Weird And Hard To Kill? Sorry, I'm The Real Immortal

Chapter 40 I Have Traveled Between The Future And The Past Countless Times

Shen Lingxue couldn't help but change her opinion of Fang Xiu. Could it be that he is the cold-faced and warm-hearted person in the legend?

Hidden under the iceberg-like face is a sincere heart that shines for mankind?

After a moment of silence, Shen Lingxue asked several other questions, and Fang Xiu answered them truthfully.

Then Shen Lingxue was completely dumbfounded.

What kind of angel who loves the suffering of the world has fallen into the world? If the spiritual lie detector is correct, this Fang Xiu is simply a human little angel.

In the entire team of imperial spirit masters, there is no one who is as upright and kind as him.

"The last question, can you really predict the future?"

Fang Xiu looked at Shen Lingxue calmly, and said lightly: "I have traveled between the future and the past countless times, witnessed death and rebirth, and experienced infinite possibilities. To me, the future is just a doll that can be observed and changed at will."

Shen Lingxue looked at the unresponsive spiritual lie detector, and actually believed Fang Xiu's words in her heart.

But I still can't help complaining, asking if you can predict the future, can you just say no? Do you have to pretend?

After complaining, Shen Lingxue put away the lie detector and stood up, her attitude seemed to have changed.

If the previous attitude was indifference, now it is alienation.

It seems that he doesn't want to stand with Fang Xiu.

Human beings are like this. When you find someone who is more selfless and kind than you, you will feel that he is hypocritical and pretending.

But when you find that he is not pretending, you will subconsciously alienate this kind of character who is full of light. The light on his body will expose the darkness hidden in him.

Shen Lingxue felt this way now, at first she was very dissatisfied with Fang Xiu's self-righteous indifference, but after the test, she found that Fang Xiu was such an upright and kind person.

Then if you don't like such a good person, doesn't it mean that you have a bad character?

The pride in her heart prevents her from doing things that are arrogant and respectful, so she instinctively rejects and wants to stay away.

"You passed the test, come with me to see Director Wang." Shen Lingxue turned her head and left after saying this.

Soon, the two came to Wang Dehai's office.

Shen Lingxue put the test report in front of Wang Dehai.

"He passed the test."

Wang Dehai took the report, looked Fang Xiu up and down, and then smiled and said: "Fang Xiu, please introduce yourself. My name is Wang Dehai. I am currently the director of the Lvteng City Investigation Bureau. Please sit down."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the report and chatted tentatively while flipping through it.

It's just that Wang Dehai just said a word, but the next second he seemed to be stuck.


His eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the report in his hand in disbelief.

He even took out his glasses and looked at it twice, but still couldn't believe it.

It's just because this report is so perfect, let alone a master of spirits, even a normal person with an unpolluted mind cannot give such a perfect answer.

He subconsciously looked at Shen Lingxue, as if asking something with his eyes.

Shen Lingxue nodded expressionlessly.

Wang Dehai suppressed the shock in his heart, took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Fang, as far as this report is concerned, even if your ability is not to predict the future, I would like to invite you to join the Bureau of Investigation."

"No rush, we'll talk about it after the draw." Fang Xiu said calmly.

He wouldn't join the investigation bureau now, that would be meaningless, what he wanted was to join as a person with the ability to predict, and then he could ask for a suitable price.

At this time, Shen Lingxue said suddenly: "Ju Wang, I just used a spiritual lie detector to ask Fang Xiu if he has the ability to predict the future."

Wang Dehai suddenly focused: "What's the result?"

"He passed the test."

Hearing the affirmative answer, Wang Dehai couldn't help shrinking his pupils, but he didn't immediately believe it, because he knew that the spiritual lie detector is not omnipotent.

It can indeed distinguish people's lies. As long as what is in the heart is different from what is said in the mouth, the spiritual lie detector will alarm. However, if a person is hypnotized and he firmly believes that he can predict the future, then the spiritual lie detector Lies will be judged as truth.

This is exactly where Wang Dehai has doubts.

Then the two started chatting. Although the content of the report was perfect, as the director of the investigation bureau, Wang Dehai naturally had his own way of knowing people.

Fang Xiu dislikes this kind of small talk, in his opinion it is a waste of time, he just wants to become stronger now, and then make the weirdness of the whole world feel pain.

Fortunately, soon, while the two were chatting, the office door was slammed open.

A young man in overalls rushed in hastily.

Wang Dehai frowned suddenly: "How many times have I told you, don't be so impatient when you do things like this..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young man directly: "Ju Wang, something is wrong! The deputy captain... he is dead!"

"What!!" Wang Dehai suddenly stood up from the office chair, his face full of shock.

"How could he be dead? Bai Qi is not only the highest combat power in our investigation bureau, but also the number one spirit master in Luteng City, absolutely impossible! Come on, tell me what's going on!"

Hearing the news of Vice Captain Bai Qi's death, Wang Dehai was completely panicked. Bai Qi was his trump card. If this trump card fell, Luteng City would be in complete chaos.

"Both Captain Yang and Vice-captain Bai were searching for the whereabouts of Tougui before, but the two acted separately. In the end, Vice-Captain Bai found Tougui first in the unfinished building on the outskirts of Qingbei Town.

After Vice-captain Bai found Rentougui, he did not inform Captain Yang, but dealt with Rentougui alone. It was no problem to deal with Rentougui with the strength of Vice-captain Bai, but no one thought that in the unfinished building in the suburbs of Qingbei Town, except In addition to the strange head, there is actually another strange hidden, that strange made a sneak attack, so Vice Captain Bai..." Speaking of this, the young man couldn't help but turn pale.

"What! There is another one!?" Wang Dehai was furious instantly, and even picked up the folder on the desk and threw it directly.

"What is your intelligence work for! There is still a weird one hidden in Qingbei Town, why didn't you know it in advance!"

The young man was so frightened that he almost cried: "Wang... Director Wang, when the intelligence department conducted a city-wide investigation, they actually investigated Qingbei Town. At that time, they really didn't find that weird one. That one It's weird as if it appeared out of nowhere later!"

Wang Dehai took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Where's Yang Ming?"

As the director of the investigation bureau, he clearly knows that at this moment, he must not let his anger affect his judgment. Although those two weirdos were sneak attacks, they must have extraordinary strength to kill Bai Qi. If we don't deal with it, I am afraid that the entire Qingbei Town will be slaughtered, and even the urban area of ​​Luteng City will suffer accordingly.

"Captain Yang is on his way to Qingbei Town after learning the news."

"Prepare the car! Prepare the car quickly. All the investigators who have not gone out to do missions will rush to Qingbei Town for me. In addition, call the heads of the major private spirit master organizations and ask them to send people to Qingbei Town. As long as this weird incident can be solved, the investigation bureau is willing to give out three thousand spirit coins and ten spirit incense sticks as reward!" Wang Dehai almost roared.

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