Weird Regulator

Chapter 443 Falling into the palm of your hand

Everything here seems to be a long time, but in fact it was only two minutes before Chen Hansheng was eliminated.

When Ji Li arrived at the fifth floor, he only took seven steps.

The passage of time was not obvious in his mind, but he felt that seconds seemed like years.

Since arriving here, he has been attacked by five tower-killing ghosts.

If it weren't for the arrival of ghost Li Yi, who forced the gray soul to resurrect, Ji Li would have defeated Chen Hansheng and returned home.

But in fact, the gray soul is only in a semi-resurrected state.

One of the signs of recovery is that the black hair on Ji Li's back has long extended to the ground.

There is also the ability to feel the same supernatural aura from the heart.

But the most powerful feature of the gray soul did not come - passively devouring supernatural power.

Ji Li's fragile body could not withstand the attack of any kind of ghost.

For the first ghost, he could find a way out through Gu Xingjian’s prompts;

The second and third ghosts can escape through the involvement of the hundred-headed monster baby and Li Yi, who turns into a ghost.

But at this moment, with the fourth and fifth ghosts approaching, Ji Li couldn't hold on any longer.

He leaned his back against the wall, reducing the attack area by half, but it also reached its limit.

The hundred-headed monster baby was released again, with the ancient bronze coffin lying in front of him. Even with the help of a female voice, he could only resist one ghost.

Ji Li had to face all the attacks from the other ghost alone.

This shows that the current two ghosts are strong and weak, and the stronger one can't resist it with all his methods.

But the relatively weak one can only rely on him to resist.

Ji Li slightly shrugged his shoulders at this moment, and pressed his head firmly with his right hand. His long hair covered most of his face, but his body was also shaking crazily.

There were people whispering in his head.

There were old and young, men and women, and countless voices of all kinds crowded into his mind at the same time.

They all just kept repeating one sentence:

"give it to me!"

This ghost's attack method was very special. It was a brain invasion that Ji Li had never experienced before.

But this method of mere sound invasion cannot force the gray soul to fully revive.

The most terrifying thing is that the special ghost lurking near Xu Nan seems to have the ability to double the pain.

The already terrifying level of brain invasion has been increased several times!

Ji Li's willpower began to weaken and collapse after only persisting for the tenth second...

I collapsed again and again, repeating the pain over and over again.

The world is disappearing.

Only the waves formed by those words hit his sea of ​​consciousness again and again.

Suddenly, Ji Li's right hand holding his forehead froze, and he gradually raised his head.

On the face that was extremely pale from torture, two lines of blood and tears flowed from the empty eyes.

The fingers of his right hand tightened and he grabbed his ear, trying to tear it apart!

"Here you go! Here you go!!"

When his spirit collapsed to the limit, Ji Li completely immersed himself in the demands of those voices and took the given actions.

The first thing given to them is their own ears.

At this moment, the only one left who could help Ji Li was the civet cat.

It was seen lying on Ji Li's shoulder, its front paws raised high, and it stretched out its paws to touch Ji Li's self-inflicted right hand.

It is conceivable that even it does not have the ability to help Ji Li completely escape the attack of the ghost, and can only resist it with low-level strength.

But it can only be solved temporarily.

The moment Ji Li's right hand stopped, he quickly pulled out his left hand, grabbed the civet cat's tail and threw it away violently.

A miserable cat meow sounded in the chaotic corridor.

It didn't wake up Ji Li, but it did wake up another person here.

That person had been ignored for too long. He fell to the ground calmly like a dead man, but he had been waiting for the opportunity.

But this time has never come.

Xu Nan is always observing the current situation. He can release Xu Cha's innocent soul at any time and attack Gu Xingjian.

But in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, it would be best for him to wait until Gu Xingjian is attacked by a ghost before taking action suddenly, in order to achieve maximum success.

But who would have thought that Li Yi, who was most promising to pose a threat to Gu Xingjian, would give up and leave just because of one sentence.

The ninth-floor tower guard ghost who was always squatting next to him did not take any action, and the strongest tower guard ghost in this place was also watching the fun.

Gu Xingjian stayed here as if there was no one in the world, and he was unscathed until now. On the contrary, Ji Li was frantically trying to protect Gu Xingjian from the knife.

Ji Li persisted to the limit. If he died, Gu Xingjian's family would really dominate this place.

Xu Nan couldn't wait any longer at this moment.

He focused his hateful eyes on Gu Xingjian's position. Since no other ghost would take action, then he would take action!

He turned his right hand slightly, revealing a short dagger engraved with strange patterns.

Then, Xu Nan made a strange move. He pointed the tip of the knife at the palm of his left hand that was lying on the ground.

Using the tip of the knife to copy the palm prints, a little blood slowly seeped out from the skin.

Pain appeared on Xu Nan's numb face, and the ninth-level ghost lurking on the ceiling above his head also released an expanded influence after he felt the pain.

Another pale face lay on his shoulder, staring at the blood lines on Xu Nan's palm.

A different kind of supernatural aura was spreading rapidly around Xu Nan's body, and at the same time, the blood lines became clearer and clearer.

At the same time, Gu Xingjian, who had been watching the show, suddenly frowned and the smile disappeared from his face.

He suddenly looked at Xu Nan, and immediately sensed that Xu Nan was releasing the aura of sinful things.

And again and again, the sinful objects are continuously activated!

First time, second time, third time!

Until, Xu Nan's figure slowly climbed up from the ground, exuding a pure ghost aura.

Xu Nan......

In order to implicate Gu Xingjian and let Xu Cha's innocent soul take his life as much as possible, he actually used the evil object three times in a row to commit suicide and turn into a ghost!

Gu Xingjian took two steps back and moved his eyes quickly twice, as if he was thinking about something quickly.

At this time, he had a kerosene lamp in his hand and blew into the wick.

Before the burning smell spread, Xu Nan, who had turned into a ghost, was already close, but not only that...

Perhaps due to the involvement of Xu Nan, the foreign ghost, he actually attracted another building-killing ghost here who never made a move.

Except for the door that Ji Li had broken before, all the doors on the fifth floor were open at this moment.

And with the moonlight from the outside, the door of the room formed several shadows on the ground.

There was a quick pull away, and they were moving and gathering towards Gu Xingjian crazily.

This is the ghost from the fifth floor. It is also the most powerful ghost at this moment. It also targets Gu Xingjian.

At this moment, Xu Nan turned into a ghost, the shadow ghost on the fifth floor, and a white reflection...

Three ghosts attack from a pincer attack.

Gu Xingjian held a kerosene lamp in his hand, and with their figures reflected in his eyes, he laughed loudly:

"Xu Nan, you couldn't hold back after all and fell into my palm.

One of the people I'm waiting for is this murderous soul that you have worked so hard to cultivate! "

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