
"Where is the trick?"

Everyone looked around in panic, but found nothing.

"Fang Xiu, what nonsense are you talking about at this time, what's so strange?"

A terrified colleague glared at Fang Xiu.

"Yeah, yeah, what time is it, and you still deliberately scare people."

Fang Xiu looked at the crowd with a calm face, his handsome and fair face looked more refined in the darkness, coupled with that expression without the slightest emotion, it gave people a strange feeling of a living doll.

Everyone felt uncomfortable being watched by those calm eyes like stagnant water.

Even the voices denouncing him gradually faded away.

Suddenly, Fang Xiu spoke.

"Wang Xiaoli is gone."

Wang Xiaoli?

"Nonsense, Wang Xiaoli is obviously by my side, Wang Xiaoli, please say something." A colleague hurriedly called.

As a result, Wang Xiaoli did not respond.

The man's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly took a photo with his mobile phone, only to realize that Wang Xiaoli, who was beside him before, had really disappeared.

"Wang Xiaoli! Wang Xiaoli!"

He quickly shouted twice, but there was no response for a long time.

This time the crowd exploded.

"Wang Xiaoli really disappeared!"

"Could it be that it really happened?"

"Fang Xiu, do you see what the ghost looks like?" Wang Ziteng asked suddenly.

Although Wang Ziteng had conflicts with Fang Xiu, before the crisis of life and death, he would not fight.

Fang Xiu replied calmly: "My vision is blocked in the dark, I didn't see the ghost, I only saw Wang Xiaoli disappear."

He looked as calm as if what had just disappeared was not a person but an ant.

When a normal person sees such a weird situation, not to mention screaming loudly, at least they have to look panicked.

But Fang Xiu told the story of Wang Xiaoli's disappearance without any haste, without any emotion.

All the people present were not idiots, they had been working in the workplace for many years, and no one had the ability to observe people's behavior. Everyone could see that Fang Xiu's composure was a little abnormal.

Wang Ziteng suddenly looked suspicious: "Fang Xiu, you don't seem to be afraid of ghosts at all. Are you a spirit master?"

Fang Xiu shook his head and asked, "What is a spirit master?"

The suspicion in Wang Ziteng's eyes grew stronger.

"A master of spirituality is a person who controls his own spirituality. I don't know the specifics. Spirituality seems to be the power of the soul. My cousin said that there is a huge power hidden in the human mind, but everyone's mind is in a state of dust. , like a night pearl, covered with dust.

The Imperial Spirit Master is someone who wipes away the dust and lets the soul shine with spiritual light. "

Wang Ziteng wanted to continue explaining, but Wu Dahai on the side interrupted directly: "Young Master Wang! What time is it, why do you still have time to popularize science? People have already started to disappear, so you should think of a way to escape. .”

"Shut up!" Wang Ziteng was furious: "Escape? How? Where are you going? Now there are only three people missing. If we move around indiscriminately and trigger the treacherous taboo, maybe we will all die!

Furthermore, the secrets I am talking about now are related to our life and death!

How do you think the Imperial Spirit Master came from? They are not born, but acquired.

At present, the best way to break the situation is that someone can become a spirit master! "

"So, the Spirit Master was trained in the Paradox?" Fang Xiu said suddenly.

Wang Ziteng nodded in surprise, as if he was surprised that Fang Xiu could still maintain such a keen sense of judgment.

"That's right, if you want to become a master of spirits, you can only rely on the power of Gui!

As I said before, everyone's mind is in a state of dust. If you want to polish your mind, you must meet two conditions.

One is to experience the great terror between life and death. Only after experiencing the baptism of life and death can the dust on the mind be loosened, or some major stimulation can be done to stimulate the mind.

The second is to get in touch with ghosts, through contact with ghosts, let the power of ghosts invade the soul.

Just like a rag, wipe off the dust.

However, one thing to note is that although the power of cunning can wipe away the dust on the soul, it itself carries a kind of pollution. When polishing the soul, it also pollutes the soul.

If the mind is compared to a dusty night pearl, then the treacherous power is a bloody rag, and when the dust is wiped off, the night pearl will inevitably be stained with blood.

The so-called spiritual radiance is actually the product of the brilliance of the mind itself being twisted. "

After Fang Xiu listened, he already had a calculation in his heart.

It seems that this is a world of idealism, and the power of the imperial spirit master is the product of the combination of his own mind and strange power.

The state between life and death is the catalyst for both, just like those chemical reactions that require heating, the state between life and death is the process of heating.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiu was slightly puzzled, between life and death, contact with strangeness, both of which are already enough for him, why didn't he light up his spirituality? Or is it already lit up, but I didn't notice it?

At this time, Wang Ziteng continued to explain: "So, everyone present has the opportunity to become a spirit master. Once someone becomes a spirit master, there is hope of escaping from the paradox!"

"What are the characteristics of lighting up one's own spirituality?" Fang Xiu asked again.

"First of all, the physical quality surpasses ordinary people, the senses become very sensitive, and after the spirituality is lit, one will awaken a unique ability. This ability is a reflection of one's own soul. There is no identical mind, so there is no identical ability. .”

ability? Soul portrait?

Fang Xiu first thought of resetting by death, could this be his own ability?

No, no, my physical fitness and senses are no different from ordinary people, and have not been strengthened at all.

Moreover, he has a faint intuition in his heart that the ability to roll back after death should be possessed after transmigrate, rather than something that lights up spirituality.

Based on a comprehensive judgment, it seems that he should not have enlightened spirituality at present.

So here comes the question, since the resetting of death is not the ability brought by lighting up the spirituality, then I obviously meet the two conditions to become a master of spirits, why haven't I become a master of spirits yet?

At this time, Fang Xiu suddenly realized that he hadn't met all the conditions, because he was reverted by death.

There is a state between life and death, this thing should not disappear with the death rollback, it should be a state of mind, and it will not change with the death rollback just like memory.

After all, my mentality has already undergone earth-shaking changes with many deaths.

But the conditions for contact with Weirdness have not yet been met, because every time you contact with your wife, you will die, and if you survive this time, you will have no contact.

There is also the weirdness all over the street, Fang Xiu guessed, it is not contact at all, because when there is no "seeing", the weirdness does not exist for human beings.

This time it is completely different, the cunning hidden in the dark seems to have broken into reality from illusion, and can kill people without meeting the "seeing" condition.

The disappearance of the mental hospital, the deceitful fact that people can kill without "seeing", and the master of spiritual masters are intertwined in Fang Xiu's mind.

There must be some kind of connection, it's just not found yet.

Although he was in danger now, Fang Xiu felt a rare joy at this moment.

Because he saw the hope of revenge, that is to become a spirit master.

Suddenly, Fang Xiu's peripheral vision flickered: "Another person disappeared."

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