Weird Regulator

Chapter 452 The Seventh Spirit Detection Station

Little Qianduye is really different from before.

Ji Li smoked a cigarette and looked at the back quietly. Not long ago, she was just an ordinary woman dominated by emotions.

But under the baptism of two difficult tasks, the joint task and the store manager competition task, he seemed to be completely transformed.

When the face, which was given a cold feeling by the moonlight, turned around, Ji Li's mind recalled her former appearance.

A newcomer who would have been reduced to ashes in the Kyoto mission, to be able to reach this point today, one must lament the fate of the fate.

But now, the man who was holding snowflakes in his hands and complaining about how cold he was has completely blended into the ice and snow.

Little Qianduye knew better and did not stay any longer. He walked straight out and nodded in response when the Ji Li time was approaching.

Ji Li was not surprised that this woman appeared here.

Because her eyes are closely related to Mu Nianmei, if something happens to one of them, the other will naturally feel it.

After the door was closed again, Ji Li took a deep breath of cigarette, faced the empty room, and said coldly:

"Show up."

Ji Li is the manager of the seventh branch. It can be said that apart from Tianhai himself, he is the absolute leader.

This identity makes him a well-deserved leader in the task of guiding.

As for the ghost resident, he also has the sole control.

On the smooth floor, a dim shadow gradually emerged under the moonlight.

Mu Nianmei didn't show up but did show up.

Ji Li stared at the shadow silently and said flatly:

"What's the purpose of that ghost coming here?"

There was no reply, and there was a long silence after this question.

After Ji Li's patience was about to be exhausted, the shadows on the ground were gradually disrupted and reorganized, and finally converged into two words.

"incite defection!"

When Ji Li saw this, his eyes suddenly narrowed. This was the first time he knew the other party's purpose after the alien ghost appeared.

Two months ago, there was a cloaked shadow ghost trying to negotiate with the headless ghost outside the second floor window.

But because the female voice cannot control the situation outside the store, she has never been able to figure out the other party's intentions.

At this moment, Mu Nianmei, the most powerful ghost in the seventh branch, finally gave the answer.

There is actually an organization that is assigning multiple ghosts to instigate rebellion against the ghost residents of the seventh branch!

The reason why it is called an organization is that Ji Li never believes that any single ghost dares to challenge Tianhai Hotel.


It is a force comparable to the sky and sea.

And this situation will definitely not be limited to the seventh branch. Similar incidents will definitely occur in other branches.

Does it want to provoke the ghost residents of each branch to rebel...

Want to cause chaos in Tianhai Hotel?

But why did Tianhai ignore such a low-level approach?

Ji Li took another puff of cigarette to collect his thoughts, and after a while he said quietly:

"Leave that ghost to me."

But Mu Nianmei seemed to be hesitating. Her first reply to Ji Li's question was very perfunctory, and this time she chose not to reply.

Ji Li stared at the shadow closely and repeated word for word:

"give it to me."

However, Mu Nianmei's choice remained unchanged.

Ji Li threw the cigarette butt at his feet and stamped it out. No longer lazy to talk nonsense, he directly raised his right hand and aimed at the shadow.

His long hair was blown on the ground, and his gray soul was within him. Almost no ghost in the world dared to compete with him.

Mu Nianmei's shadow was held in his palm, and Ji Li looked over, his gray eyes flashing.

"Do you know the ghost worshiping in white robes?"

The shadow was slightly scattered, as if shaken.

"Do you know who it worships?"

The shadow began to struggle violently.

"Look at my face clearly and remember my eyes.

I will come to you again, and next time I come, you can no longer hide it from me. "

The shadow completely dispersed after hearing these words and disappeared without a trace.

Ji Li had no expression on his face, released his palms, and left suddenly.

In the lobby on the first floor of the seventh branch, Ji Li walked in the shadows without saying a word.

The phantom of the female voice still looked like Xiaojiabiyu, standing beside her, and said softly:

"Mu Nianmei knelt on your back as you left, as if..."


Ji Li's eyes were like water, looking at the dark night, and said with a sneer.

Mu Nianmei must know that Baipao worships ghosts, and even knows why the other party worships ghosts.

Ji Li has never forgotten what the dead criminal police captain said.

At the bottom of the moat, there is a stone statue of Ji Li holding a pair of skulls on crutches, which is worshiped by a white-robed ghost.

This branch line that breaks away from Tianhai Hotel must be a sign of something.

Ji Li knew that his identity was definitely not trivial. For supernatural beings, many forces were related to him.

I just don't know if the group that instigated the rebellion of the ghost residents and tried to cause chaos in Tianhai's branches are coming after him.

"Before I appeared, was there any collusion between outsiders and inside ghosts?"

This question was obviously asked by a female voice, and her answer was very straightforward.


However, there was once a branch that was closed down due to a large-scale riot by insiders! "

Ji Li frowned and asked with interest:

"Which branch?"

“Fifty years ago, Branch Eleven.

It wasn't re-opened until a couple's entry fifty years later. "

The couple mentioned by the female voice naturally refers to the Tongguan couple.

Shortly after they entered the 11th branch, the branch closed down completely.

Ji Li thought of the dream in his memory, and what the woman with bright eyes said.

"Tong En and his wife were stripped of all their criminal belongings and sent to Branch No. 11!"


During the mission in Kyoto, Ji Li met Chunshan Mirai and brought back a photo.

In a group of six,

Tongguan’s parents should be the Tongen couple.

As for Mo Mo, who was reduced to a useless person, and Ouyang, who was taken away by "it", we still don't know which two people correspond to the photos.

As for the woman crying under the bonfire, it is naturally Haruyama Mirai.


If everything in that dream was real, there was one doubt.

Fifty years ago, Ji Li seemed to have an extremely cold attitude towards Chunshan's future!

He vaguely inferred from clues during this period that his personality fifty years ago was not as gloomy and indifferent as it is now.

Even though he doesn't love this woman, he shouldn't act too cold.

Ji Li silently lit up a cigarette again.

Father and son, Tong En and Tong Guan, both appeared in the fateful Tianhai Hotel.

Fifty years, the truth spanning half a century, he will one day reveal it.

And now...

The cell phone in Ji Li's pocket suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

He took it out suspiciously, and a line of unfamiliar numbers flashed dazzlingly on the cold screen.

It was already 12:40 in the middle of the night. Ji Li, who never interacted with outsiders, who would make this late-night call to him?

Taking another puff of cigarette, Ji Li stopped thinking and put it to his ear without saying a word.

The other end of the phone remained silent, but Ji Li heard the cold wind howling through the phone.

It wasn't until the two parties were in a stalemate for half a minute that a woman's wailing cry finally came over the phone.

The other party seemed to be in a particularly empty place. He was crying very hard, his breath was messy and he said one sentence intermittently:

"I'm looking for Inspector Ji Li from the Seventh Spiritual Detective Station.

Let him help me. Come and help me! "

Happy New Year to everyone. I wish you all that your New Year’s resolutions will come true and that you will realize your dreams this year!

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