Weird Regulator

Chapter 444 One person is like a mountain

No one knows what ghosts are or how they came about.

So strictly speaking, Xu Cha is not a ghost that meets the standards.

Because she died a long time ago, and a person cannot become a ghost after death.

Xu Cha is just a bunch of ashes soaked in the water of the supernatural well after being killed.

There are two reasons why it looks like this now.

The first is because the source of ghosts in Xishui Village is the well.

Xu Cha's ashes have been integrated with the well water.

After being sacrificed with blood by Xu Nan, the "thing" extracted was half Xu Cha and half the supernatural source of the ghost.

The second was Xu Nan's good friend who gave him something.

It is precisely because of this thing that Xu Nan has the ability to refine ghosts.

It was a bottle, a quarter full of blood.

According to that friend, the blood came from ghosts.

So now Xucha consists of three parts:

Xu Cha’s resentment, the supernatural source of well water, and ghost blood.

Despite this, Xu Cha is already absolutely vicious.

As long as someone sees it, it will be cursed and will follow it forever.

But unfortunately, all Xu Nan's hard work and sacrifice at any cost was in vain.

Because among the top ten branches, only one person has the ability to cast curses with ghost blood.

She is the girl with tassel earrings named "Yitong" in the Ninth Branch.

And Yitong is from Gu Xingjian.

Xu Nan had overestimated Gu Xingjian, but in the end he still underestimated.

He was no match for this man who was accustomed to making plans.

However...variables always happen throughout life.

Xu Nan's efforts were useless to him, but they provided another person here with the opportunity he had longed for!

Ji Li was on the verge of being eliminated, his body was riddled with holes, his fingers were like knives, and he was about to sacrifice his life for the evil spirit in his ears.

Xu Cha, here we come.

The death of others brought Ji Li the vitality that could turn everything around.

A female ghost in a white dress broke directly into Ji Li's mind in a devastating way.

At this moment, the brain invasion caused by another building ghost was dispelled, and at the same time, it occupied Ji Li's brain in another way.


This killing method rooted in Ji Li's memory, mind, and body is exactly what he wants!

The most direct way to revive the gray soul is to possess the body with supernatural power.

The opportunity, which was only one step away, finally arrived.

Ji Li's mind suddenly became clear, his sea of ​​consciousness became no longer chaotic in the blink of an eye, and an extraordinarily powerful supernatural power spurted out from the depths of his soul.

Xu Cha was wiped out of his body in an instant, and it didn't even last more than a second before it got into his body.

The resurrection of the gray soul is incomplete because Xu Cha is not a real ghost, but this is a great thing.

Because Ji Li will not lose his mind because of this, and he also has strong immunity to supernatural powers.

Ji Li's momentum was so majestic that he knocked back all the building ghosts around him and even several store managers who turned into ghosts.

Only Li Yi, who turned into a ghost, still stood quietly, like a sculpture.

The long hair that mopped the floor floated in the air without any wind. Apart from the traces of blood and tears on his pale cheeks, there was a look of joy that had been suppressed for a long time.

Ji Li turned his head to the sky and let out a long sigh of relief. At this moment, he finally had the confidence to face all the ghosts on the fifth floor.

After a moment, he aimed his still blank eyes at Gu Xingjian.

It wasn't until this moment that he finally had the capital to confront this man on an equal footing.

The ancient bronze coffin was recovered, the hundred strange babies were taken away, and the raccoon cat slipped away as soon as the gray color revived, and no one knew where it was going.

Only the female voice looked at Ji Li, whose momentum had changed drastically. She stopped and did not dare to move forward, but there was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Ji Li slowly stepped forward. This time, no ghost could stop his progress.

What was once a far distance is now so close.

Taking the first step out, Li Yi turned into a ghost and crushed the fourth ghost;

Taking the second step out, the crow with blood-red eyes took away the fifth ghost;

On the third step, Ji Li was already two meters in front of Gu Xingjian.

And the ghost Li Yi and Ji Li are only two meters apart.

Ji Li's figure was actually not much different from that of an evil ghost. He had no eyes but could see that Gu Xingjian was very busy at this time.

Surrounding Gu Xingjian were three particularly terrifying supernatural powers.

Two are outside and one is inside Gu Xingjian.

And the supernatural power in his body was weakening rapidly.

He could sense wisps of breath being drawn away from the ghost's body, and was quickly compressed and absorbed by Gu Xingjian.

If Ji Li could see with the naked eye, he would see the external situation more clearly.

Gu Xingjian sat cross-legged on the ground, with half of his originally black hair neatly divided into white parts in the middle.

A kerosene lamp in front of him was emitting a blazing yellow light, forming a regional protection.

He closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was fighting fiercely with Xu Cha in his body.

Although Gu Xingjian threatened that Xu Cha was one of the people he was waiting for, the process of achieving this goal must not be simple.

The shadow ghosts on the fifth floor, as well as Xu Nan who committed suicide and turned into a ghost, surrounded Gu Xingjian but could not move forward.

“As long as the light goes out, I won’t die.

This is the overcast lamp from the home of Mrs. Hu on the tenth floor. The corpse oil of several young girls is twisted into a wick, which will burn forever.

The reason why the family on the fourteenth floor stopped mourning was because they were looking for their daughter's body.

But little did they know that their daughter had long since become ashes in the lamp of the goddess they respected. "

Gu Xingjian didn't open his eyes, but he sensed Ji Li's approach. The corners of his mouth raised slightly as he told the story of the crime object.

Ji Li slowly put his hand deep into his arms and listened silently without replying.

From the moment the gray soul revived, he was already invincible.

The flaw in Gu Xingjian that he had been looking for so hard has now been revealed.

Gu Xingjian wanted the female ghost in the white dress, and Ji Li also touched the handle of the gun in his arms.

For a living person, this weapon is enough to decide the situation at this time.

But what Gu Xingjian said next made Ji Li's hand stop in place.

"It's too inferior to use a gun, Manager Ji.

Admittedly I don't know you well enough, but thank you for revealing your identity so early.

It turns out that you, like Li Yi, are both the product of that thing.

You and he seem to be stronger than ordinary people like me.

But I don't envy you, because you are just two tragic miserable people.

Li Yi's fate is like a broken-winged bird that fell to the bottom of a well. He has only one ambition but cannot fly out of the well for the rest of his life.

As for your fate, I will tell you when we meet for the mission in seven days.

Goodbye, Manager Ji. "

Gu Xingjian's deep voice spoke particularly magical words and was good at playing with people's hearts.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a reflection of a struggling female ghost in a white dress flashed in his right eye, and then he opened his arms, as if embracing the darkness.

Ji Li still didn't wake up from these profound words, but he also saw that Gu Xingjian had done something.

But it's too late.

A light black feather slowly floated down from the sky, like black snowflakes falling on Gu Xingjian's head.

For some unknown reason, the ghost Li Yi suddenly killed Gu Xingjian. This was the only time it attacked a living person since it came here.

Gu Xingjian was suddenly killed by Li Yi, who turned into a ghost.

The other person this man claimed to be waiting for was obviously Li Yi, who turned into a ghost.

Until now, no one knows what his purpose was, but he has achieved his wish.

Ji Li's long hair was spread on the ground, and his body was gradually covered by the heavy black snow. He stood there silently and was gradually buried.

He had never felt as frustrated as he did today.

Gu Xingjian calculated him to the extreme without relying on any crime, just strategy.

One person is like a mountain, and it is so difficult for Ji Li to even breathe.

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