Weird And Hard To Kill? Sorry, I'm The Real Immortal

Chapter 41 I Can Die Countless Times, But You Can Only Die Once

Hearing the spirit coin and spirit incense, Fang Xiu's heart moved. He had only seen pictures of these two things on the weird forum, but never seen the real thing.

Spirit coins are the main currency circulated among spirit masters, but few spirit masters will regard spirit coins as money. Spirit coins are precisely a kind of spiritual material, a special kind of steel, the steel of the soul.

It is a kind of steel that can transmit spirituality researched by the headquarters of the investigation bureau.

This kind of steel is very precious and possesses the property of transmitting spirituality, that is to say, a master of spirits can use spiritual coins to make weapons, armors and so on.

Ordinary weapons and armor can't deal with weirdness at all, but the equipment made by the steel of mind can play a role in dealing with weirdness as long as it loses the Entering Spirit property.

Never underestimate the role of weapons and equipment. The reason why humans can stand out from animals is inseparable from weapons and equipment.

When ordinary weapons and equipment are useless against weirdness, equipment made of mind steel is very important.

As for the incense, it is also a very precious resource developed by the investigation bureau headquarters.

Spiritual incense can alleviate the spiritual loss of the spiritual master.

Losing control of the mind is a problem that every spiritual master has to face. As the strength continues to increase, the pollution of the mind will become more serious, which will lead to loss of control of the mind, but the fragrance of the spirit can restrain the pollution of the mind. It can be said that every spiritual master A life-saving medicine for spiritual masters.

Wang Dehai kept making phone calls, mobilizing a lot of manpower and material resources, and the energy contained in the investigation bureau was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

All other functional departments were transferred by him at will.

After he finished making the phone call, he saw Fang Xiu beside him, and couldn't help saying to the young man, "Xiao Wang, take Mr. Fang to the rest room to rest. Xiao Shen called an emergency meeting!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Dehai took Shen Lingxue and left, while the young man called Xiao Wang took Fang Xiu to the lounge.

In the lounge, Fang Xiu drank his tea calmly, but he was constantly thinking in his heart.

Did the number one imperial spirit master in Luteng City die so easily?

Died by two strange hands.

These two weird levels should be relatively high, but this also shows the fragility of human beings.

The flesh and blood of human beings, even if they have spirituality, will naturally not have an advantage in the face of weirdness.

The simplest example is the female doctor in Qingshan Mental Hospital.

The female doctor is not too powerful and weird, but her skin is like steel, and ordinary hot weapons like this steel body can't break through the defense at all.

On the other hand, even if the spirit master is lit up, most of the muscles in the body can be mobilized, and the strength beyond ordinary people can be exploded, but if he is really hit by a bullet, he will still be injured or even die.

This is the gap.

In the final analysis, the error tolerance rate of a spirit master is too low. Even if you have powerful abilities, your body is still flesh and blood. As long as you make a slight mistake, you may be killed strangely. Bai Qi is a good example, who was killed by a surprise attack.

Weird is not the case. They also have powerful abilities, and the fault tolerance rate is very high. It is difficult for the imperial master to kill Weird in one blow.

It's like I can make countless mistakes, but you can only make one mistake. How can this be done?

But Fang Xiu didn't care about the strange natural weakness faced by the Imperial Spirit Master.

Because the weak one is the imperial spirit master, not him Fang Xiu.

He is different from ordinary people in his face. He is, I can die countless times, but you can only die once.

Fang Xiu just sat quietly in the lounge. Through the window, he could see many staff members in overalls busy running around. Obviously, Bai Qi's death was a major event, and it was enough to make the entire Luvine A big event that shakes the city.

Soon, it was afternoon.

Fang Xiu reckoned that the matter should come to an initial conclusion, and it was time to act.

He didn't intend to sit here for a day.

Afterwards, he glanced at the young man sitting beside him. The young man's face had been pale all morning, and he hadn't recovered from it all morning.

I don't know if he cared about Bai Qi's death, or felt that his intelligence work was negligent, and he was afraid of being held accountable afterwards.

Fang Xiu got up slowly and walked to the side of the young man.

Only then did the young man react.


As soon as he opened his mouth to say a word, the knife hit him hard on the back of the neck.

The young man lost consciousness for an instant and passed out.

After beating the young man unconscious, Fang Xiu quickly took off his overalls, put on himself, and left the lounge.

He planned to pretend to be a staff member to inquire about information, which would definitely not work in normal times, but now that the entire investigation bureau is in chaos because of Bai Qi's death, it's the right time.

With the documents in his hand, he imitated the people around him, pretending to be in a hurry, and walked around the investigation bureau wantonly.

His spirituality was mobilized by him, and his senses were quickly amplified. In the office, in the corridor, the sound of conversations and phone calls came to his ears.

"Although Deputy Captain Bai is cold on weekdays, his strength is unquestionable. He is the strongest in the entire Luteng City. I didn't expect such a powerful spirit master to die like this."

"Yeah, who would have thought that? Let me tell you, this death could have been avoided. If you want to blame Captain Yang and Vice Captain Bai for not dealing with each other and fighting for victory all day long, if these two act together , How could Vice Captain Bai be killed by a surprise attack?"

"Brother Li, I haven't been here for a long time. Please tell me in detail, what is the conflict between Captain Yang and Vice Captain Bai?"

"What kind of conflict can there be? It's purely a battle of spirits. Vice-captain Bai is recognized as the strongest, but when the captain was elected, it was Captain Yang Ming who won. Vice-captain Bai has always been dissatisfied."

"No, since Vice Captain Bai is the strongest in Luteng City, why did he lose to Captain Yang?"

"Hey, it's naturally because of Captain Yang's ability. Do you know what Captain Yang's ability is?"

"I've heard people say that Captain Yang's ability seems to be lucky."

"That's right, Captain Yang's ability is luck. It's a passive ability. It's useless except for luck. That's why Captain Yang has always been called the weakest captain by the spirit masters in other cities."

"No, then how did Captain Yang win the captain's contest? Deputy Captain Bai is known as the invincible existence among the second-tier Imperial Spirit Masters."

"How else can we win? Of course it's luck. On the day of the battle between the two, I don't know what unclean food Vice Captain Bai ate the first day. As soon as the fight started, he had a stomachache and started to lose weight.

When the two fought against each other, Deputy Captain Bai didn't dare to use force at all, for fear of jumping out, and then lost. Although Captain Yang is not capable, he is also a second-level imperial spirit master. Facing an opponent who dared not use force, he naturally won easily. . "

"Ah? No, why don't you suspend it since it's rare?"

"You're stupid. You don't know what kind of person Vice Captain Bai is. He's a typical high-cold man pretending to be aggressive. If you ask him to suspend going to the bathroom in public, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him, so he can only Fighting like nothing happened.

Poor Vice-captain Bai always thought that others didn't know that he was running away, but at that time, he went to many spirit masters, and all of them had good ears and eyes, and they had already smelled it. "

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