Weird Regulator

Chapter 457 Room 601

Zhanxun took a deep breath, walked from the back to the front, and asked softly:

"Manager Ji, do you think she might be here?"

This question is already tacitly understood.

Xiao Qianduye and Ji Li respectively confirmed that this was a ghost building that could not be more sinister.

Since the strange woman led them here, she must have known this in advance.

Then why would she be waiting for them here.

Obviously, this woman is very thoughtful, knows a lot, and is a difficult type of person.

Ji Li's heart didn't have any ups and downs.

He is not afraid of using wisdom, but he is even more gray when using ghosts. He cannot be invaded by a hundred ghosts.

This seemingly sinister ghost building is actually nothing more than that.

Ji Li put out the cigarette in his hand and entered the building first.

"We are from Tianhai Hotel, they don't dare to take action at will."

He was the first to enter the building and felt the bone-gnawing darkness.

The corridor was filled with the smell of various decorations, and as the corridor door opened and closed, a lot of dust was stirred up.

The turbid air was sucked into the lungs, and there was a stinging feeling.

It seems that the decoration has not been completed yet. Many wooden frames and tools are piled at the entrance of the stairs, making walking very inconvenient.

Without a voice-activated light, Ji Li could only move forward in the dark.

While covering his mouth and nose, he carefully observed his surroundings, especially the residences on each floor.

"It was very quiet, I didn't hear any movement."

The third personality is also always vigilant. His five senses are better than ordinary people, which gives Ji Li a lot of convenience.

The second personality knew that the situation was tense at this moment and stopped talking nonsense.

Ji Li's eyesight was very good, but he couldn't see in the dark.

Only use the flashlight that comes with your phone for lighting.

On the first floor, both the left and right houses are equipped with security doors.

But even the corridor has not been repaired. Who will decorate it in the past?

Ji Li noticed something was wrong after looking at it. He stopped at the door of 101 and put his ear against the cold iron door.

There was only the sound of wind and breathing, and there couldn't be anyone inside.

Then, only ghosts remain.

Ji Li frowned and said nothing. He aimed at 102 in the same way and got the same result.

"Manager Ji, even if we don't go up, we know that there will be no one in this building.

What do you think we should do? "

In fact, Su Qin'er always had a fog in her mind. Before she set off, she heard from Ji Li that she wanted to find a woman's place and be the guest.

But now it seems that this goal is unattainable.

So, what's the point of doing this now?

Ji Li lowered his head silently and did not answer.

In fact, they will always be at a disadvantage until the mission email officially arrives.

The information asymmetry is doomed to them being only guests.

And the reason why the action at this moment feels like there is nowhere to start,

Precisely because they need to use the poor clues to dig out intelligence when the information is unclear.

The few people following here now, especially Zhan Xun and Su Qin'er, are pretty good newcomers.

So Ji Li explained with rare patience:

"That woman is testing the strength of our Seventh Spirit Detection Station, and she has made a move.

We really have no goal today,

But everything experienced will provide guidance for the official mission.

If you two follow us, it means you have the upper hand. I can't say that you will definitely complete the task.

But you can definitely die later than those who didn't come. "

Su Qin'er thought for a moment and recalled these words carefully.

What Ji Li said is definitely not limited to this mission, it will also be of great benefit to future survival.

Zhan Xun nodded ably, passed Su Qin'er, came to Ji Li's side, and whispered thank you.

Little Chidaba, who was always at the end of the team, said softly at this moment:

"Let's go to the sixth floor. The black air there is the richest, which means it's very special."

Ji Li nodded, and he began to choose to trust little Qianduye's eyes.

Since Xiao Qianduye chose to follow him as a non-executive clerk.

This shows that this woman is dedicated to the Seventh Branch. Although her philosophy is different, she can be trusted.

This time Zhanxun took the lead. What was different from everyone else was that he was holding a high-gloss flashlight in his hand.

No one thought of bringing a flashlight for this trip, except him.

This also means that this person's handling of details is even better than Ji Li's.

With the goal in mind, the group of people moved quickly and reached the sixth floor, the top floor, in the blink of an eye.

Once here, Ji Li's eyes began to work.

With the gray soul in his body, he could tell at a glance that there was a spreading ghostly energy lingering in the room of 601.

Ghost energy is a very abstract concept.

It can be understood as the unique magnetic field brought by ghosts, or the overflowing supernatural aura.

Of course ordinary people can't see it.

But when it is strong enough to a certain extent, it will cause discomfort to living people.

The most well-known thing is the inexplicable coldness.

601 has the strongest ghost aura, far exceeding that of the other rooms.

Zhanxun, who was closest to the door, already felt that his right hand holding the flashlight was stiff.

He turned his head silently, his heart was ups and downs, and he gave Ji Li a questioning look.

Several people present were aware of the sense of urgency. If they went in, perhaps Xiao Qianduye's prediction would come true.

This time Ji Li didn't ask little Qianduye, he knew he had to drive even if there was danger.

So, without any hesitation, he nodded immediately.

Although Zhanxun was uneasy, he did not flinch and took out the lockpick tool from his pocket.

After a brief operation, the door lock turns with a sound.

There was no accident in 601's security door, and a crack was successfully exposed.

Su Qin'er clutched her sleeves tightly and took deep breaths. She knew that this might be the first foreign ghost she had seen.

Little Qianduye gave another instruction:

"Go in, it's not in the house."

Zhan Xun took the lead, suppressed his nervousness, and rushed in, leaning against the bare wall and waiting.

Ji Li and others also went in and looked at the rough room that had not yet been decorated.

“If it’s not in this house, where else could it be?”

Su Qin'er's whole body was cold, and she couldn't help but look around in the moonlight.

Although she is enterprising, she can't bear the pressure of living with ghosts.

This time it was Ji Li who answered her.

After Ji Li made a circle in the center of the room, he raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling in a certain direction.

"It is both in the room and not in the room.

Because this is the sixth floor, there is an attic. "

After saying this, he shook his clothes, shook his long hair and walked quickly through the living room and towards the attic.

Zhanxun wanted to follow, but he stopped him with his hand and said without looking back:

"If you can't solve it, I'll go there myself."

Ji Li is now invulnerable to all ghosts, and he must use this short time to do more.

Not to mention one ghost, he is not afraid even if all the ghosts come together.

But just as he finished saying this, Xiao Qianduye, who was guarding the door, changed his expression and suddenly stopped him.


Ji Li stopped and turned around to see Xiao Qianduye's face that suddenly darkened.

"What's wrong?"

Little Qianduye seems to be far away and cannot be seen clearly.

He walked quickly forward again until he was in front of Ji Li.

She pulled off the white cloth from her face without opening her eyes and said word by word:

"You can't go, you will die if you do."

Ji Li tilted his head slightly and his gray pupils shrank:

"Are you sure you read that right? Do you know how special my situation is now?"

But Xiao Qianduye's tone was surprisingly firm, and she asserted without leaving any room:

"No matter how special you are, you will definitely die if you go there, and you will never be reincarnated.

But anyone can go except you. "

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