Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 239 Harvest, soaring power

Although pure weird corpse energy can pass through real dreams, it does not have much explosive power, and it is difficult to break the space barrier of real dreams.

In the same way, today's purely technological weapons cannot touch the dream space at all, and naturally they cannot break the space barrier between the two.

But the combination of the two has produced changes beyond everyone's expectations, directly distorting the dimensional space barrier between reality and dreams.

Here, the boundary between reality and dreams is no longer so obvious.

Vaguely, a vague and strange force began to appear in this area, and with it as the center, it spread to other areas of the real world.

The third strange resurgence began to take place in Fu County, a small Japanese country. It was slowly brewing and could explode completely at any time.

But at this time, Lu Yu had already left here and was completely unaware of the changes here.

After he returned, he immediately couldn't wait to check out the harvest.

In the dream world at this time, there are more than a thousand spiritual dreams in the first void dimension. They are constantly transforming into the dream world under the impact and erosion of the power of chaos and the strange effects inside.

In the second void dimension, there are also nearly a hundred spiritual dreams, floating and sinking in endless chaos.

On the other hand, there is no spiritual dream in the third void dimension.

Of course, that's not to say there's nothing left in it.

What exists in it is a dream cave. It is the dream cave that Jimmy evolved. It can also be said to be the dream kingdom.

As for Jimmy's body, shortly after entering the dream world, it had been devoured and dissolved by the power of chaos.

As a result, Lu Yu's blood-curdling skills have reached level B, and the calculation formula has reached the minimum standard for integrating into the mysterious body.

However, Lu Yu looked at the Kingdom of Dreams, and after spending so much effort, how could he be satisfied with a mere B-level blood trick?

Because Jimmy's dream kingdom did not suffer any damage during this battle.

Therefore, it is still a round body, blooming with a trace of power similar to the dream world, resisting the impact and erosion of external chaos.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the Dream Cave and the Dream Kingdom are not much different from the Dream World in essence. They are the same form of existence, but they are called differently in different places.

If there is any difference, it is the way of heaven and rules.

The rules of ordinary dream caves and dream kingdoms are very simple, just the weird rules they once merged with.

Basically, no matter how they develop and expand the Dreamland Cave, they are actually completing these weird rules, rather than meaninglessly expanding other rules.

Not only will this slow down their level improvement, it will also make their rules and powers no longer pure, causing conflict and involvement in the rules and powers, and may even cause the Dream Cave to collapse.

The dream world is different.

Because the Great Avenue Skynet itself contains many rules and has been intertwined and operated in an orderly manner.

This makes the Great Dao Seal have a strong ability to sort out and adjust different rules.

In the dream world, the Dao of Heaven formed by the imprint of the great avenue serves as the core of the world. Even if the rules conflict with each other, they can be well sorted out and adjusted, and the conflicts can be turned into mutual support and mutual restraint.

The daily mutual evolution makes the dream world more complete and stable.

When fighting, they can also use the power of mutual restraint to burst out stronger destructive power.

Unless one day, the Great Dao Skynet collapses, and the power controlled by their Heavenly Dao exceeds the carrying limit of their dream world, this will lead to the collapse of the dream world.

Therefore, the dream world with the way of heaven is moving towards integration, derivation of more rules, and continuous improvement of the world.

Ordinary dream caves and dream kingdoms pursue purity and condensation;

The dream world pursues a complex, extensive, and evolving world.

In a personal battle, it's hard to say who is strong and who is weak, it only depends on personal fighting qualities.

However, the potential of the dream world is obviously stronger, and it can go further and more steadily in the future.

Of course, it is relatively slower.

However, if the Dream Cave, the Dream Kingdom and the Dream World collide, then the Dream World must be stronger.

After all, the dream world has more rules and is naturally more stable and powerful. Ordinary caves and kingdoms of gods cannot compare with it.

At this time, facing the endless power of chaos, Jimmy's dream kingdom soon became unable to continue.

The ever-changing power of chaos can always find the weak point of its power, constantly impacting and eroding it.

Gradually, some mottled pits began to appear on the surface of his dream kingdom, which were just cracks.

This is actually mainly because Jimmy's dream kingdom does not devour the peripheral power of chaos to replenish itself like other spiritual dreams. Instead, it uses the power of the dream kingdom to resist the impact and erosion of the external power of chaos.

Of course, as time goes by, the Dream Kingdom will always be broken, and it will also change its operating mode, actively attract the gentle power of chaos from the outside world, slowly integrate into the void dimension, and eventually transform into a party in the endless chaos. Dream world.

However, it will take at least dozens of days or even months.

After all, this is also a dream kingdom, and it is not easy to completely erode it.

But Lu Yu couldn't wait that long.

It is just a dream kingdom. Even if it is transformed into a dream world, it will not increase his power much.

In the first and second void dimensions, there are now thousands of spiritual dreams, which are constantly transforming into the dream world.

Among them, there can always be some that can be upgraded and improved, right?

Not bad for such a slightly more powerful dream world.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu pointed directly like a sword and suddenly slashed towards the Kingdom of Dreamland.


The bloody sword light splashed out, and the sword energy was like a rainbow, and it instantly struck the Dream Kingdom.



In an instant, a small crack spread above the Dream Kingdom.

In the end, the Kingdom of Dreamland split into two halves.

And Lu Yu also saw clearly the scene inside the Dream Kingdom.

In a vast sea of ​​blood, six strange creatures floated.


Lu Yu concentrated for a moment. There were not six weird ones, but five weird ones, plus a part of Jimmy's consciousness.

In other words, it is the strange fusion of Jimmy's consciousness and blood.

People have to sigh that Jimmy's ability to survive is really strong.

Jimmy in the outside world is beheaded, and his body and consciousness are still there in the dream world;

Killing his body consciousness again, he even managed to escape part of his consciousness into his dream kingdom.

He even merged his own consciousness with the blood and strangeness.

I'm afraid even he himself can't figure out whether he is a weirdo or a human?

But no matter what, he survived in disguise.

At the same time, because of his self-awareness, the Dream Kingdom will fiercely fight against the power of chaos in the outside world under his mobilization.

After the dream kingdom was split open, Jimmy's last part of consciousness finally realized that he was about to face his final death.

However, he was always a little unwilling.

Who wants to die?

"My lord, please forgive me. I am willing to become your god and your most loyal slave."

However, before he finished speaking, he was overwhelmed by the power of chaos around him.

Lu Yu doesn't need any slaves. Is his paper-cutting maid not good enough? Or is his paper cutter maid disobedient?

He felt that there was probably no servant in the world who could compare to the hard-working paper-cutting man.

As long as they think about it, they will know what to do.

After being overwhelmed by the power of chaos, the last part of Jimmy's consciousness was quickly and completely swallowed up.

The strangeness in it, and the fragments of the dream kingdom, were also swallowed by the impact of the power of chaos, and gradually dissipated invisible.

Suddenly, pieces of rule information began to be integrated into the dream world, and then were nurtured into skills, or integrated into other weird skills.

Strange blood, A level, controls blood, can swallow endless lives, and evolve into a boundless sea of ​​blood; as long as there is still a drop of strange blood, it can be reborn with a drop of blood.

Heavy water, grade B, weighs a pound of water. If it hits a person, it is enough to pierce the person instantly.

If the field is expanded, it only takes a few drops to crush a person into a pulp.

Light water, b+ level, is as light as a feather and can even flow in the sky.

The water of the Styx, B+ level, corrodes and dissolves everything.

The water of life, b+ level, has the ability to restore injuries and bring the dead back to life.

There are four kinds of weird abilities related to water, plus the ability to trick blood, these are the five weird abilities.

In other words, Jimmy controlled five weird ones.

After receiving five kinds of strange information, Lu Yu suddenly had a clearer understanding of the current practice method of the strange master.

Probably normal practice is to control a weird one from the beginning, and then control another weird one to form a counterbalance with each level up.

And in this process, every time you advance to a level and control one more weirdo, the balance of confrontation will become more difficult to grasp, and it will become more dangerous.

And to control the weirdness, it is best to choose weirdness that has consistent rules and can form a weird puzzle, and use one of them as the core of your own rules.

After reaching level A, you will integrate your own rules core into the dream to form your own dream cave, and then integrate the main body of the rule core into the dream to make it more perfect.

As for other weird things, they will also be eroded by the core rules and become accessories to the dream cave.

Of course, they can also be completely integrated into the Dream Cave Heaven to form a more powerful and complete Cave Heaven Rules.

However, this road is not easy to walk. As the control becomes more and more strange, the balance of confrontation between them is not so easy to grasp. If you are not careful, it will cause backlash.

Therefore, just like Wang Fugui, walking down with a strange one is the choice of most casual cultivators, which is safer after all.

He shook his head and shook the thoughts out of his mind. He didn't follow the path of the Trickster Controller, so why did he think so much?

And what comes next is naturally the fusion of weird rules and skills.

The strange blood merged into himself, causing Lu Yu's body to undergo transformation again.

The strange blood flowed, and the strange body was almost completely integrated into one, but the tongue and feet were still a little weak.

Moreover, after integrating the rules of the strange blood, something happened that surprised Lu Yu, that is, the fusion of the strange blood and vampire blood control rules, and the splicing with part of the rules of the strange heart.

Not only did it allow him to further control his blood, but it also caused the blood core to fuse with the strange blood and the strange heart essence and blood, causing Lu Yu's blood to transform again.

Every drop of blood is equivalent to a blood core and a drop of blood essence.

Not only is the ability to regenerate by dripping blood stronger, but the power contained in the blood itself is also constantly devouring strange power, which seems to be endless.

Lu Yu felt that he could at least reach A level.

What is this concept?

A drop of blood is an A-level weirdo.

How many drops of blood are there in the human body?

If he really wanted to reach his limit and Lu Yu exploded with all his strength, it would be equivalent to countless weird joint attacks.

Not to mention the S-level weirdness, but the double S-level weirdness, can you withstand it?

Moreover, if you include the explosion of burning essence and blood from the tricky heart, the power that the current blood explosion in the burning body can achieve is absolutely appalling.

It is absolutely no worse than any technological weapon, comparable to a large-yield humanoid nuclear bomb, and it is also the kind of nuclear bomb that can last for a long time and move flexibly.

At this time, Lu Yu even had the confidence to face the world.

That, of course, refers to today's real world.

If the weirdness continues to revive and a stronger weirdness comes, he won't have much certainty.

Therefore, we still need to continue to improve our own strength until we reach the bottleneck of no further progress.

But now, he must first make up for the missing energy of Wei Xue.

For Lu Yu today, there is naturally no shortage of energy.



As soon as the thought occurred, the endless chaotic power of the dream world quickly poured into the body and was swallowed by the strange blood running in the body.

Little by little, the power contained in the blood was getting more and more. Lu Yu felt that his power was increasing infinitely, and it seemed that he could easily break the sky and break the ground under his feet.

He even had the illusion that if he moved even slightly, he would destroy everything around him.

Lu Yu felt at a loss for a moment and didn't know how to move.

It's true that the power has increased too much this time. Even with a brain that has absolute control over the body, it still creates the illusion that it can destroy the world.

In an instant, Lu Yu stopped pouring the power of chaos.

The rapid growth of the body's strength slowly stopped and returned to the original devouring power of the blood, slowly increasing bit by bit.

With the control ability of his brain, Lu Yu quickly adapted to the new strength. He couldn't help but let out a long breath and threw himself on the sofa.

"Huh~! The strength grows too fast. It's great, but it's a little difficult to control.

Let it grow naturally, it probably won’t take long anyway.”

Feeling that the energy contained in the blood in his body had reached 50%, Lu Yu made a decision in his heart.

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