Weird Regulator

Chapter 447 The water in the moat will not warm up

The trip to Shanghai and Shanghai lasted only a few hours.

The two of them had no need to stay anymore since they came out of the breakfast shop, and started driving back to the seventh branch.

Ji Li leaned his head tiredly against the car window, closing his eyes and thinking about everything that had happened since he was the store manager until now.

In this store manager task, he was indeed not as good as Gu Xingjian, but he still gained a lot of secrets.

Related to the mission was naturally the seven-day mother-finding operation.

However, this fourth mission should ultimately end with the failure of all store managers.

After all, near the end, that strange air flow came too unexpectedly, and it was not the performance that should be expected when completing a task.

Ji Li didn't care about this. He never thought he would succeed. He just wanted to test the waters first.

However, he is quite interested in the reward puzzles.

According to Gu Xingjian, the puzzle he and Li Yi obtained was incomplete. They needed to hold all seven pieces of the puzzle corresponding to the seven days in their hands to have any effect.

Then it may be understood that the final reward of the store manager's task is a complete puzzle piece, but it is divided into seven pieces.

The future always heralds danger, and Ji Li must get at least one piece of this puzzle.

It's a pity that except for Li Yi and Gu Xingjian who have the puzzle pieces, no one else can clearly understand what this thing does.

"We'll see you at the joint reception mission after seven o'clock..."

Ji Li never forgot Gu Xingjian's last words.

This sentence obviously means that Gu Xingjian has some means of calculating the next mission, and it must be a crime object.

Of course, it could also be the Taoist priest who calls himself Huang Banxian.

It's just that Ji Li doesn't believe that a person can really predict the future through divination, which would interfere with the balance of tasks.

But after repeatedly comparing Gu Xingjian's confidence and Huang Banxian's characteristics, he was still slightly worried.

He must have an awareness that the Ninth Branch has the ability to predict the future.

Only in this way will he not be caught off guard.

Huang Banxian came to Shanghai to wait for him. Was it because of divination...

The scenery outside the window changed from unfamiliar to familiar. The vehicle had left the Shanghai area and arrived at the suburbs of Shanming City.

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Ji Li's mind, and he remembered the purpose of his trip: the tenth store.

If Gu Xingjian didn't know his actions through divination, then it could only be the tenth store.

Gu Xingjian definitely has plans for Zhu Xiaoning, and almost everyone knows this.

So the exposure of his traces may indicate that Gu Xingjian has plotted against Zhu Xiaoning.

The purpose of his doing this is naturally the tenth store.

Ji Li slowly lowered his head. He had long thought that it was abnormal for Tianhai Hotel to open a branch in Shanghai.

During this trip to Shanghai, he even met a group of special people who had been contaminated with supernatural aura for a long time.

If I were to be bolder, could there be something similar to the Tianhai Hotel in Shanghai?

There are also a group of people like them who are store clerks, playing a supernatural game of life and death?

If this is the case, then the unique branch of the Tenth Store has too many meanings.

Perhaps Gu Xingjian valued this point.

Something in Ji Li's heart was touched, and even he was a little shocked.

The secret from Gu Xingjian, to Dishifendian, to Shanghai City, and then to Tianhai Hotel, finally fell back to Gu Xingjian!

What ability does this man Gu Xingjian have that he can know so many secrets?

Even making calculations about Tianhai Hotel...

But he also made it clear that compared to Ji Li and Li Yi, he was just an ordinary person.

Thinking of this, Ji Li couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Even as an enemy, he had to sincerely admire Gu Xingjian.

Living in the same world with such people is a blessing or a misfortune.

Time passed little by little while the vehicle was driving at high speed. A fog had risen outside the window, and the field of vision gradually became weaker.

The morning sun was very weak, and the water vapor was rising because it was near the moat.

Ji Li moved his stiff body and finally broke away from his own world. Only then did he hear Yu Guo, who was driving beside him, talking to himself.

Yu Guo had not spoken since he left the breakfast shop, only murmuring in a low voice from time to time, and occasionally slapping the steering wheel hard.

This strange situation made Ji Li frown, push his arm and ask:

"What’s wrong with you?"

Yu Guo's reaction was huge. He pressed the brakes to the bottom. The vehicle stopped suddenly, which shocked Ji Li's body. Before he could say anything, Yu Guo said first:

"I want to change my name!"

Ji Li leaned back in his chair weakly, not knowing how to answer this sentence.

Yu Guo parked the car, clenched his hands into fists, and said with a very solemn expression:

"The Taoist priest was right, he woke me up immediately.

Yu Guo Yu Guo... fish pot!

The fish will not be stewed in the pot sooner or later. "

"Gu Xingjian, the store manager of the Ninth Branch, said that we will have a joint pick-up mission with him in seven days.

That Huang Banxian is from the Ninth Branch, and he came to us with bad intentions.

So you don’t need to believe everything I say. "

Ji Li still admires Yu Guo, not only because they have known each other for a long time.

After all, he sometimes seems like a lunatic, but he never lags behind when it counts.

Especially that kind of optimistic character, which brings the only liveliness to this hell that has never had joy.

Yu Guo didn't seem to be joking, there was even a strong sense of loneliness in his eyes as he spoke word by word.

"Really? Their branch actually knows about the next mission?

If it is true, then I will change my name...

Ji Li, you also know about me.

There are not many hardships in this life, but everyone I care about has left one by one.

Her parents are suffering from diseases that cannot be changed by human power. I pity her...

If it hadn't been for the poignant word "pity", perhaps there wouldn't have been such an ending. "

When Yu Guo said this, his eye circles were slightly red. He sighed and finally started the car again.

"I have to live, at least until winter..."

Ji Li said nothing, just pointed his face out the window.

Yu Guo took the "winter promise" given by the Tiannan College ghost too seriously.

Even in order to survive until then, for the woman who had long since become an evil spirit...

I "superstitiously" believe that the magician said that names are unlucky.

Ji Li didn't want to hear him talk about this.

Those things that are cherished, not given up, and regarded as beliefs will become the executioner of everyone who cares.

Just like the cold and biting moat water on the shore, it will not warm up because of some ridiculous words said by an infatuated man.

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