"What!?" Shen Lingxue turned pale with shock, she didn't care about her hair that was about to be burned to death, she turned her head and raised the flame to shoot at the special operations team members.

However, she didn't make up her mind after all.

In the middle of her hesitation, the special operations team has pulled the trigger.

blah blah...

Flaming bullets spewed out towards Fang Xiu and the others.

If it's a pistol and there's only one person, maybe Fang Xiu can try to dodge the bullets, but if it's a group of people holding a microcharger, it's better to wait for death.

He also didn't choose to use Xuetong, because Xuetong was a single-target attack.

In just an instant, Fang Xiu and others were beaten into sieves and fell into a pool of blood.



Fang Xiu opened his eyes and found that he was in Heishui Village, surrounded by some passing villagers.

At this time, Zhao Hao's voice came from beside his ear.

"Brother Xiu, what's going on here? Could it be that these villagers all grew up eating black sesame?" Zhao Hao trembled.

"Where can I find such a powerful black sesame? I just saw several old people with the same hair, black and shiny, without a single gray hair." The fat man echoed.

Fang Xiu determined the current time point, and he couldn't help but think about it when he was wandering around Heishui Village.

After a while, the special operations team will be in place, and with their help, I and others drained the river and found that the hair was weird. Shen Lingxue fought with it, and was finally shot and killed by the special operations team.

Do you have the ability to manipulate others?

Fang Xiu thought of the female corpse, which was possessed by the hair before.

It's just that what he never expected was that the hairy man could control so many people at once, and the entire special operations team was controlled.

Since Hairy has such abilities, why doesn't he directly manipulate us?

Is it because we have spiritual protection, so it can't control it?

Fang Xiu faintly felt that something was wrong.

Could the timing of the appearance of the couple be too coincidental? Who would a normal person travel to a backcountry with nothing to do?

After thinking about it, he decided to take his own measures.

As time goes by, the plot advances to the middle of the Heishui River again.

In the middle of the Heishui River, the special operations team was already in place. Besides them, there were also a man and a woman in jackets.

"Why do you drive us away? This place doesn't belong to your family. You don't care if we come to travel and see the scenery."

"Yeah, this is not a scenic spot. Besides, even if it is a scenic spot, we can still buy tickets."

"We are carrying out a special mission, and no one else is allowed to approach, please leave quickly." A member of the special operations team said sternly.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Fang Xiu led the crowd and walked over slowly.

A member of the special operations team immediately trotted over and saluted: "Investigator Fang, the tenth special operations team is reporting to you."

Fang Xiu nodded, but did not speak.

At this time, the man and woman came over.

Still as before, the woman questioned savagely when she opened her mouth.

"Are you their leader? Why do you..."

Fang Xiu calmly looked at the man and woman in front of him. No matter how he looked at them, they were ordinary people, and there was nothing strange about them.

But his principle has always been, if you can't see it, then do it.


A silver light flashed, and the woman's voice stopped abruptly.

Not only that, the whole world was quiet.

Shen Lingxue and others, the special operations personnel, all looked at Fang Xiu and the woman in a daze.

I saw a scalpel sticking out of the woman's fair neck.

And it was Fang Xiu who held the knife.

No one expected that Fang Xiu would suddenly attack and kill someone, without any warning, even unimaginable.

Even if the woman made unreasonable trouble first, people just stepped forward to question you, and you were killed before they even finished speaking?

Fang Xiu ignored the strange gazes of the crowd, he watched every micro-expression of the woman closely, trying to see the other's flaws.

However, there is no flaw on the woman's face, she is like the most perfect actor, vividly interpreting emotions such as disbelief, bewilderment, and fear.


Fang Xiu pulled out the scalpel, and blood spurted from the woman's neck like an arrow.

This wasn't the first time he had stabbed someone in the neck, so he was quite skilled in his technique. He directly took the aorta and guaranteed to kill him with one blow.

As the scalpel was pulled out, the woman whimpered with unknown meaning, her eyes gradually lost focus, and finally collapsed on the ground.

Fang Xiu frowned slightly.

Is it because I shot too fast that she didn't react?

Or am I wrong in my judgment, she is just an ordinary person?

"Fang Xiu! What are you doing!" Shen Lingxue's startled and angry voice broke the silence in the field.

"They have a problem." Fang Xiu just explained casually.

"Kill...Kill!!" The man accompanying him reacted at this moment, shouted in horror, and turned around to run away.


Another silver light flashed.

The man also had a hole in his neck and died.

At this time, Shen Lingxue had already distanced herself from Fang Xiu very vigilantly.

"Fang Xiu, I now seriously suspect that you have lost control of your spirituality, you better give me an explanation!"

"If I say they have a problem, there must be a problem."

Zhao Hao seemed to have reacted, hesitantly said: "Brother Xiu, have you... noticed it?"

Fang Xiu nodded.

Shen Lingxue was a little dubious, but she couldn't ask many questions in front of so many people, after all, Fang Xiu's ability was a secret.

Fang Xiu doesn't care about being suspected, because he will die and revert after a while.

Killing the couple was just to eliminate their suspicions, because Fang Xiu always felt that the timing of the couple's appearance was too coincidental, and controlling the special operations team didn't necessarily have to be tricky.

It is true that other methods can be used to investigate suspicions, but there is no doubt that killing is the fastest.

Regardless of whether this pair of men and women messed up, just kill them first and see if the special operations team will be controlled.

Later, Fang Xiu ordered to the special operations team: "Now disarm all of you immediately."

The captain of the special operations team was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but in the end he followed suit.

After they disarmed, Fang Xiu ordered them to start pumping water.

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