Weird Regulator

Chapter 451 Forgotten Rules

"It's so troublesome."

The second personality stopped teasing and sounded surprisingly serious.

He also did not expect that during the period of his sleep, characters he could not imagine had appeared.

In fact, it's not just him. The third personality who said this also has complex emotions. He has witnessed Ji Li's journey all the way.

The tasks became more and more difficult, and the new characters became more powerful, which made him feel more and more frightened.

Because if Ji Li's future becomes a mystery, then the fate of the rest of their personalities will only be worse.

The conversation fell into a long silence after the second personality's sigh.

Ji Li quietly took out the cigarette case from his arms, took one out and held it in his mouth, but did not light it immediately.

The information revealed in the store manager's task was messy and profound. He should not indulge in it. Instead, he should think about the next task.

As Gu Xingjian said, after seven days

No, there should be a joint pickup mission starting in six days.

On the seventh and ninth days, the two branches will gather together for the first time.

If the intelligence is good, this will be the third joint pick-up mission for the Seventh Branch.

The first time, the opponent was Xue Tinghai from the fourth branch, and Ji Li won that time.

The second time, the opponent was Li Congrong from the fifth branch. That time, the seventh branch won, but Ji Li lost.

So this time...

Ji Li finally lit the cigarette, and the slowly rising smoke made him squint his eyes slightly.

He knew that Gu Xingjian had planted the seeds of fear in his heart, but that didn't mean it could never be eradicated. Only by constant contact with this man could he find a way to eliminate it.

Gu Xingjian definitely has a big secret.

Sinful objects cannot have an effect on Ji Li, so the seeds of fear are not sinful objects.

Gu Xingjian knows too much, Ji Li must get everything he knows!

The mission six days later was the penultimate mission at the two-star hotel in the seventh branch.

Likewise, it is also the penultimate mission of the Ninth Branch Samsung Hotel.

The difficulty of the joint pick-up task is based on the highest branch level difficulty.

In other words, the next mission will be the most difficult mission Ji Li has experienced so far.

The time of a cigarette dissipated the joy of the return of the second personality, and also subsided the worry about the next mission.

The gray soul had not faded yet. Ji Li looked at the gray eyes and long hair reflected in the window and felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

His brain gradually became faint, he took a deep breath and fell on the bed.

In this morning when the sun is shining brightly,

Ji Li finally had some time to rest after being exhausted for a long time.

The starry sky shines faintly through the hole in the roof.

In the dusty environment, the two people were breathing the turbid air desperately from a short distance apart.

In a ruined temple, there was a roar of wind, and two living people who were left gasping for breath were highly nervous and alert to their surroundings.

The woman with bright eyes touched the sweat on her face, and a dirty mark was drawn on her delicate face.

She began to feel painful, and her thin body was shaking a little, even though she was the veteran of the first branch.

Even though she participated in the capture of nearly thirty ghosts, she was one of the most powerful people in the branch.

But the current situation was a desperate situation she had never experienced before.

"Our plan was discovered...

Don’t be tortured into a useless person, life and death without a trace,

Tong En and his wife were deprived of all their criminal belongings and were beaten to the 11th branch to start from scratch.

Ouyang has been taken away by it, and his ending..."

When the woman said this, a teardrop slipped from her eyes. She had not cried in many years.

But their six best friends were on the run, fearing that they would never see each other again in this life.

She raised her teary eyes and looked hard at the figure flickering in the shadows, the blood-stained skirt blowing faintly in the wind.

But that figure didn't say a word. He quietly listened to the woman's words.

Slowly, he stood up from the ground on crutches, without even looking at her, and walked firmly towards the temple door step by step.

"Ji Li! Come back!"

"Ji Li! Come back!!"

"Ji Li! Come back!!!"

"Mr. Ji, wake up!"

"Mr. Ji! Wake up quickly!"

It was hard to tell whether it was a nightmare or a sweet dream, but I finally woke up to a cry.

Ji Li's back was wet with sweat, his unchanged shirt clung to his skin, and his long hair was soaked.

The sky was completely dark, the stars were shining, and the neon lights of the city outside the window illuminated his face.

"Mr. Ji, there is a ghost on the second floor. It entered Mu Nianmei's room!"

The female voice held Ji Li's arm tightly, and the urgency of the situation made her tone surprisingly nervous.

As the will of the branch, she has supreme authority within the branch, but the responsibility of supervising ghosts does not belong to her.

Ji Li finally woke up from the fragmented dream. Hearing the words of the female voice, he realized the seriousness of the matter. He had no time to change clothes and walked out of the room.

Ghosts can enter Tianhai Hotel, and they can even attack the clerk.

This has been confirmed from the Bogu Building mission, and it is not a secret.

But except for the ghosts who were instructed by Tianhai, most of them didn't have the courage.

Because the clerk is from Tianhai.

Even if he is just an ordinary person, he is a clerk given by Tianhai, and not something ordinary ghosts dare to provoke.

Now the ghost that the female voice was talking about dared to brave the disapproval of the world and break into the seventh branch without permission.

Ji Li walked away unhappily, his expression a little gloomy.

He has still not recovered from the dream that was obviously full of information. Secondly, Mu Nianmei has a special identity as a ghost.

It's not certain why the ghost came to it.

Finally, this is not the first case of external ghosts interfering with internal ghosts. There have been cases before.

But since Ji Li readjusted the room, there has been nothing unusual.

This situation may mean something.

It's been so long since I've been on the lead-in mission that many people, even Ji Li, have forgotten about it.

In fact, store clerks also have a secondary responsibility:

Supervise ghosts.

Ji Li was walking along the corridor on the second floor. Next to the spiral staircase was room 201, which was the room where Mu Nianmei was.

Mu Nianmei is the most important ghost. She is related to the white-robed worshiping ghost. Ji Li must not let anything happen to it.

The door of 201 has been opened, and a ray of moonlight is emitting from the crack in the door.

Ji Li's footsteps were silent. He did not go in immediately. Instead, he lit a cigarette again, took a deep breath and said:

"It's too late, there's only one ghost inside, and... one person!"

The female voice sighed and replied softly:

"That ghost followed you from Shanghai City, and its target was Mu Nianmei, but it only disappeared after entering for half a second."

Ji Li didn't speak any more, and pushed open the ajar door with his right hand.

A slender figure stood in front of the window with her back to the moonlight. A white cloth was tied behind her head, as if to block her eyes.

But it didn't seem to affect her vision, because she was obviously looking at the moonlight.

The arrival of Ji Li did not break the tranquility of this place.

The unseen ghost was still talking to the woman.

Only the content of the conversation must not be known to outsiders.

After a long while, the woman nodded slightly and said the only sentence:

"So, this is why you gave me these eyes."

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