Weird Regulator

Chapter 448 Huang Banxian’s Special Mission

It is a great sadness to be selected by Tianhai to become a clerk who takes on tasks.

However, the people living in the Ninth Branch are fortunate among misfortunes.

Because as long as they are assigned here, they will become a member of the four-star hotel.

Compared with other branches, the number of tasks required to leave the hotel has been shortened to a great extent.

Of course, what follows is that the growth time of new people is also greatly compressed.

Because the Ninth Branch is only two missions away from being completely upgraded to a four-star hotel.

Therefore, there is almost no opportunity for newcomers to slowly adjust to the difficulty of the ghosts and tasks they have to face.

Everything has pros and cons.

If a very few newcomers can withstand the baptism of tasks, quickly adjust their mentality, and rise quickly.

On the contrary, you can get more sinful items than ordinary branches, so you can stand out.

Milton Clyde, one of the few foreigners in this top ten branch.

As the sun rose on a new day, he got up early and went to the restaurant on the first floor to get a cup of coffee. He strolled to the walls of the hall and looked at the portraits of past store managers.

Speaking of which, there is nothing special about Clyde. His previous job was just an ordinary photographer.

Before coming to this strange country, he had traveled to more than thirty countries and was well-informed.

He is a devout Christian believer. Ever since he was assigned to the Ninth Branch to perform the pick-up task, he firmly believed that this was a God-given opportunity given to him to wash away his sins.

Perhaps it was this peaceful mentality and the resilience developed by the traveling photographer that made him the only store clerk other than Gu Xingjian to survive that mission.

Being able to survive hand in hand with Gu Xingjian shows how difficult that mission will be.

And this also indicates how solid the spiritual power brought by Clyde's unique faith is.

After that mission, he got his core crime object, which was reportedly given to him by Gu Xingjian because he valued it.

From then on, with the increase in missions and crimes, Clyde gradually became the representative of the new force in the Ninth Branch.

He was the foreigner who had previously called Huang Banxian the magic stick.

Now Clyde seems to be one of the core figures of the Ninth Branch.

Clyde's blue eyes reflected the broad portrait in front of him, and he carefully thought about how the sky and sea could outline such lifelike lines.

At this moment, the door was pushed open by someone who had returned from the outside world. He turned around calmly, and his expression became strange after seeing the person clearly.

He put the coffee cup on the table, walked forward quickly, and asked in a slightly Beijing accent:

"Mr. Shengun, have you been beaten again?"

This returning figure is naturally Huang Banxian, who was stabbed through both hands by Ji Li and the strange man.

When Huang Banxian saw Clyde, his sharp-mouthed face showed a hint of embarrassment, but his tone was pretending to be cold.

"Xiao Kezi, I want to correct your sentence.

You, Huang Daoye, have never been beaten before. I am doing this for the sake of self-denial and self-cultivation, using physical pain to temper my will. "

Clyde and Huang Banxian are of Chinese and Western faiths respectively. They have been trying to undermine each other since they met, and when they get the chance, they have to make a few sarcastic remarks about each other before they feel comfortable.

Clay gave a thumbs up when he heard this, nodded and praised:

"Mr. Shengun is indeed like this. You can brag about humiliating things like getting beaten. I can't imitate your spirit."

"Don't hang out with that girl Jiang Xi from now on. Why are you so rude..."

Huang Banxian's hand hurt even more after being told that, and he stretched out his withered face. He walked away from him with a low murmur and walked upstairs.

This time he went to Shanghai City with Gu Xingjian's instructions.

Gu Xingjian asked him to arrive at the door of a breakfast shop at five o'clock in the morning, wait for Ji Li, and tell him his fortune.

But he didn't expect that the manager of the seventh branch would have such a changeable temperament, and he would do whatever he asked, and he would also meet another evil star.

This made it impossible to carry out his mission.

When he thought of Gu Xingjian's face again, he felt very bad.

Gu Xingjian has a vicious reputation. Although he usually looks very ordinary, in fact, the title of "Devil in Human Skin" is definitely worthy of his name.

More than once, he saw this man make such cruel and outrageous actions.

There were even many times where living people were tortured and killed without any logic at all.

Xu Cha in the first branch is an example.

Fortunately, Huang Banxian believed that he had known Gu Xingjian for a long time, and most of the sins on him were gifts from the other party.

Gu Xingjian was an extremely generous person and often gave away sinful things.

In addition to his own ability, this is also the main reason why Huang Banxian can become the first-class representative of the Ninth Branch.

After standing in front of the door for a long time, he hesitated for a few times and stretched out his right hand, aiming at the door.

But before he could open the door, the door in front of him made a "creep" sound and automatically revealed a crack.

No sunlight came from the crack in the door, as if Gu Xingjian had blocked all the curtains.

The dark aura came, and there was a faint smell of blood, which made Huang Banxian frown.

He didn't dare to break into Gu Xingjian's room, even if the gap seemed to be opened just for him.

After a long stalemate like this, Huang Banxian cleared his throat and was about to shout.

Suddenly half a human face appeared behind the crack in the door, frightening him so much that he took half a step back.

After being stunned for a moment, he realized that half of the face was Gu Xingjian, but this time there was an uncharacteristically unsmiling face.

" manager, I went to Shanghai City to see Ji Li, but I didn't complete your mission.

A group of strangers with supernatural aura appeared, which affected my luck.

Although that kind of aura is very thin, it is special and powerful, and seems to be slightly similar to Tianhai Hotel..."

Huang Banxian's words were very skillful. He brushed off the failure of the mission and instead made the abnormality of the strangers the focus.

Halfway through, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Gu Xingjian's covered half of his face, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

After a while, the face finally showed an expression, and he opened his lips slightly and said:

"Okay, it's just a pretense to ask you to tell Ji Li's fortune, it's just for him to get to know you.

The next mission I had something to do and I couldn't attend, so my place was taken by Clyde.

You and he are leading this mission, but I want you to do one thing for me. "

Huang Banxian was shocked for a while. He had never heard that he was selected for a mission, but he could not go temporarily and find someone else to take his place.

From the bottom of his heart, he couldn't believe that any sinful object could have such an effect, but since Gu Xingjian said so, it must be true.

He didn't care about the previous words, but the last sentence was the key, so he asked solemnly:

"What's up?"

The last expression on the exposed half of Gu Xingjian's face disappeared, looking particularly gloomy and mysterious in the shadows.

"There is a man named Yu Guo in the Seventh Branch, and he has a big secret.

I want you to get this secret in this mission. "

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