Weird And Hard To Kill? Sorry, I'm The Real Immortal

Chapter 39 Fang Xiu Equals Wei Guangzheng?

Mentioning this point, Shen Lingxue had a mocking smile on her lips: "Wang Ju, you won't believe what he said, right? Looking around the world, there is no weird domain where dozens of weird ones can exist at the same time, so Fang Xiu can't." For a newcomer, even if he can really predict the future and see dozens of weirdos, it can only mean that what he sees are weird slaves controlled by weirdos.

When people are in extreme fear, any disturbance will be infinitely magnified.

According to my judgment, there should be two ghosts in the entire Bailiu Academy ghost domain. If there are dozens of ghosts, Fang Xiu will not be able to survive even if he is omniscient, let alone foreknowledge.

One is the weird form of the female doctor. It is recommended to be code-named Dr. Sly. The law of killing is to kill people nearby, and only kill one person at a time. The next attack will not be launched until the meal is finished. From the description, the level of Dr. Sly should be D level weird.

The other one is weird that manipulates dreams. It is suggested to be code-named Nightmare. The law of killing is to kill in dreams. It can force people nearby to fall into a dream. In the dream, various horrible things will appear to detonate your fear. Once you fall into fear, you will die.

But on the contrary, as long as you are not afraid, Nightmare is not as harmful as Dr. Gui, who seems to have no physical means of attack. Considering its particularity and the degree of harm to ordinary people, it is recommended to rate it as a C-level weirdness.

After all, Physician Sly doesn't have the means to kill people on a large scale, but Nightmare can make many people sleep at the same time.

To sum up, considering that Bailiu Academy is a fixed treacherous domain, and the area where it is located is sparsely populated, it is recommended that the hazard level be Class C. "

"How terrifying is the nightmare dream?" Wang Dehai pondered.

Shen Lingxue touched the newly made manicure casually, and said casually: "How high can it be? It's just enough to scare ordinary people. Then Fang Xiu has a good psychological quality, and with the ability to predict nightmares in advance, he knows everything It's an illusion, so there's definitely no fear.

As for Zhao Hao, he was cowardly and lustful, and managed to survive by watching short movies to reduce his fear.

It can be seen from this that even this kind of newcomer can not be afraid of nightmares, let alone a senior spirit master who has experienced many strange incidents.

Nightmare's ability is suitable for surprise attacks. Once it is known in advance that it is an illusion, it may not be as harmful as the female doctor. "

Wang Dehai nodded. He still believed in Shen Lingxue's judgment. After all, he was a senior spirit master who had experienced many strange incidents.

"Agreed to the code name, let's create the files of Physician and Nightmare. As for the plot of Qingshan Mental Hospital, everything will be deployed after tonight's lottery. If you don't win the lottery, it means that there is something wrong with Fang Xiu, and his words will not be trusted.

Knowing so much information without the ability to predict the future must be because there is a huge organization behind it, maybe it is a conspiracy against the Bureau of Investigation.

Next, bring Fang Xiu here, I want to meet him. "

Shen Lingxue was a little surprised: "Boss Wang, do you want to meet Fang Xiu in person? I'm afraid this does not comply with the regulations. What Fang Xiu's real ability is is still unknown. If there is a civil organization standing behind him, its real purpose is to lie." Claiming that he can predict the future, and then sneaking into the investigation bureau? And he has not yet undergone a mind pollution test, so it is not clear how high the risk of losing control is.

To be on the safe side, let the captain see him. "

But Wang Dehai shook his head: "Captain Yang is not in the bureau at the moment, he is tracking down the whereabouts of Tougui."

"What about the deputy captain?"

Wang Dehai smiled: "He went too."

Shen Lingxue was immediately surprised: "The two of them can still act together?"

"Do you think these two people might act together? They are competing with each other, and they are both acting alone. Let's see who can solve the head-strange incident first."

Shen Lingxue was a little speechless: "Is this the damned desire to win between men? A captain and a vice captain, or are they really not ordinary naive, taking weird events as something, a competition?"

"Okay, go call Fang Xiu, in the investigation bureau, he really has evil intentions, and he can't make any trouble."

Seeing Wang Dehai's insistence, Shen Lingxue had no choice but to obey, but she still added: "I'll let him take the mind pollution test first, and bring him here if he passes the test."

After finishing speaking, Shen Lingxue acted arbitrarily and left directly.

Wang Dehai was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

He knew that Shen Lingxue was protecting him, but as a leader, his orders couldn't be carried out smoothly, which also made him a little uncomfortable.

But he has long been used to it, and ordinary people manage spirit masters like this.



In the lounge, Shen Lingxue brought a professional spiritual lie detector and put it in front of Fang Xiu.

She held a test question in her white hand.

"Next, you will be tested for spiritual pollution. This is a spiritual polygraph, which is different from ordinary polygraphs. It detects polygraphs based on spiritual fluctuations. Ordinary polygraphs can be fooled by professionally trained agents, but spiritual polygraphs No one can be fooled.

Spirituality is the embodiment of the mind, as long as you don't mean what you say, it will respond, so you have to answer truthfully and not lie.

This is also the test that every newly promoted spiritual master must accept. The Bureau of Investigation will not let a spiritual master whose mind is seriously polluted outside. "

"Yes." Fang Xiu nodded.

"The first question, if there is a powerful monster that is slaughtering in the city, your choice is, first, fight the monster, second, escape alone, and third, save as many people as possible, and take as many people as you can escape. "

"I'll choose one, and fight the weirdness." Fang Xiu said calmly.

Shen Lingxue glanced at Fang Xiu suspiciously, and then looked at the spiritual lie detector, and the result showed that she was not lying.

She was suddenly slightly surprised.

She never thought that Fang Xiu would be someone who could lay down his life for others.

Fang Xiu did not lie about this question. He hated all the weirdness. Even if he couldn't beat it, he would try to get more information and find the weak point of the weirdness. If he couldn't kill it once, he would do it twice.

"The second question, if there will be more and more weird incidents in the future, human beings are obviously invincible, and intelligent weirdness will invite you to join the weird side. As long as you join, you will gain powerful power and an unimaginable power position. Will you join? ?”


"Really not? If Weird promised you a lot of power and gave you a place to protect your family, friends and loved ones from harm, would you join?"

"No." Fang Xiu's answer was still concise.

There were no fluctuations in the polygraph either.

Shen Lingxue was a little unconvinced, she always felt that Fang Xiu was not the kind of person who wholeheartedly for human beings.

"Then what if your family joins Weird and invites you to join?"

"I have no family."

"What about my friend? As far as I know, you have a good relationship with Zhao Hao, and he is your only friend. If he wants you to betray humans and join the weird side, will you agree?"

"Then I don't mind not having friends."

Shen Lingxue: "..."

"The third question, what do you want to do most after becoming a master of spirits? Or your ideal."

"Kill all the weirdness in the world."

For a moment, the room fell into silence, Shen Lingxue looked at the unresponsive polygraph, feeling a little inconceivable.


When did such a great and upright character appear in the team of the Imperial Spirit Master?

She has seen many spirit masters undergoing tests, but there is absolutely no one like Fang Xiu.

Some spiritual masters even answered very selfish and perverted. After all, they are all people with polluted hearts, and the dark side of human nature is infinitely magnified.

For example, the first question, the powerful strangeness is killing people in the city, some people choose to escape alone, and how much can be saved by choosing with a little conscience.

Those with a relatively high degree of spiritual pollution are even more exaggerated.

What? Weird is on a killing spree? Then I will help kill together and see who kills faster.

The second question is whether to join the weird side.

The answer of most of the spirit masters is to join if you can't beat it, join whoever is strong, and join whoever treats me well.

Perverted Spirit Master: I like the weird one the most!

Not to mention the third question.

What is it like to survive, to stand out, to be rich, to marry a hundred wives, and so on.

Perverted Spirit Master: "Flesh and weak, Weird Ascension! My ideal is to become a qualified Weird."

In fact, it is not that no one answers like Fang Xiu, but after they answer, the polygraph will buzz.

But Fang Xiu's answer did not elicit a response from the polygraph, which means that what he said was true!

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