Weird Regulator

Chapter 458 A handful of tofu

In this rough house, there was only the sound of quiet breathing.

Until the security door that was originally open suddenly closed automatically with a bang for unknown reasons.

Su Qin'er was so frightened that she trembled and moved closer to the crowd.

Ji Li's expression changed several times, and he solemnly asked again:

"What did you see with your eyes?"

Little Qianduye had already wrapped the white cloth around her eyes again and gave the answer without thinking.

“The closer you get to the attic, the thicker the black air is around you.

Until you are under the attic, the black air almost completely submerges you.

They are baring their teeth and claws, they are no longer able to contain themselves and are about to tear you apart.

That black energy is your doom. "

Little Qianduye's eyes that see disaster are absolutely extraordinary.

Although Ji Li was slightly opposed to the sin objects, it did not mean that he denied the functions of the sin objects.

Therefore, what Xiao Qianduye said must be true.

What he couldn't understand was that with a gray soul in his body, how could ordinary ghosts hurt him?

Even if there were really ghosts who could take action against him, they would be very few.

Along the way, Ji Li saw countless ghosts.

Except for the ghost from Tiannan College who was able to face the gray soul without being humble or arrogant, all the other ghosts were crushed.

The one upstairs seemed quite powerful, but Ji Li could roughly sense its strength.

It is far from comparable to it, not even as good as ordinary mission ghosts!

Then, there is only one possibility.

The ghost in the attic is very special.

"Manager Ji, what should we do?"

Su Qin'er didn't want to stay here any longer and quickly asked what to do.

Ji Li knew that he couldn't go, so the best candidate here...

"Let me do it."

Little Qianduye had already wrapped her eyes and replied in a light voice.

But before she could take two steps, she was stopped by a strong hand.

Zhan Xun's rough and resolute face emerged. He stood up and spoke decisively:

"Miss Xiaoqian was not selected for this mission, it is already a great favor that you can come.

Manager Ji can't go, so there's no reason for you to take risks on our behalf.

You said anyone can do it except the store manager, so let me do it. "

Little Qianduye never expected that there would be such a newcomer in the seventh branch, so she couldn't help but said happily:

"It would be great if there were more people like Mr. Zhan in the world."

Zhan Xun did not comment on this sentence.

He neatly arranged his equipment, held the knife in his left hand, and held the flashlight in his mouth, and began to move forward with a vigilant attitude.

Su Qin'er looked at this scene with a variety of emotions.

In fact, she very much agreed with Zhanxun's words and even wanted to go along with him.

But no matter what, I couldn't say anything, couldn't move.

In this world, there are still too few Zhan Xun and too many Su Qin'er.

Not everyone has the courage to say these words or do these things.

Zhanxun was also scared, and his palms holding the knife were already sweating.

He has made meritorious deeds and killed enemies before, but he is also very clear about it.

Those skills I had before are completely useless now.

Only the courage and determination developed from seeing life and death, crying and blood are the trump cards that support him to go on.

He still has a wife and a daughter who is in school. He wants to go to the end step by step and survive.

What he had learned on the battlefield was that the more afraid someone is of death, the faster they will die.

All he has to do is force himself to adapt, blend in, and ultimately defeat it.

The locked attic door made no sound on the steps.

But Zhanxun's fingers had become stiff and his movements began to slow down.

He swallowed, not knowing whether it was the ghost spirit that Ji Li and the others were talking about, or the fear of facing the unknown.

Zhan Xun still underestimated the oppressive feeling of ghosts, and his mind began to have random thoughts.

All kinds of strange and weird pictures appeared in front of my eyes crazily.

Until the wooden door that was very close to me suddenly glowed with a dark red color.

is blood……

A large amount of blood swept out from the crack in the door in an instant, and the feeling was too real.

Zhan Xun even smelled a smell so fishy that it almost knocked his brain out.

His body was smashed down the steps by blood and washed to the dusty ground.

But the knife and the flashlight in his mouth were still firmly under his control.


Zhanxun was not frightened, and the violent cough brought a real feeling.

It's dust, not blood.

He opened his eyes sweating profusely and got up from the ground.

The attic door was still quiet, and the surrounding area was so dry that there was dust everywhere, and there was no trace of blood.

Zhan Xun's eyes showed a hint of fierceness, and he was irritated by his own fear.

He started to stop being cautious and strode upwards with his legs wide open.

During the sprint, he slammed his shoulder into the wooden door.

With a bang, the fragile door panel was smashed by huge force.

But Zhanxun did not feel the pain of his body hitting the ground. Instead, his limbs became weak as if he were drowning.

He looked around in horror. It was obviously a small space.

Just like many undecorated small attics, it only looks like a few square meters.

But he seemed to be trapped in a weightless water tank, unable to move no matter how he moved.

The air surrounding him was like a pair of invisible hands, tightly grasping his limbs.

Zhan Xun's eyes widened, and he remained in a fallen posture, floating in the air.

Even if he tried his best to move his limbs and head, he could only struggle slightly and make small movements.

From the window above my head, the bright moonlight shines on my face.

Zhanxun continued to take deep breaths, and while struggling to break free, he observed the situation in the attic.

And this time, he immediately saw a jar.

A large blue and white porcelain jar.

The blue and white porcelain jar was quietly placed in the southeast corner of the attic, and its appearance was very strange.

It was too garish in this bare room.

Obviously, it was placed here deliberately.

Zhanxun is able to survive to this day and his mind is certainly not bad.

The moment he saw it, he was sure the ghost must be there.

The ghost was trapped but not killed, and various means were used to force him not to come near.

Just to illustrate one point, it cannot take action!

Then, the key to breaking the situation is simple and unique.

Zhan Xun's face began to turn red, he held his breath and secretly exerted force with his left hand.

At this distance of less than five steps, the dagger in his hand will definitely hit.

There was a roar that was lengthened by supernatural power, and the dagger was thrown out.

The strange thing is that the ghost's ability does not seem to be strong, and it seems that it has used all its strength to trap Zhan Xun.

There was no way to stop the flying dagger.

With a crisp sound, the dagger fell to the ground.

After all, it restricted Zhan Xun's wrist, and the strength seemed not enough.

But a crack had appeared, and the roar that came out of Zhanxun's mouth had a complementary effect.

From the center, the cracks on the blue and white porcelain jar become more and more dense.

Until it completely shattered into pieces.

Zhanxun finally landed. He didn't have time to adjust and jumped out from the ground.

He rummaged through the pieces with a look of surprise on his face, and then he found a black plastic bag.

It is wrapped in this blue and white porcelain jar.

Zhanxun was wary and didn't dare to open it. After all, he didn't know where the ghost had gone.

Just holding the plastic bag, he found that the contents were only the size of a palm.

Some are soft and some are slippery, like...

A handful of smashed tofu.

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