Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 240 The transformation of the five elements and the advancement of the dream world

After calming down, Lu Yu began to integrate the remaining weird rules about water into the water rules of the Five Elements one by one.

In an instant, the rules of the water element were greatly improved. A clear black halo almost enveloped the entire five elements. It had exceeded the A+ limit and reached the S- level.

But at the same time, the Five Elements' cycle has also become vaguely unstable from its initial stability and smooth and orderly operation. There are signs that the Five Elements cycle is about to collapse at any time.

It is actually because the rules of the water element have grown too much at once, breaking the balance of the five elements.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu immediately had a thought in his mind, and the Great Sky Net enveloped the five elements, barely stabilizing them.

Later, Lu Yu began to promote the operation of the five elements, and gradually accelerated the speed of the operation of the five elements. He wanted to use the operation of the five elements to complement each other and derive other rules with the water element.

In an instant, various rules of the Five Elements began to emerge, constantly complementing the other four of the Five Elements.

As Muxing Rules, which had reached its limit long ago, it was the first to complete the completion and break through to the S- level.

Then came the fire rules, which were also rapidly completed and increased. After half a day, they also broke through to the S-level.

The earth element rules followed closely behind, also reaching the S- level.

Only the final rules of gold are improving extremely slowly.

At the very beginning, it was based on some golden rules extracted from the Blood Sword to barely construct the Five Elements Cycle.

Nowadays, regardless of the rules of water, wood, fire, and earth, they are a fusion of different rules.

There are only gold rules, and they are still the original rules.

Naturally, its growth rate is somewhat unsatisfactory.

"Buzz buzz"

Faced with the oppression of four S-level rules, the rules of the golden element began to shake slightly. If it were not for the mutual operation of the five elements at this time, coupled with the suppression of the Dao Tianwang, I am afraid that the rules of the golden element would have collapsed, or they would have broken away from the cycle of the five elements. .

By then, I'm afraid it will be difficult to use the five-color divine light.

Feeling this change, Lu Yu also frowned slightly.


Lu Yu's brain started spinning rapidly, and he began to think about how to obtain more golden rules.

In the end, Lu Yu set his sights on the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

Now, it seems that he can only obtain more rules of gold from the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

Shifting his gaze, Lu Yu looked towards the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

Madam White Bones is still mobilizing the rules of the dream realm of White Tiger Mountain, constantly resonating and integrating with the mark of the avenue.

Bai Jingjing is leading a group of her skeleton soldiers to "patrol" the entire Baihu Mountain.

Lu Yu thought for a moment and decided not to communicate with the Great Dao Seal for the time being. An old demon like Madam White Bones was too wary. It would be bad if something happened to the Great Dao Seal, causing her to suspend the integration of the rules.

In this case, it can only be placed on Bai Jingjing.

In this way, it can also put a little pressure on Mrs. Bones, making her more determined to integrate the rules and the mark of the avenue.

The heavenly path in the strange space pulsed slightly, and a mysterious and strange fluctuation instantly communicated with each other.

Bai Jingjing looked at the Baihu Mountain in front of her. She suddenly realized something and stopped moving forward.

The skeleton soldiers following behind him also stopped instantly with Bai Jingjing.

Strange fluctuations occurred between Bai Jingjing and Baihu Mountain.

It seemed that some kind of passage between Baihu Mountain and Baihu Mountain had been opened, and rules and information began to flow into Bai Jingjing's body.

In an instant, Bai Jingjing's aura began to slowly rise.

The breakthrough was quickly completed, and the speed continued to increase, and the strength continued to increase.

In the secret room, Mrs. Bones suddenly opened her eyes, glanced at the outside world, and raised her brows involuntarily.

“This little girl, it’s such a good opportunity that she fell into an epiphany casually.

This is really in line with Baihu Mountain. If I hadn’t gained greater blessings from you, I wouldn’t necessarily be willing to keep you.”

Muttering to herself, Mrs. Bones closed her eyes again and continued to mobilize the rules of heaven and earth in the Baihu Mountain realm, gradually integrating into the light group of the avenue mark the size of a washbasin.

Soon, soon.

In just a few days, it will be able to complete the fusion of rules and evolve the way of heaven that belongs to the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

At that time, she will be the master of heaven in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain, and all laws and ways will come from her.

No matter how talented and knowledgeable Bai Jingjing is, he will still only be her disciple.

Of course, if Bai Jingjing can break through to S level, she is also willing to decentralize some of the secondary authority and let it assist her in managing the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

On the other side, as Bai Jingjing fell into epiphany, she continued to interact with the rules of Baihu Mountain and understood the mysteries of the rules.

Tiandao in the strange space also obtained this part of the rule information instantly.

Suddenly, the entire Red Blood Mine began to glow with a faint white light, which was the manifestation of Gengjin Qi.

Gradually, the originally blood-red mountains and rivers in the Red Blood Mine gradually faded a bit.

However, its strength did not decrease. Instead, it became more sharp and hard, and began to expand slowly.

At the same time, under the flow of the five elements, water, wood, fire, and earth also began to strengthen.

The bloody rain plains, the green wood and vine sea, the red flame desert, and the strange grave and strange city in the center also began to expand slowly.

In Lu Yu's dream world, after receiving feedback from the strange space and heaven, the originally unbalanced rules of the five elements gradually returned to balance.

The five elements flowed, mutually reinforcing each other, and finally all transformed to the S-level.

Gradually, a deeper change began to emerge.

The mutual growth of the five elements is creation, the mutual restraint of the five elements is destruction, and the destruction of creation combines yin and yang.

A kind of Tai Chi yin and yang trend, starting from the five elements, gradually spreads throughout the dream world.


In an instant, the dream world shook slightly, and a powerful force that could no longer be suppressed suddenly arose.


The space of the dream world began to expand rapidly.

The Dream World, which had been suppressed and promoted by Lu Yu, finally could no longer be suppressed and began to be promoted again.

Although Lu Yu was a little reluctant, at this point, he had no choice but to accept it.

Yin and Yang and the Five Elements flowed, and the endless regular energy merged, stirring in the entire dream world. The essence of chaos went one step further, reaching the S- level.

At this moment, the many spiritual dreams that existed inside experienced a violent impact.

Some of the more fragile mental dreams were instantly washed away and swallowed up by the endless power of chaos.

However, some of the more tenacious spiritual dreams took this opportunity to complete the transformation at an extremely fast speed, transforming into the dream world and becoming a true member of the endless void and chaos.

Naturally, the creation resulting from the promotion of endless void chaos also came to these dream worlds.

"Boom boom boom"

The dream world in every direction began to rapidly swallow the power of chaos, and its volume expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, Lu Yu's promotion to the dream world also caused the various rules contained in the dream world to begin new derivatives, improvements, collisions and interweaving.

All kinds of rule information are floating on the surface, just like a vast ocean of rules.

Wandering in the many dream worlds is like a mouse entering a rice vat, constantly absorbing the rules and information and improving the rules of its own world.

Gradually, the rules in these worlds gradually evolved from a single or a few rules to various different rules.

The most important thing is that this time the Five Elements Rules forcibly upgraded the level of the dream world, and these dream worlds evolved one by one.

The dream world, which was originally just a hazy space, began to evolve into the earth, mountains, rivers, wind, fire, vegetation.

Moreover, because today's Dao Tianwang has gathered more and more rules, although the vegetation derived from it is still mainly rattan, there are also other flowers and plants.

Of course, no matter how good it is, the earth, mountains, rivers, flowers, grass and trees are essentially the evolution of energy gathered by rules.

To a certain extent, they are just energy aggregates.

However, from another aspect, the combination of regular energy can be regarded as a real existence.

And don't forget, among the various rules Lu Yu has mastered, there are still fantasies that can be realized.

What he originally thought was a useless fantasy materialized, but at this moment, it showed a different kind of power, almost creating a real world.

It's a pity that we are still in a dream world after all, and we are still far away from reality.

In addition to the changes in the dream world that gave birth to it, the layers of void dimensions themselves have also become more stable and tough.

If you want to break through the current dimensional level, you need stronger rules and power.

At the same time, in the real world, Lu Yu's entire body was undergoing training, and various strange rules and powers showed signs of being completely integrated into one.

The realm of the dream world expanded once again, covering a fifty-meter radius. Everything inside was chaotic and hazy, with all kinds of strange sounds and strange figures wandering around.

However, the strange realm created by the strange body did not expand with the breakthrough. Instead, it formed a vague fusion with the body, and a strange and mysterious power spread out.

The strange sounds and strange figures in the dream world disappeared instantly under this power.

At this time, the realm of the dream world was almost the same as the dream world, becoming pure chaos.

It seems that this is the chaotic world of the other side manifested in reality.

The only thing that was not affected was Hong Yu. It seemed that due to the special reasons of Hong Yu, the power did not have an effect on it. It just prevented its strange power from being exerted outside the body.

However, the fortune brought about by Lu Yu's breakthrough still refined him.

At this time, Hong Yu gradually had the illusion of being separated from the paper man body.

It was as if she had become a real person.

Moreover, it seemed that because she had experienced too many baptisms of power from the dream world, she had vaguely and instinctively connected with the Great Dao Skynet.

However, this connection is a bit vague and hazy, just like seeing flowers through the fog.

If you want to truly connect with it, you need to go through one or two more refinements.

At this time, if we go by the experience of previous breakthroughs, Lu Yu's breakthrough this time is about to end.

However, perhaps because the accumulation of the dream world is too strong this time, its breakthrough has not stopped. Instead, a vague dimensional force has begun to gather, and it seems that another layer of void dimension will be given birth to.

This is the breakthrough, the pinnacle.

Today's dream world has reached the peak of B+ level and is about to break through to A level.

However, Lu Yu, who felt this situation, concentrated his attention instantly and suppressed the momentum of this breakthrough.

His mysterious body has not been completely completed yet.

Although thanks to the refinement and improvement of this breakthrough, his feet and tongue seemed to have completed a strange transformation.

However, without finding the rules between the two, Lu Yu always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He secretly felt that when he broke through to A level, he would undergo a fundamental transformation.

If you wait until after a breakthrough to complete yourself, it will definitely become more difficult, or even impossible.

And if you want to climb to the peak that transcends everything, you must not have any flaws.

Therefore, before the mysterious body is completely completed, he will never allow himself to complete the breakthrough at this time.

With Lu Yu's forcible suppression, the changes in the dream world finally gradually stopped. The rising momentum and gathered dimensional power gradually returned to silence, waiting for the next more intense explosion.

At this time, Lu Yu slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

Feeling his own strange body and the changes in the surrounding dream realm, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile. It was finally not so strange.

Afterwards, Lu Yu restrained the power of the strange body and the unfolded dream world.

The next moment, the chaotic and hazy environment turned into a bright place, and then suddenly turned into a gloomy one, and the surrounding space became weird and distorted.

The buildings, floors, furniture, and supplies were all filled with a spooky and eerie aura. It was more like a ghost realm than a human world.

"Chi chi chi, coo coo, chi chi chi chi chi chi.


Strange whispers came out one after another, which made people feel anxious, but they couldn't help but listen carefully, as if they wanted to join in.

Feeling this change, Lu Yu's face immediately darkened.

Good guy, it seems to be a rebound from being oppressed, and the villa looks even weirder.

However, it seemed that Lu Yu's mood swings were felt, and all the strange changes in the villa quickly receded like the tide, returning to its previous clean and new state.

However, Lu Yu was not overly happy because he knew it in his heart.

When the surrounding environment is eroded and transformed by weird forces, they are essentially weird objects, and weirdness and gloominess are their true nature.

Clean and bright is just because Lu Yu likes to manifest the appearance.

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