Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 119 The weird bus stops and locks the target

As for why the Secret Bureau didn't handle it?

Now that these tasks are on the task list of Weird APP.

That basically explains it.

This is a weird mission that the Bureau of Secret Intelligence cannot handle.

If the Bureau of Intelligence and Intelligence could handle it in time, why would it send out the mission?

Of course, in addition to this reason, there is also the fact that these tasks will basically not cause large-scale impacts or death of a large number of people.

Therefore, the Conspiracy Bureau did not rush to deal with it, but issued tasks to the private conspirators.

First, it frees up the Secret Intelligence Bureau to deal with more harmful weird things;

Secondly, it also trains the combat effectiveness of folk monster masters to prepare for the coming of larger-scale and more dangerous monsters in the future.

At the same time, it can also activate the folk ghost controllers to prevent some people from being idle and looking for trouble. After gaining a little power, they will dominate, feel superior to others, and cause trouble everywhere.

And with the essence of dreams as bait, they couldn't help but take the bait.

It can be said that it accomplishes multiple things with one stone.

Besides that, some weird missions are too dangerous.

For example, the A-level and B-level tasks were unable to be handled by the Conspiracy Bureau for a while, so they could only issue tasks to recruit powerful private conspirators.

But no matter which one, all these signs indicate a problem.

That is today's strange events. The frequency of outbreaks is too high, and the Bureau of Intelligence and Intelligence has become unable to handle them.

And as time goes by, the number of strange incidents will only increase, and it is gradually becoming impossible to contain them.

Otherwise, how did the Ning City ghost bus incident spread and become a new urban legend?

Therefore, the officials may also be thinking of gradually relaxing the rules so that ordinary people can be mentally prepared.

And Niu Bingdao's live broadcast may not be a signal.

However, no one spoke in an official capacity.

Probably it means letting it ferment and spread, so that the people can slowly accept this kind of paradoxical thing.

Shaking his head, Lu Yu only felt a little bit ridiculous. Before, it was to promote science, and all supernatural ghosts were superstitious and were to be defeated.

But now, they have to publicize the existence of weirdness, and find ways to guide the masses to let them know how to deal with weird events.

However, those are all matters that need to be considered by the official. Naturally, there is a tall man taking charge. There is no need for a commoner like him to think about it. He only needs to take care of himself and find ways to improve his own strength.

Continuing to look at the phone, he wanted to see where the destination of that strange bus was?

Because Niu boldly does some tricks from time to time, scaring everyone and providing a wave of fear to those weird things, but for a while, there is not much life safety.

Of course, everyone knows in their hearts that this is only temporary.

After all, even if Niu Dadan still has several large-capacity power bank backups because of his frequent live broadcasts, there will always be times when they are all used up, right?

Now let’s see when the bus will stop.

If it could return to the real world and dock before Niu DaDang ran out of battery, Niu DaDang would have taken the opportunity to get off the car, and it would have been possible for him to survive.

Gradually, as the strange bus creaked forward, some gorgeous light haze began to appear outside the bus window, if it weren't for the occasional strange figure that suddenly appeared, or the strange face stuck to the window.

This strange bus does not seem to be carrying strange things, but rather seems to be the last bus to heaven.

After a while, the gorgeous light and haze around him gradually diminished, and other scenes began to appear around him.

This seems to be an abandoned community, but all the buildings have completely collapsed. Only occasionally one or half of the buildings are still holding on precariously.

As for the community wall, only a little bit of the foundation is left, looming among the ruins.

A dilapidated road with only the right half running through the front of the community stretched forward until it disappeared into the brilliant light and mist.

Among the dilapidated buildings and the remaining half of the road, there were some strange figures wandering back and forth.

Even through the live broadcast, everyone saw a beating heart, bouncing around on the ground, and an eyeball with tentacles on its back.

And as if aware of everyone's prying eyes, the eyeballs turned around instantly.

The eyes with clear black and white were filled with deathly silence, and a strange wave struck instantly.


In an instant, Niu Dandao covered his head and groaned in pain.

In fact, even the people watching through the live broadcast felt a little dizzy.

"Huh~? What a weird power."

Feeling the strange power transmitted through the mobile phone video, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel shocked.

Although the power is extremely weak, even ordinary people cannot harm it, but it can only cause a slight dizziness.

However, that is already shocking enough. If it were stronger, would it be able to hurt the people watching the video through the video?

Even now, if it weren't for the power of the treacherous bus that blocked most of the power of the treacherous eye, many people would be obviously dizzy.

As for Niu DaDa among the treacherous buses, he would be killed in an instant.

"It's so scary. Did you see it just now? Those eyes are so scary, it scared my wits."

"Oh, yes!"

"And that heart, is it true? Damn it, it's really alive and kicking."

"Hey! It seems like those eyes are normal.

I feel like after seeing those eyes, my head was confused for a moment.”

As soon as these words came out, there was another silence in the live broadcast room.

After a while, a barrage came out.

"Are you feeling confused too?"

"Damn it, me too, I thought I was scared."

"As the boss said before, some powerful weirdos may travel thousands of miles and kill and harm viewers through videos.

So, when the boss said don’t look around, is this what he meant? "

"I am a controller, and I can prove that there was indeed a trace of strange power fluctuations just now."

"Can you tell me, boss? Can I still watch this live broadcast?"

After this question appeared, the live broadcast room fell into silence again, everyone was looking forward to Lu Yu's reply.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu still replied with a message.

"Paper-cut Man: Under normal circumstances, there should be no problem. After all, the tricky bus has not reached that level, and it is unlikely that it will go to those dangerous places.

Weird, not all of them live in peace.

The reason why that weird eye has such power should be due to its special ability.

Also, anchors should not shoot randomly or look around.

If there wasn't a strange bus blocking part of the power of the strange eyes, it would be more than just a hint of dizziness.

The most important thing is that the anchor is the person involved. It is not watched through the live broadcast lens, but directly. "

“Damn it, the boss is right.


Anchor, anchor, are you okay? "

"Is the anchor dead? Say something quickly."

"Just be a human being upstairs. If the dead anchor screams, it's a fake corpse."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Niu Dadan smiled bitterly and switched the camera directly, revealing his slightly pale face.

"Haha, I'm not dead yet, but I feel like I'm going to die soon, and my head feels so uncomfortable."

"Is the anchor still alive?"

"Haha, that's great, the live broadcast can continue"

"Well, that's right! That's right!"

Looking at the barrage comments in the live broadcast room, Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head. These were really a group of people who just watched the fun and didn't take it too seriously.

Of course, there are also people who are concerned about the status of the anchor.

Unfortunately, they couldn't help much.

Slowly, the bus began to slow down, and finally stopped at a dilapidated bus stop.

There are three big characters written on the crooked bus stop sign, [Garden Road].

When the bus calmed down, it opened the door with a creak and seemed to be waiting for people to get on and off.

After seeing this situation, those strange passengers instantly caused a commotion.

Looking at the ruined space outside, there was a faint desire, as if this was their destination.

However, when they looked at the boldness of the cow, they hesitated.

In contrast, it seems that the boldness of cattle attracts them more.

In other words, after Niu boldly broadcast live and aroused everyone's fear, the feedback of fear power attracted them even more.

Seeing this scene, Niu DaDa couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, "Go down, go down, go down quickly."

You guys, you’re home.

However, the final result was that Niu DaDa was disappointed. After a period of commotion, those strange people actually suppressed the attraction of the ruins of the outside world to them, and sat back one after another, still looking at him with that strange look.

This made Niu DaDang's expression stiffen. If you haven't gotten off the car yet, aren't you afraid of passing the station?

Of course, these weird things are not afraid of sitting and standing.

For them, wherever they can promote their evolution, they will yearn for it.

But now, the boldness of cattle is obviously more attractive to them.

Garden Road, bus station.

Ignoring what happened on the strange bus, Lu Yu looked thoughtful after seeing the bus stop sign.

Could it be that this is a space derived from the reality reflected in the dream light and mist space unintentionally?

Just like the strange grave space, the villa was originally mapped.

However, at the end, the villa did not come together, but collapsed and turned into ruins.

But speaking of it, the place where the strange bus stopped seems to be a dilapidated community, but it has not completely collapsed. There are still many relatively complete buildings remaining, but they have become dilapidated.

It should be that in that area, the spatial weakness is more fragile, or the scope is wider, so this formed a relatively complete dilapidated community, including the dilapidated bus station.

As for where the bus stops, it seems reasonable.

Buses, don’t they have to stop at the bus station?

I just don’t know where this garden road corresponds to in the real world.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yu felt something in his heart. He didn't know, but that didn't mean that others didn't know.

While thinking about it, Lu Yu wanted to exit the live broadcast room and call to inquire.

However, before Lu Yu had time to move, someone had already posted a barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Garden Road? We have a garden road here. Is it the garden road here?

Speaking of which, when it rained heavily two days ago, there was a lot of noise in a neighborhood next to it. It was said that a gas pipe exploded, and all the residents nearby moved away."

After seeing this barrage, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel moved and quickly sent a question.

"Paper-cutters: Where are you?"

"The boss is here?!"

"Did the boss come in and ask in person? It seems you have a problem there."

"Well, don't scare me. If that big eyeball is here, do I have to move?"

“Since there is no notification from the relevant departments, it should be unnecessary.

Also, since the boss asked, why don’t you tell me quickly?

The boss is a mission maniac. Maybe he just wants to imprison that big-eyed guy?

By then, there will be no problems anymore. "

"Yes, yes, this is the new city on the border of Ningcheng, and further north is He County."

When Lu Yu heard this, his heart immediately moved. A paper-cut plane patrolling Ning City broke through the sky in an instant and flew back towards the way it came. Soon it came to the junction of Ning City and He County.

As the saying goes, you can see far when you stand high. The paper-cut plane controlled by Lu Yu was patrolling above, and he soon saw a familiar community.

The overall layout is very similar to the dilapidated community shown in the live broadcast room just now.

A neat highway extends to both sides, one side goes deep into the urban area of ​​Ning City, and the other side leads directly to He County. In front of the community, there is a bus stop.

Lu Yu quickly controlled the paper-cut plane to land and arrived at the bus stop. The stop sign read Garden Road.

However, apart from the empty bus stop, there was not even a single person in sight, let alone a bus.

As for the strange bus, there was also no trace of it.

Looking at the strange bus still parked on Yuanlin Road in the live broadcast room, Lu Yu pondered slightly.

It seems that the strange bus is indeed in another dimension, and will not project or overlap in space as it stops, and then descend into the real world.

However, this situation was also expected by Lu Yu.

The next moment, the paper-cut plane surged with strange power, and a dark cannon was revealed below.

Immediately afterwards, the surging strange power quickly surged towards the cannon below, and a faint bloody red light began to appear at the front of the cannon, blooming with a trace of sharpness.

The next moment, a bright bloody brilliance suddenly shot out.

But when it attacked the bus stop in front, it did not attack the bus stop and spread to other places.

Instead, he stopped rushing forward in front of the bus stop, as if he had hit an invisible barrier.

A bright bloody red light burst out in an instant, and the agitated space was distorted.

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