Weird Regulator

Chapter 442 The secret of this building

In the wind, the human skin made a strange whimpering sound all over its body, as if it was suffering great torture.

It was unimaginable why this tower-killing ghost would be so painful as if it were an anthropomorphic person, but Ji Li could see the clues through the perspective of the gray soul.

Starting from the human skin in his palm, a continuous black line was spreading towards the special incorporeal ghost in the distance.

Ji Li secretly noticed that the ghost, which seemed to be able to exert psychic interference to the limit, was targeting more than just people.

It can even affect ghosts.

However, for some unknown reason, Ji Li did not feel affected by it.

While he was thinking about it, the human skin he was holding suddenly fell out of his hands and was suddenly snatched away.

It was a crow with eyes flashing red, and it snatched the human skin from Ji Li's hand.

After turning into a ghost, Li Yi's half-black and half-white face no longer looked like a living person, but he was still as strong as ever.

It led the three store managers to turn into ghosts and quietly looked at Ji Li who turned his head.

And the human skin was swallowed into its mouth in one gulp, and it even seemed to chew it a few times before swallowing it.

After doing all this, it took another step forward.

He slowly raised his right hand and waved towards the other side of the battlefield, casually as if greeting someone.

In Ji Li's shocked mind, he vaguely sensed that the hundred-headed monster baby was momentarily stiff.

The tower-suppressing ghost who was confronting the strange baby unexpectedly followed Li Yi's movements, left the battlefield, unconsciously skipped Ji Li, and walked towards the ghost Li Yi.

"It's devouring other ghosts..."

Ji Li has no eyes, so he can only feel all the movements through his supernatural position.

He was keenly aware that the two tower-suppressing ghosts who had just attacked him were all devoured alive by Li Yi after turning into ghosts.

This feeling was all too familiar to him, it was clearly the power of the gray soul!

But unlike the gray soul, Ji Li can only passively swallow ghosts;

But after turning into a ghost, Li Yi can actively devour it through his powerful strength.

Ji Li's mind turned over and over again. He didn't know why Li Yi, who had turned into a ghost, wanted to devour ghosts, but he could infer that...

After turning into a ghost, Li Yi is inextricably linked to the gray soul. So, does Li Yi himself also have this ability?

Ji Li couldn't guess why Li Yi was like a living ghost and was the only one with the strength of the top ten branches, but he believed that this person was definitely closely related to the gray soul.

Even at this moment, Ji Li's long hair on his back was already hanging to the ground.

Although the gray soul has not yet revived, there is only one opportunity left. This strange change is precisely due to the arrival of Li Yi, who turned into a ghost.

Because the unique supernatural aura exuded by Li Yi after turning into a ghost is stronger than that of the living Li Yi.

Now Ji Li can be 100% sure that Li Yi absolutely has a very deep connection with Tianhai, Gray Soul, and him!

It seems that all the ghosts in town are targeting Yu Ji Li.

As soon as he took care of two of them, two more strange auras came straight towards him.

There is a weird situation on this side, with Ji Li taking the lead in attracting the building-suppressing ghost. Once he can successfully delay it, the ghost-turned-ghost Li Yi will take action to crush him.

Ji Li seems to have become a pioneer for Li Yi who turned into a ghost, luring the ghost here and completing the devouring process.

On the other side of the corridor, two top executives from the top ten branches were having a silent negotiation.

Li Yi's arrival was forced here. He originally entered the painting on the fourth floor and surpassed the progress of Li Congrong and Chen Hansheng.

He didn't care about Gu Xingjian's methods and purposes, but attracting him after turning into a ghost made him feel very uncomfortable.

Li Yi still wore the pair of dark supernatural gloves, his whole body hidden in the darkness, with only a pair of eyes glowing in the darkness.

Gu Xingjian seemed to have known Li Yiji was coming for a long time, and was not angry when Li Yiji took action to extinguish his golden flame. Instead, he asked with a slight smile:

"Does Manager Li know who I'm waiting for?"

Li Yi did not speak, nor did he come out of the darkness, but there was a sound of flapping wings of a bird from where he was.

Then a large number of feathers fell from Gu Xingjian's head one after another. In the little light, it could be seen that the feathers were all black, like a black snow.

Gu Xingjian's smile did not fade away. He turned his palm towards the sky. A flower branch came out along the lines of his palm and grew crazily upward.

Until it reached the ceiling, a particularly coquettish red flower bloomed on the top of the flower branch.

The red brilliance illuminated Gu Xingjian's figure and also resisted the black snow.

"Manager Li..."

The words Gu Xingjian just spoke were suddenly interrupted. A gloved hand strangled his neck, blocking the words that had not yet been spoken.

The black feathers that just fell condensed and took shape right in front of Gu Xingjian.

Li Yi, who looked at death as coldly as ever, strangled Gu Xingjian just like he had strangled Luo Xian, and slowly got him up from the ground.

Gu Xingjian was not Luo Xian, but when he stared into Li Yi's eyes, he felt an irresistible feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

He did not follow Luo Xian's example and use the crime object to struggle, but let Li Yi choke his neck.

But the smile on his face didn't disappear, and it looked particularly weird under the suffocating illness. He held his breath and said intermittently:

"This... building... has a secret..."

Li Yi didn't reply, he just frowned slightly and worked harder.

It was as if his impatience came from the fact that under his own power, the man he hated could still speak.

"This building... has more than eighteen floors!"

Gu Xingjian finally showed his trump card at this time, which was also the secret he had been keeping in his heart for a long time.

The reason why he was able to negotiate with Li Yi with ease even though he was inferior to Li Yi in all aspects was not relying on the power of external sinful objects.

Gu Xingjian counted all ten branches and boasted that no one was not included in his calculations.

It is precisely because he does not believe in sinful objects, but believes in his mind, strategy and courage.

For example, at this moment, through his previous move, he obtained a huge secret that no one knew about.

And this secret is his amulet, which guarantees that Li Yi will never kill him or dare to kill him!

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Li Yi's strength in his hand weakened a bit, and he stared at him for a long time, and finally let go of his hand.

He looked coldly at Gu Xingjian, who was looking down and panting, and said in a calm tone:

"go on."

Gu Xingjian rubbed the red mark on his neck, smiled, took out a note from his pocket, and handed it to Li Yi's hand.

When Li Yi saw the note, his pupils shrank.

This was a change that had never happened to him, but the short sentence on the note caught him by surprise.

After a long while, Li Yi suddenly turned around, no longer caring about the rights and wrongs of the fifth floor, and left the situation.

At this moment, Gu Xingjian finally turned around with joyful eyes and looked in the direction of Ji Li.

To be precise, he looked at Li Yi, who had turned into a ghost, and his smile deepened.

"Swallow it, wait until you swallow all these tower-killing ghosts..."

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