Weird Regulator

Chapter 446 Accuracy and Inaccuracy (two chapters in one)

It was still far from getting bright, and the travelers who had just returned had to push open the door again.

The moment his hand grasped the golden door, a gentle and gentle blessing sounded from behind.

"Sir, I hope you can have a truly happy day."

The man didn't pause or turn around, he just pushed open the door in the night.

The cold wind that hit him blew the long hair on both sides of his face away, and the terrifyingly empty eyes on that pale face made the other man scream in fright.

The man who had returned from abroad jumped up on the spot and was stunned for a long time before tentatively asking:

"Holy crap! Ji Li?!"

Ji Li has no eyes, but he can still use the gray soul breath remaining in his body to help him feel everything around him.

The startled man in front of him was Yu Guo, who had just returned to the hotel after a long journey.

In the middle and late autumn, Yu Guo was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt, holding a mobile phone holder in his left hand and swimming goggles wrapped around his right arm.

Yu Guo walked around Ji Li several times, dumbfounded.

The way Ji Li looks now, walking on the street late at night will definitely scare many innocent citizens.

The already long black hair now extends to the ground, like a long-haired evil ghost in a movie.

Especially the half-covered face, like a corpse that had been dead for several days, without any blood, but there were shocking holes in the eyes.

The most terrifying thing is that the two original eyes are missing.

But Ji Li seemed to be fine and seemed to be going out.

"Ji Li, I haven't seen you in the past few days, how come you act like a ghost... ahem?"

Although Ji Li had no eyes, he seemed to give him a blank look and asked in a low voice:

"Where are you going?"

Yu Guo was stunned and looked at him strangely:

"I...didn't I just go back to the hotel?"

"Don't go back, find a car to take me somewhere."


"Shanghai City."

Shanghai City and Shanming City are adjacent to each other.

After driving for only three hours, the two of them arrived in one of the most prosperous cities in the country.

Yu Guo was still wearing the short-sleeved shirt, turned on the air conditioner in the car to the maximum, and waved his hand in front of Ji Li's eyes out of curiosity.

But then Ji Li slapped his hand down.

Yu Guo muttered, "You can really see..."

Yu Guo was also quite aggrieved. He had just returned from a live broadcast at a swimming pool in Shanming City that was rumored to be haunted. He was about to take a break when Ji Li pulled him out.

He was full of questions, but Ji Li hadn't said a word since he got in the car.

After three hours, looking at the increasingly prosperous streets, he finally couldn't stand it any longer and asked:

"Brother, this is already Shanghai City, where are we going?"

"No. 333 Tianhai Street, No. 10 Store."

Ji Li remained expressionless and cherished his words like gold.

Yu Guo was stunned when he heard this, and moved his buttocks from the driver's seat excitedly:

"I'll go, it seems like a lot of things happened in the two days you disappeared, even the 10th store got in touch!

Are we going to cause trouble, or are we going to make friends?

I have two fishing rods in my trunk, so I called Lao Fang.

To make friends, I don’t need to go to a specialty store to buy some good wine..."

Ji Li frowned. He found that Yu Guo had talked more and more since Hong Fu arrived, so he stopped his nonsense in time.

"Go get my eyes back."

Yu Guo's eloquent words suddenly stopped. He paused for half a minute, and finally choked out two words:

"You are awesome..."

Vehicles were unable to enter the high-end villa area where the Tenth Store was located.

Yu Guo, who got off the car and walked, walked at the front with an expectant look on his face, looking around.

Ji Li wrapped his eyes with a piece of white cloth from behind, which was obviously not that scary.

Not long after, Villa No. 13 at No. 333 Tianhai Street was revealed. Yu Guo stood under the tree opposite, standing on tiptoes and looking inside.

The sky is bright now, but there is no movement in the villa.

Yu Guo saw that Ji Li, who was not in a hurry, finally arrived, grabbed his arm, and immediately asked:

"How do you find the No. 10 store? Do you have to go up and knock on the door?"

Ji Li also casually tilted his head to observe, and then replied in a deep voice:

"No, he's here to pick us up."

As soon as these words were spoken, a figure pushed out the door of Villa No. 13 and walked out.

The man's appearance was very ordinary, as if he was an ordinary person who walked through the crowd and no one would remember him, but he looked even more excited than Yu Guo.

Zhu Xiaoning seemed to have been waiting for Ji Li for a long time. She held a cloth bag in her right hand and greeted him with a smile:

"Manager Ji, you really keep your word."

When he said this, he looked at Ji Li's long hair that hung down on his feet, and thought to himself that the store manager must have done something since he was eliminated.

Then he looked at the slightly excited Yu Guo beside him and asked blankly: "Who is this?"

“My name is Yu Guo, I really didn’t expect to get to know you, a friend from the tenth store.

May I have your name? How many missions have you completed? How many sinful objects are there? …”

As soon as Yu Guo came up, he stretched out his long hand, took the initiative to grab Zhu Xiaoning's hand and squeezed it tightly, and started talking very enthusiastically.

Zhu Xiaoning was slightly embarrassed, but she answered questions one by one.

Ji Li took out the kerosene lamp and paper scissors from his arms and handed them to Zhu Xiaoning:

"These two evil objects are extraordinary, you can study the effects yourself.

But I don’t recommend you to use this kerosene lamp frequently.

Because it was left to me intentionally by Gu Xingjian, and it must have been calculated.

So, handle it carefully yourself. "

Ji Li has followed his promise and given all the sins obtained from this store manager mission to Zhu Xiaoning.

After bidding farewell to the extremely excited manager of the Tenth Store, Yu Guo sat back in the car and kept clicking his lips.

"You said how unfair the world is, why should they open their tenth store in a villa area?

Our seventh branch has to be in the public toilet of the moat?

Although it doesn't smell, this thing is really unpleasant to hear. "

Ji Li sighed. He had known Yu Guo for a long time and had long been accustomed to his habit of nagging.

She just put her hand into her pocket, held his eyes and said, "Go back to the Seventh Branch."

"No, there's no need to rush.

I drank the water from the swimming pool all night yesterday and spent the whole night with you.

You have to have breakfast anyway. "

Ji Li helplessly glanced out the window, stopped talking, and could only listen to him.

It's five o'clock in the morning. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be many people in the breakfast shop at this time.

But when Ji Li and Yu Guo walked into the shop, they were shocked to find that there were seven or eight men and women of all kinds sitting in this small shop.

Ji Li's style was already strange, and Yu Guo was even more unconventional by wearing short sleeves in the cold weather. He attracted everyone's attention as soon as he entered the door.

As soon as Ji Li entered the door, he immediately frowned because he sensed a supernatural aura through his gray soul!

These supernatural auras came from eight men and women having breakfast. Although they were very light, they were very pure and strange.

Among these people, the one with the strongest supernatural power is the table by the window with the best view.

There were only two people at that table with six chairs, and the remaining six people were crowded together.

This strange seating position clearly represents the two unique people, whose identities are by no means simple.

At this time, one of the middle-aged men with a good-looking appearance who was sitting at the same table also turned his attention to Ji Li, and his pupils shrank at the same time.

Obviously, he also saw something special about Ji Li and Yu Guo.

But he tentatively looked at the man wearing black casual clothes next to him, but found that the other man showed no sign of paying attention.

Instead, I added sugar one spoon at a time to the soy milk in front of me.

After ordering a simple meal, the atmosphere in the store became solemn as the boss left.

Yu Guo glanced at the middle-aged man quietly and said to Ji Li:

"It seems that the atmosphere is not right..."

And at this moment, another figure in strange clothes walked into this ordinary breakfast shop.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe, with a goatee, and holding a banner in his hand.

He looked like a Taoist priest, but because he was too thin to hold up the large Taoist robes, especially when he walked on his feet, he looked cunning and funny.

As soon as he came, he looked at Ji Li who was sitting at the door. He muttered a greeting and sat down familiarly.

"Oh my, my benefactor's appearance is not good, do you want Pindao to do a fortune telling for you?

If a poor person does one good deed a day, this hexagram will be free! "

This way of appearing was too obvious. Ji Li could tell from the moment he was at the door that this person had a very strong aura of sinful things.

This is completely different from the group of strangers in the store at the moment. They are just contaminated by the long-term contact with supernatural beings.

But this Taoist priest is clearly a clerk at Tianhai Hotel.

Among the top ten branches, there is only one Taoist priest, and that is "Old Huang" as Gu Xingjian of the ninth branch calls him.

"Your surname is Huang?" Ji Li asked with a half-smile.

"You can call me 'Huang Banxian'." Huang Banxian also touched his goatee and replied with a smile.

At this time, Yu Guo grabbed Huang Banxian's arm first:

"Half Immortal, please do the math for me first. My name is Yu Guo, and my birth date is..."

Huang Banxian's goal was obviously not Yu Guo. He rolled his eyes and interrupted:

"What is a fish pot? Just the name is unlucky. If the fish is in the pot, you will have to memorize it sooner or later."

"Hey, let me go, it's so accurate! I asked why I recite it like this, it turns out it's because of the name..."

Yu Guo slapped his thigh, as if he had finally found the reason for his troubles over the years.

Ji Li had no intention of having too much contact with the people in the Ninth Branch. This Huang Banxian must have come to find him through Gu Xingjian's instruction.

So he persisted in not confronting Gu Xingjian for the time being and continued to ask:

"You said you do fortune telling every day, right?"

"Yes." Huang Banxian raised his face, as if he was very confident in his hexagram skills.

Ji Li sneered, suddenly stood up from the plastic stool, showed a dagger in his right hand, and said flatly:

"Then you can calculate now whether your left hand will be injured!"

Huang Banxian felt a thump in his heart when he saw the fierce Ji Li next to him.

It is a business rule to count others and not oneself.

But the previous reputation had been blown out, and now Ji Li turned an army against him, but he was riding a tiger with difficulty.

Huang Banxia's sallow face turned red from suppressing it. She carefully recalled what she learned about Ji Li's character from Gu Xingjian, and finally suppressed one word:



As soon as the voice fell, the knife was stabbed into the back of his left hand, nailing his hand to the wooden table.

Ji Li left his position with an expression on his face, picked up Yu Guo, who looked dull, and walked out of the breakfast shop.

Huang Banxian's face wrinkled up in pain, and he didn't dare to scream loudly. He could only cover his painful left hand and watch Ji Li leave.

And this time, he saw the table sitting by the window.

A man with a slender figure and a calm demeanor was getting up from his chair, and his eyes as bright as stars were looking at him with a half-smile.

The appearance of this man startled him, as if he realized something, and the fingers of his right hand moved rapidly, as if he was calculating something.

"What did you figure out?"

When Huang Banxian saw this man, he seemed to understand why he had a bad start.

Just as he was immersed in pain and busyness, the man had already walked up to him.


His superb divination method, combined with the ability of sinful objects, actually made it impossible for him to divine this person.

And the next scene made his nerves tense to the limit.

"You are so good at calculation. If you calculate your right hand, will it be injured?"

Huang Banxian wrinkled his face in pain. He failed to complete the task assigned by Gu Xingjian, but encountered evil stars one after another.

This strange and handsome man brought him as much pressure as Ji Li.

He looked at the man's fair face, recalled Ji Li's performance, gritted his teeth and growled:


Another knife was inserted into his right hand that was spread out on the table, so that his left and right hands formed a symmetrical shape and were nailed to the table together.

The man wiped the blood on his palm with a handkerchief, shook his head and walked out of the breakfast shop with a chuckle, leaving only one sentence:

"You're not right."

This chapter is long enough, it’s the third update today.

This group of people who have been exposed to the supernatural atmosphere in Shanghai for a long time are the executors of the newspaper.

Yan Yan and He Xiao make guest appearances without showing their faces.

This section is considered an Easter egg in the previous book, but it also foreshadows the subsequent plot, which will be useful later.

If you haven't read the newspaper, it doesn't matter.

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