Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 118 Weird Purpose, Change of Attitude in the Bureau

The relationship between the strange bus and the strange things inside the bus is almost the same as the relationship between the strange things and the strange tomb in Lu Yu's strange tomb space.

They can all be linked through some kind of resonance with each other, so that both parties can jointly obtain certain benefits, which can be regarded as complementing each other.

However, unlike the strange grave space, the strange relationship between the strange bus and the strange tomb space is more of a relationship between transportation and passengers.

Among them, Weird can freely get on and off the Weird bus.

As for the weirdness in the strange tomb space, as time goes by, it will swallow up more and more of the transformed power of the strange tomb, and gradually become bound to the strange tomb, forming an inseparable symbiotic relationship, even saying that It’s not an exaggeration to think that he is the puppet of the mysterious grave.

Similarly, most of the power swallowed up by Weirdness in the Weird Tomb Space will be fed back to Weirdness.

The Weird Bus is just the opposite. The power Weiyi gained from the Weird Bus was only a very small part of what they deserved, and it was all swallowed up by the Weird Bus.

Normally speaking, the power gained from the weirdness above the Strange Bus should only be a very small part, or even dispensable.

However, the situation now is different.

Although Niu Dandao is not a big popular anchor, he can be regarded as a small popular supernatural anchor.

Therefore, his live broadcast room also has thousands of fans.

The power of fear generated by a person may not be much, and it is not enough to share the weirdness and weirdness.

But the power of fear generated by thousands of people is very impressive.

Even if only a small part is diverted to many weird things, it is enough for the weak ones to quickly increase their strength.

Not to mention the treacherous bus that occupies the majority of the head.

This is also the reason why it does not kill the bold cow.

But gradually, as everyone gradually became familiar with the environment, layout, and those weird and weird images of the bus.

Although there is still fear in everyone's hearts, it is no longer as bad as when they first met.

Naturally, the power of fear in everyone's hearts began to decrease little by little.

The harvest has been reduced, and those weird people are naturally not happy.

Slowly, those strange things started to stir, and they slowly stood up again.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

They're up again, they're up again, and this time the anchor is really going to die. "

Seeing those weird movements, both Niu DaBang and everyone in the live broadcast room were all shocked.

Thinking of the final consequences, fear once again arose in everyone's hearts.

However, at this moment, those weird people sat down again.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

"Is he kidding us?"

"Are you kidding us? He's just trying to scare us."

Are you scaring us?

It has to be said that as a supernatural anchor, Niu Daudao is still very sensitive in this regard.

After seeing this barrage, my heart immediately moved.

Could it be that you just want to scare them?

And once they no longer feel fear, they will cause these strange dissatisfactions.

After thinking about this possibility, Niu boldly thought about it for a while, and then he was ready to give it a try.

As for how to try

Niu boldly stared at the strange passengers and began to stand up slowly.

Seeing those strange things, although they kept staring at him, they made no other moves, which made him feel a little at ease.

Afterwards, Niu DaDang slowly left his seat and came to a strange person.

Then, Niu DaDang didn't move his body or arms, but suddenly turned his phone around.

A strange, gloomy and pale face instantly appeared in the live broadcast room.

The next moment, the live broadcast room fell into silence again.

Afterwards, there was a series of barrages that frantically flooded the screen, and all kinds of complaints and curses were heard and heard.

However, Niu Dadan didn't pay attention to this at all, but kept squinting at the strange passenger.

Sure enough, the strange passenger who had been expressionless and just staring at him eerily, now narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a hint of intoxication.

At this moment, Niu Dadan showed a clear look.

These strange things really need to scare them.

As for what benefits they can gain from this process.

Niu Dangdang also had some guesses. As a supernatural anchor, he had naturally read many such documents, novels, or urban legends.

These strange things should be able to gain a kind of fear power from everyone's fear.

At this moment, Niu Dadan breathed a sigh of relief, maybe he could survive.

Later, Niu boldly made some more attempts. Although everyone in the live broadcast room was scolded, he did let him experiment.

Those are the weird things, and they really want people to be afraid of them, so that they can gain the power of fear.

However, Niu's bold actions were naturally noticed by everyone in the live broadcast room.

Gradually, some smart people discovered those strange anomalies.

"Damn it, I seem to understand the weirdness, why don't you kill Brother Daring?"

"I seem to understand"

"What do you understand?"

"Don't you understand yet? Those weird things are just trying to scare us.

Perhaps, just like those ghosts and demons, they can absorb the power of fear or negative emotions generated in our hearts. "

"Will that have any impact on us? Will it cause those weird things?"

"I won't watch anymore!"

In an instant, many people exited the live broadcast room.

However, although the total number of people in the live broadcast room dropped slightly, it did not change much.

Because some people still stayed in the live broadcast room after feeling that there was no change in themselves.

There are also some new viewers who joined after hearing about what happened in the live broadcast room.

There are also some people who can’t help but rejoin after quitting.

"Damn it, are we being mean? We know clearly that there is something weird and malicious, but we can't help but want to see it.

Are you willing to make leeks? "

"Yes! The leeks upstairs are so good!"

"Well, you're also pretty good as a leek."

" @Conspiracy Bureau, @Conspiracy Controller, are there any bosses who know about it? Do you know if this will cause any harm to us?"

Looking at this inquiry, Lu Yu thought for a moment and replied directly on the public screen.

"Paper-cut Man: No.

If you are near the weird and are affected by the weird power, it will indeed over-extract a person's spiritual power.

In severe cases, it may even lead to mental exhaustion and direct mental breakdown and death.

That is, scared to death.

However, through live broadcast, due to the long distance, the weirdness can collect the power of fear in us through intimidation.

But it has no direct influence.

Therefore, watching this kind of live broadcast is most likely equivalent to watching a horror movie.

It does consume energy, but it has no other effects.

What happens when you usually watch horror movies? What happens now?

Of course, if you encounter something too powerful, you need to be careful. Even if you are thousands of miles away, just seeing it through the screen is enough to affect people.

Therefore, sometimes you have to watch your eyes. "

And the reason why Lu Yu explained it in such detail.

At first it was indeed so.

Secondly, Niu's bold live broadcast also made Lu Yu see his opportunity.

Can he obtain the power of fear in this way?

At this time, Lu Yu was wondering whether he should find a few supernatural anchors and let them have an immersive experience when they live broadcast.

Speaking of which, Lu Yu's various skills are really suitable for this kind of scene.

Bloody handprints, bloody footprints, the sound of footsteps following closely behind, the strange sound of turning around, etc.

Of course, they all require some restrictions.

After all, Lu Yu didn't want to kill anyone, he just wanted to collect the power of fear.

While thinking this, Lu Yu suddenly came to his senses, what did he want to do? Isn't this going further and further in the direction of void fear?

Involuntarily, Lu Yu smiled bitterly, this is really an unpredictable situation.

However, Lu Yu didn't feel any guilt at all.

They watch fear movies, but wouldn’t it be the same when they watch this fear live broadcast? And while providing them with power, it doesn’t cost them any money.

Doesn’t this serve multiple purposes?

Entertain the public and achieve yourself.

Lu Yu's barrage immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

"Eh~? Is this true? Is this person an official?"

"Who knows? Is there anyone out there who can explain?"

In the live broadcast room, there are naturally people who know Lu Yu, or know the identity of Lu Yu as the paper cutter.

After all, for such a long time, Niu Daring's supernatural live broadcast had already caused an uproar in the spooky forum before it caused waves among ordinary people.

At this time, except for those night owls, most ordinary people have already gone to bed.

On the contrary, most of the weirdo masters have become night owls for various reasons, and there are even more people who visit weird forums.

When the first Weird Controller discovered Niu Bingdao's live broadcast room and discovered that the place where he was live broadcasting was a Weird Bus, he had already sent the screenshot and link to the Weird Forum before calling the Bureau of Weird Intelligence.

So at this moment, there are definitely not a few tricksters in the live broadcast room.

After seeing Lu Yu's barrage, they were stunned for a while, and then they all made shocked comments on the barrage.

"Fuck, shit, I caught a real boss."

"The boss is out and about, the younger brother is on his knees!"

"Is there a pendant on the boss's leg?"

Looking at the series of flattering barrages, Niu Dangdao and many ordinary people all looked confused.

Is this paper cutter famous? And he's such a great guy.

"What are you talking about? Is this boss famous?"

Niu asked boldly and cautiously in a low voice.

"Haha, didn't someone say that before? The boss who completed two B+ level missions in one day and took on the mission of the mysterious bus is the one in front of me."

"That's right, the boss's codename is Papercut Man, the one who may be thrown away by you."


Niu DaDang was a little embarrassed for a moment, and then explained in a low voice.

"But I really didn't see anyone at the beginning. Maybe it wasn't the boss at first, but it was really a ghost?"

"Paper-cutting Man: It's me!"


Seeing Lu Yu's reply, Niu DaDa couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.



Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and all fear and horror were forgotten.


The next moment, countless roars and roars sounded in the strange bus.

Niu Bingdao's body froze for an instant, and he looked around with an ugly expression.

At this moment, those weirdos had stood up again, and they were all looking at him greedily and dissatisfied.

It seemed to be blaming him as to why the power provided was gone.

Fortunately, those weird roars were clearly heard not only by Niu DaDang at the scene, but also by everyone in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, everyone remembered that they were watching a supernatural live broadcast, and a lot of nervousness arose again.

However, because of Boss Lu Yu's explanation, they knew that those strange things would not affect them.

Although there is still some nervousness and fear in their hearts, it is much less. There is more fear of the unknown and the fear of ghosts and monsters.

But even so, it helped Niu DaDa and appeased those weird people a little.

Their fear has decreased, but the number of people in the live broadcast room has increased.

It started out in the thousands, but now it's in the tens of thousands.

That is to say, it was night. If it were daytime, the number of people would probably be more than ten times higher.

This made Lu Yu a little strange. Didn't the official want to block the news? Why hasn't this live broadcast room been blocked yet?

Could it be said that the country is about to relax the blockade?

However, after thinking about the weird tasks on the weird APP, Lu Yu slowly came to a realization.

There seem to be more than a dozen tasks on the Weird APP, even in He County, which has fewer tasks.

Some of the larger ones even have dozens or hundreds of tasks.

Large and small, most of them are E-level and F-level, and there are also many D-level and C-level ones, and many of them will hang for a long time.

After all, E-level and F-level ones are easy to deal with, but D-level and C-level ones are not.

Nowadays, most of the folk magic controllers have just mastered the magic, and are not much better than ordinary people. Most of them are only F or E level, and they have some abilities such as hypnosis and creating illusions.

As for D-level ones, they are already rare.

As for the C-level, there are none, but there are basically no more than two hands.

After all, private conspirators are not as good as members of the Conspiracy Bureau with official support.

For example, Zhang Wei is just the director of a county-level reconnaissance bureau, but he is already close to C-level, and may even be promoted at any time.

And people like Zhang Wei are rare in the entire Xia Kingdom.

I'm afraid that the spy bureaus in counties and cities that are slightly more powerful, or have more frequent weird incidents, will have C-level trick masters.

Therefore, C-level and D-level weird missions are rarely accepted by people, and they are basically on the list for a long time.

That's not to mention B-level and A-level weird missions.

Please recommend! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!

Thank you, Spark().:*

Now I am pursuing more than 300. If I can reach 500, it will be 10,000 per day.


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