Master Wang, what are we going to do now? Should we run away?" Wu Dahai trembled.

"You can't run!" Wang Ziteng shouted as if he was stimulated by something, "Everyone stay where they are and don't move!

There is no difference between running around in the treacherous domain and courting death.

My cousin told me that you must never run around in the Paradise, let alone look and touch, to avoid violating taboos. "

"Then... what are we doing now?"

"Observe! Everyone carefully observe the surroundings to see if they can find any abnormalities. Weird hasn't attacked us yet, which means we haven't triggered Weird's killing pattern yet."

After receiving Wang Ziteng's instructions, everyone began to look around.

Soon, three minutes passed, and no one noticed anything.

At the same time, no danger occurred.

This also made everyone faintly restless, and they became more suspicious of Wang Ziteng's words.

They even began to whisper, some people think that it may be due to the change of the magnetic field, or some unknown scientific phenomenon, which leads to the dimming of the light, the lack of signal of the mobile phone and the power outage.

As for the two colleagues who disappeared, they might have been accidentally electrocuted when the power was restored.

"Why don't we go out and have a look, I kind of want to go to the toilet."

"Yeah, there's nothing weird in this world."

Whispering sounds reached Wang Ziteng's ears, making him more anxious.

He cursed secretly in his heart, but he had to stabilize his heart.

Because he is also an ordinary person, his cousin of the imperial master once said that the best way to know the tricky law of killing is to use human life to fill it!

This is also the reason why he told everyone the secret before, to let everyone know the truth, and gather them around him, so that he can better test out the strange law of killing and let himself survive.

"Everyone, be quiet, I said, don't walk around casually, if you want to go to the bathroom, do it right there..."

Before Wang Ziteng finished speaking, a calm voice interrupted him directly.

"The ghost appeared."

There seems to be some kind of magic in the calm voice, or the message in the spoken word is powerful.

The scene was silent for an instant.

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