Weird Regulator

Chapter 450 He is the protagonist

The room with the curtains drawn was slightly dark, and Ji Li did not immediately recover his second personality and return.

Instead, he silently approached the window, opened the curtains forcefully, and let the sunlight shine on his face.

The return of the second personality did not make Ji Li feel the slightest bit happy. On the contrary, he was deeply puzzled.

"Why did you come back?"

This is what Ji Li wants to ask. He knows the situation of the second personality better than anyone else.

The resurgence of the gray soul again and again will impact the vitality of other personalities.

The second personality was the first to bear the brunt, and fell asleep for several months under constant pressure.

Why did he return to normal after he failed the store manager job and his gray soul resurrected?

You know, until now Ji Li's hair is still extended on the ground, and his gray soul has not completely faded.

“I regained consciousness the moment the gray guy revived.

And my current condition is very good, I feel stronger than before!

I don't know the specific reason, but I guess it has something to do with the female ghost that entered your body. "

The second personality knew what Ji Li was worried about and expressed his guess.

At the same time, the third personality also echoed:

"Yes, one of the discoveries I want to tell you about,

At the same time that the female ghost entered my body, even I felt the replenishment of strength. "

Ji Li frowned tightly. The second and third personalities both said this, which was naturally based on what he said.

It does sound reasonable. After all, Ji Li doesn't know much about them.

But at this moment, he kept an eye on it. Things about this second personality would not be that simple.

"What's wrong? Why do you seem unhappy when I come back?

Look at what you have become during my absence.

The second master is your lucky star. Only with me here can you go further! "

The tone of the second personality's speech is still the same as before, with a strange confidence in the noise.

Indeed, Ji Li has been living a very depressed life since his second personality fell asleep.

Seeing that Ji Li didn't speak for a long time, the third personality coughed lightly and decided to tell the key point:

“In this store manager assignment, I made three discoveries.

The first and most important one.

You seem to have been cursed by Gu Xingjian..."

Ji Li immediately raised his eyebrows. He hadn't thought about it yet.

As early as during the mission, he found that he was always thinking of Gu Xingjian in his mind without realizing it.

And from the bottom of my heart, there is often a feeling of withdrawal that I dare not fight against.

He had previously wondered whether he had been imbued with the seeds of inner demons by Gu Xingjian.

The third personality paused, leaving Ji Li time to think, and continued to add:

"Do you still remember what you did when you left Ruru's house?"

After Ji Li's prompting, he carefully recalled that time period.

He had been observing the situation and was the last of all store managers to walk out of the room.

Firstly, he took away a calendar from Ruru’s house, and secondly...

Ji Li narrowed his eyes, and then he saw that Gu Xingjian deliberately left the original body of the paper man's sinful object in Ruru's bedroom.

He saw that Gu Xingjian left the paper man behind to observe what happened to Ruru during the non-task phase.

In the end, he couldn't let it happen, so he set a fire and watched the paper man's sinful object burn with his own eyes.

The strange thing is that Gu Xingjian didn't mention anything to Ji Li later on.

"You mean, I was cursed by Gu Xingjian's paper man?"

"Yes, and no." The third personality gave an ambiguous reply, and then continued:

“When the figure of the paper man being burned by the fire appears in your eyes, that image will be engraved in your heart.

This is a very powerful force, similar to the ability to interfere with the mind.

Gu Xingjian left the paper man behind on purpose and let you see it on purpose.

He guessed that you wouldn't let it happen, so he placed another serious object on the paper man in advance. "

Ji Li's heart did not fluctuate. Gu Xingjian was the most proficient in calculation among the people he had ever met. This did not surprise him.

"In other words, Gu Xingjian did not hesitate to use the paper man's sinful objects as bait to catch my fish.

The moment I saw the paper man's sinful object, I was already being plotted, and the seeds of psychological interference were sown. "

"That's right...

This man's resourcefulness is something I have never seen before in my life, and my second discovery was also about him. "

The third personality was absolutely terrified of Gu Xingjian, and he even took a deep breath before saying another terrifying thing:

"The hundred-headed monster baby you got is fake..."

Ji Li's expression changed this time. He didn't expect the third person, Shi Po Tianjing, to say such a thing.

He immediately waved his hand to summon the ancient bronze coffin. At this moment, he could sense that hundreds of strange babies were sleeping in the coffin.

"What do you think of this?"

The third personality, whose words are not surprising, continues to explain:

"Your strange baby is indeed a sinful object, but it does not possess the attributes of a ghost. It is just a dead object that looks like a living ghost.

The reason why the mind and expression of ghosts exist is because it is the product of two sinful things kneaded together.

When the real hundred-headed monster baby left Zhu Xiaoning's body, Gu Xingjian had already extracted the soul of the living ghost, and quickly merged it with another sinful object similar to a ghost.

The hundred-headed monster baby you saw is a combination of two sinful objects. Although harmless, it is very weak.

Otherwise, the strength of the Tower-Suppressing Ghost will not be limited to a slight resistance, and it will not even be able to stop it..."

Ji Li listened to these words quietly, his expression getting heavier and heavier. Due to his physical condition, he couldn't tell whether it was a sinful object or not.

So, the female voice was still lying to him.

Even the third personality can feel the difference between real ghosts and dead ghosts, how could the female voice not see it.

"I finally saw the Gu Xingjian you mentioned. He was so arrogant and domineering.

It seems that while I was sleeping, a lot of little hairs popped up. "

The second personality may have attracted all the attention because of Gu Xingjian's matter, and wanted to show his presence.

But no one paid attention to him at this moment, and the third personality revealed the last doubt he discovered:

"The last discovery may not be important to others, but it must be important to you.

I saw a ghost in Li Yi’s body..."

"Is there a ghost?"

Ji Li took away the ancient bronze coffin and said with slight surprise.

It's not difficult to just have a ghost. That deputy store manager Xu Nan also has a ghost.

But if the third personality says this, then it is definitely not that simple.

Sure enough, it was just as he thought.

"Li Yi's ghost is completely different from Xu Nan's.

The ghost was one with him, used by him, resisted the price of using sinful things for him, and resisted other ghosts for him.

This is the reason why he is directly ahead of all the clerks in terms of strength.

In other words, Li Yi is a monster with the most powerful evil object in the whole branch.

In terms of strength alone, his existence is simply a dimension-reducing blow to you.

If your world were a movie, he would be the protagonist! "

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