In the middle of the Blackwater River.

Fang Xiu and the others walked quickly, and from a distance, they saw a special operations team wearing black special operations uniforms and holding micro-guns.

They are all tall and tall, standing upright, and they look like they have received professional training.

However, in front of the special operations team, there was still a man and a woman standing. They were wearing jackets, hiking boots, trekking poles in their hands, and backpacks. They were dressed as tourists.

A man and a woman appear to be arguing with the Special Operations Squad.

"Why do you drive us away? This place doesn't belong to your family. You don't care if we come to travel and see the scenery."

"Yeah, this is not a scenic spot. Besides, even if it is a scenic spot, we can still buy tickets."

"We are carrying out a special mission, and no one else is allowed to approach, please leave quickly." A member of the special operations team said sternly.

At this time, Fang Xiu and others had already walked over.

The member of the special operations team immediately ran over and saluted: "Investigator Fang, the tenth special operations team is reporting to you."

Fang Xiu nodded, and just about to speak, a man and a woman walked over.

The man is tall and burly, with a resolute appearance, while the woman is tall and slender, with wheat-colored skin, giving people the impression of regular outdoor exercise.

"Are you their leader? Why do you..."

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, a savage energy came up.

Fang Xiu didn't even give them a chance to finish speaking, and directly ordered: "Drive away."


The special operations team took action immediately, and two team members came out directly, picked up the man and the woman, and rushed out.

The man wanted to struggle, but he saw that there were so many people and they were holding guns, so he didn't dare to resist in the end.

On the contrary, it was a woman who called out more urgently than anyone else.

"You wait for me, I want to sue you, do you know who I am? My father and the leader of the Public Security Bureau are friends, you..."

A man and a woman were gradually taken out of sight.

Zhao Hao sighed with emotion: "There are really all kinds of people. I always thought that online videos were all staged. In those online videos, some people even dared to fight with the security guards. I didn't expect that there are such people in reality.

These two people are also very powerful, so many people in uniforms with guns are here to perform tasks, how dare they collide? "

"Investigator Fang, these two claim to be travel buddies. They don't like to go to tourist attractions, but like to go to remote mountains and fields. Not long after we arrived, these two people came."

Fang Xiu nodded: "Wang Dehai arranged for you to come?"

The man nodded, and took out the ID of the Bureau of Investigation: "Director Wang asked us to cooperate with you."

Fang Xiu was not surprised. This is the benefit of the ability to predict the future. If you were a newcomer spirit master, you would definitely not be able to enjoy this kind of treatment. Even if you could, you should report and communicate in advance.

And all I need is a phone call.

"Did you bring everything?"

"Bring them all."

"Well, let's get started."

Following Fang Xiu's order, the special operations team immediately started to act.

Their speed is very fast and they are very professional. Some wield shovels to dig pits, open canals to divert water, some pull bundles of plastic pipes, some install pumps and generators, and there are special personnel to guard around , to prevent outsiders from coming and destroying.

They have obviously gone through professional calculations to direct the river water to other nearby depressions.

Not long after, the rumbling sound of the machine Weng sounded.

Under the action of dozens of water pumps, the water in the river is dropping rapidly.

Zhao Hao and Liu Shuai on the side were stunned.

"Is this a professional? It feels amazing."

"Yeah, if it weren't for hot weapons that don't have much effect on weirdness, I'm afraid there would be no such thing as a spirit master."

A few hours later, the river had successfully bottomed out.

You can already see the silt at the bottom of the river, as well as many small puddles scattered in all directions, as well as many fish jumping in the silt, and even bastards.

During the whole process, Fang Xiu and the others kept watching the whole process to prevent Shui Gui from suddenly violently attacking others.

However, as the water level bottomed out, the water ghost never appeared.

"Female corpse! There is a female corpse!" Zhao Hao exclaimed, pointing at a place in the mud at the bottom of the river.

In the mud, there was a hairless female corpse buried half of her body.

"Damn it, who is so cruel, cutting someone's face into four?"

Fang Xiu didn't answer, but directly opened the blood pupil.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by the female corpse, and under the cover of sunglasses, he searched in the mud with his blood pupils.

After a while, Xue Tong's gaze was fixed on a small puddle in the middle of the river.

He immediately closed his blood pupils, pointed at the small puddle and said, "Shen Lingxue, bombard this puddle with flames."

Without the slightest hesitation, Shen Lingxue chose to follow Fang Xiu's instructions. After all, she knew that Fang Xiu's ability was to predict the future.

From what she thought, Fang Xiu should have foreseen the strange location.

Shen Lingxue spread out her palms, a hot and bright flame appeared in her hands, and the temperature around her instantly rose.

Facing the position pointed by Fang Xiu, she violently flung out the flame in her hand.

The flames smashed straight towards the puddle like a long dragon.


The flames exploded, and a wave of heat swept across the audience in an instant.

And the accumulated water in that puddle directly boiled and evaporated, and even the wet silt began to dry up.

At this time, there was a shrill scream from the bottom of the puddle.

Immediately afterwards, a mass of flaming, scorched, wriggling hair broke through the ground.

"The weirdness has appeared!" Zhao Hao exclaimed, and took advantage of the situation to hide behind Fang Xiu.

The hair was floating in mid-air, flicking wildly, and the few strands of hair with flames were thrown directly by it, like a gecko with its tail broken.

At this time, the hair seemed to be irritated, and its hair began to spread, like a spreading spider web, five meters, ten meters, twenty meters...

It seems to envelop everyone.

At this time, Shen Lingxue made a move. She wanted to take revenge for being soaked in the cold lake water for a long time yesterday.


One after another hot and bright flames condensed in her hands, continuously bombarding her hair.

But at this moment, Fang Xiu heard the sound of a bullet being loaded.

He frowned and looked at the special operations team.

Instinctively sensed something was wrong. He was obviously a professionally trained soldier who knew that guns were useless against weirdness, and why did he load the bullets without receiving an order?

Zhao Hao and Liu Shuai at the side also persuaded: "Just watch from the sidelines, Shen Lingxue's ability can overcome this weirdness."

But in the next second, a shocking thing happened. These special operations teams pointed their guns at Fang Xiu and others as if they hadn't heard what everyone said.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing! My own people!" Zhao Hao shouted in fright.

"Quick... get out of the way! Our bodies are out of control!" A member of the special operations team shouted very stiffly.

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