Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 117 The live broadcast on the strange bus, the weirdness of loving live broadcasts

However, not everyone is so ignorant. Some people directly raised several question marks.


Damn it, anchor, you are so brave.

This is the weird bus.

Anchor, run away quickly, anchor! "

Watching the barrage gradually igniting in the live broadcast room, Niu Dadan couldn't help but secretly smile, what's the trick?

In this age, there are still people who believe in these ghost legends.

He wouldn't believe it anyway.

“Haha, in order to reveal the secret of the ghost bus, I decided to venture into the ghost den.

If something happens to the anchor, don’t forget to call the police."

Niu boldly switched the camera, laughed and said, looking extremely heroic, and it felt like this trip would never come back.

However, just when Niu DaDang was about to get in the car with a smile, he suddenly heard someone shouting, telling him not to get in the car.

However, when he turned around to check, he was shocked to find that there was no one there under the dim street lights in the vast night.

For a moment, even Niu Daudao, who always prided himself on being bold, was frightened to death. He had no time to think about anything else and just entered the bus.

He obviously believed more in the visible bus than in the invisible voice.

When he came to the back seat and sat down, he looked towards the live broadcast room with lingering fear and said with an ugly face:

"Boys, I don't know if you heard it, but there was someone talking even though there was no one there."

"Damn it, I heard it too, it's so scary in the middle of the night."

"Anchor, tell me, are you the one who hired me?"

"What are you talking about? Our bold brother focuses on the truth. We always live broadcast by one person, let alone looking for support."

"Yes, yes, this brother is right, I am brave and bold even though I am not very popular.

But the main thing is the truth. If you say one person is live broadcasting, it is just one person live broadcasting. There is absolutely no trust. "

"Then what's going on? There can't really be a ghost, right?"

"Well, maybe there is someone nearby who wants to scare the anchor?"

"Did any of you see anyone?"

"Perhaps, after he finished shouting, he hid behind a streetlight or something?"

Watching the discussion in the live broadcast room, Niu Dandao slowly calmed down. He also felt that this was indeed very possible.

Involuntarily, Niu DaDa smiled secretly. He had broadcast so many supernatural adventures live, but he was actually frightened by such a little trick.

"Haha, someone is hiding something.

Anchor, you entered the bus in a really weird way. I have already called the police.

However, since you have already boarded the treacherous bus, just wait for death.

You'd better pray for a quick death.

Well, here comes the rocket to see you off. "

Seeing such a barrage and the rocket streaking across the screen, Niu Dadan couldn't help but frowned. Who is this?

But before Niu Dadan said anything, everyone in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Damn it, who is this person? Does he have any sense of justice?

Is the anchor bothering you? He even cursed the anchor”

"Eh~? Don't tell me, is it true?

Anyway, the ghost buses in Ningcheng are rumored to be quite evil, so bold brother had better be careful.

If it doesn’t work, just get off at the next stop.”

"Haha, do people really believe it? How can there be ghosts in this world?"

"Hey! You don't know when you're going to die.

Anchor, please switch the camera and look in front."

Niu DaDang frowned again, what happened to this man? Why do you say such things?

However, when he was thinking this, Niu Dadan unconsciously moved his eyes away from the phone and looked into the bus.


Niu DaDang's face turned pale.

The whole bus was a miserable green color, looking extremely eerie.

What frightened Niu Bingdao even more was that the passengers sitting in front of him slowly turned their heads to look.

Each one of them had pale faces and dead, empty eyes, staring straight at him. Against the backdrop of the pale green light, they looked even more eerie and terrifying.

Especially the passenger directly in front of him, his whole body did not move, but his head turned 180 degrees, showing an eerie and strange smile.


In an instant, Niu Dandao froze on the spot, his teeth chattering.

"Eh~? What's wrong with the anchor? Why do you look like this?"

"Damn it, it feels like the anchor is about to cry? Was he moved by something?"

"Hey, are you moved? I'm afraid you're scared, right?"

"What happened?"

"Anchor, cut the camera! Cut the camera! Let's be healthy."

"Look, I hope you are mentally prepared!"

"What the hell, what's going on with this guy? Why is he always so weird?"

"There can't really be a ghost, right?"

"Guigui. Guigui. Guigui. Guigui. Guigui."

Niu DaDang's teeth chattered and he stammered, looking like he was about to cry.

"It can not be?"

"No way? No way?"

Looking at the ghost passengers who were getting up slowly, Niu DaDang was desperate. This time he was really dead.

However, I don't know if it was because of being overly frightened, but Niu DaDa felt relieved. It seemed that these ghost passengers were not so scary anymore.

If you think about it differently, these are just some terrifying, irresistible, murderers.

It's just death, so what's the point?

If you think about it this way.

Damn, he doesn’t want to die.



Swallowing his saliva, Niu boldly took a deep breath, raised his hand tremblingly, clicked on his phone, and switched the live broadcast lens.


The live broadcast room, which was still having a lively discussion, fell silent for an instant, and no comments were made.

A full ten or twenty seconds passed before someone sent out a barrage.

"Haha, listen to others' advice and eat enough.

Don't listen to others' advice, hey, host, do you have any ideas? .”

Glancing at the barrages passing by in the live broadcast room, Niu Dadan couldn't help but feel speechless, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

What ideas could he have? My only thought was that I was dead.

After this person's comment, the next moment a dense barrage popped up.

"Barrage protection! Barrage protection!"

"Oh my god! What a ghost!"

"How can there really be ghosts in this world? Host, tell me, are you the one who arranged the plot and actors?"

"You damn actor, your actor can turn his head 180 degrees?"

"Fuck! My pants are wet!"

"Hey~, something's wrong with you upstairs!"

"Gan, what's wrong? Didn't you just pee your pants? I even peed my pants too."

And just when everyone was discussing it in full swing, an enlarged and bold barrage suddenly floated by, attracting everyone's attention.

"Eh~? How could this happen? Anchor, what have you done? Are you the Trickster?"

"Hmm~? Trickster?"

"Is it possible that there is another world in this world? Is this Ghost Controller the one who handles these ghost incidents?"

"What about the Xia State official? Does the Xia State official have a department to deal with ghost incidents? Can you save the anchor?"

"Hehe, Xia Guo's official department naturally has such a department.

However, this is a B+ level weird event, and it is no longer something ordinary people can deal with.

Even if it is a cunning investigation, it may not be able to deal with the cunning bus."

"Damn it, is he so strong? Then what kind of sneaky bus is this? Isn't it invincible?

Isn't the anchor dead now? "

"It's not that we are invincible, it's just that our Xia Kingdom is too big for the Bureau of Intelligence to control."

"The Secret Bureau? The country's department that deals with these ghosts?"

"um, yes.

It's just a term for ordinary people, it's a special department. "

"Special department?

Eh~? Two days ago, a person died across the street from me, and it was handled by the special department.

Could it be that it was a ghost killing people? "

"No doubt about it, that is."

"Fuck! Is it too late for me to move out now?"

"???Now that it's been dealt with, why do you want to move out?"

"Aha, yes! So I don't have to move."

Looking at the comments barrage of Wailou, Niu Dadan couldn't help but cry. Is now the time to talk about this? He's still waiting for help, okay?

"Let me tell you, gentlemen, is my little brother still waiting for help? Should we discuss other matters later?"

"Ah hahaha, I'm sorry, aren't I worried about my own life?"

The corners of Niu DaDang's mouth twitched. What danger are you in? I'm going to be cool soon, okay?

"Eh~? Didn't that big brother just say that even Ning City's special department couldn't deal with that weird bus?

Isn't the anchor dead? "

"Ah~? My dears, big brother, big brother, think of a way to save my little brother."

Niu DaDang's originally resolute face was about to burst into tears.

"Haha, a big boss has already taken over the task of Ning City's Gui Bus.

That's a tough guy who completed two B+ missions in one day, and took on the third one, which is you, the secret bus mission. "

After seeing this barrage, Niu Dadan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"Ah~? Really? Then, when will the big boss come?"

"When can he come? Maybe he's already here, the one who told you not to get in the car.

As for the results? Did you see it too? You get on the bus and throw away the boss! "


In an instant, the screen was filled with “F*ck” and dense ellipses, densely crossing the live broadcast room.

"Haha, even though I know this is not good, I still can't help laughing."

"Haha, you're not the only one."

Niu DaDang was also dumbfounded at this time.

After doing this for a long time, are you still trying to commit suicide?

"Then, what should we do now?"

"What should I do? Salad.

Everyone who got on this treacherous bus, including a former treacherous driver, all died on it."


Another dense ellipsis crossed the screen.


"I wish the host a happy departure!"

"Good journey!"

Seeing the barrage that had sent him off in advance, Niu Dadan almost cried. He didn't want to die yet.

But in the next moment, a barrage that seemed to have a turning point appeared in the live broadcast room.

"According to the pictures sent by the former Trickster Controller, you should have been dead after such a long time.

So, anchor, why are you not dead yet, and why are all those weird things sitting back?

Anchor, what have you done? "


Seeing such a comment barrage, Niu Dadan couldn't help but was stunned for a moment.

What do you mean, it’s not right that I’m not dead?

Moreover, what's weird about sitting back again?

I was checking out the comment barrage just now, and now I looked forward through the live broadcast room.

Only then did Niu DaDa notice that the ghosts on the weird bus, or what the man called weird, had indeed all sat back.

However, their heads were still turned around, staring directly at him.

So, what did he just do?

He doesn't seem to have done anything?

No, he switched the camera!

Ah this

Niu DaDa was stunned for a moment.

Isn't this weird, do you still like live broadcasts?

At this time, Lu Yu had also opened Niu Bingdao's live broadcast room.

When he saw this, Lu Yu showed a clear look.

It seems that this strange bus is indeed about to break through to level A, and many of its abilities have already exceeded their limits.

For example, through Niu Bingdao's live broadcast room, the power of fear generated after being frightened by the weird can already be fed back to the weird bus across space.

At least, there will be some feedback of the power of fear.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that these strange things have gained power far beyond what can be obtained by killing a person in Niu DaDang.

Therefore, those weird people did not kill Niu DaDang immediately and let him go for the time being.

As for the ordinary weirdos on the weird bus, do they have such brains and know how to take the long term to catch big fish and get more harvest?

Even if they don't exist, the treacherous bus, which is about to reach level A, must have good intelligence, and it will naturally weigh the pros and cons.

Even if those ordinary weirdos disagree, under the suppression of the weirdos, they can only temporarily suppress their bloodthirsty and killing desires until they are so bold that they can no longer provide them with the power of fear.

After vaguely guessing, the tension and fear in Niu Dangdang's heart were greatly reduced. Although he did not treat it with a normal heart, he was not worried that he would die at any time.


Taking a deep breath, Niu DaDa was in the mood to see the environment of the bus, and moved his mobile phone to let the audience in the live broadcast room see the environment of the bus.

The entire bus looked very dilapidated, and even some of the inner skin had very obvious damage.

There were still some residual blood stains on some seats and aisles. The passengers sitting on the bus (weird) all looked at Niu DaDang with sinister smiles.

Greedily enjoying the strange power that came quickly from Niu's bold direction.

Perhaps because they were in the bus, their strange power resonated with the bus in some way.

The power of fear generated by them can also feed back part of their power to them through the power of the treacherous bus.

Please recommend! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!

Thank you Starfire*.

Now I am pursuing more than 300 readings, and 500 will be worth 10,000 per day.

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