Weird Regulator

Chapter 459 Reborn

Zhanxun felt a little scared and didn't dare to hold it anymore, so he tied it up with both hands.

After finishing this, he looked at the pile of broken porcelain pieces under his feet and let out a sigh of relief.

This was the first supernatural event he encountered.

Overall, his performance was average, but he got through it after all.

Zhan Xun also understood that this ghost was definitely not strong, otherwise he would not have scared it away so easily when it was his turn.

However, for such a weak ghost, why would little Qianduye say that Ji Li will die if he comes...

After Zhanxun thought about it for a while, he stopped going into details.

After all, for the low-strength Seventh Branch, there are too many people like him who have not been exposed to much supernatural power.

He also knew that he was unable to explore those strange things now.

After carefully putting away the black plastic bag,

Zhanxun began to be cautious and gradually collected the broken porcelain pieces on the ground into his backpack.

In order to prepare for the follow-up complete review of the situation to Xiao Qianduye and others.

And just after he picked up a broken piece of porcelain, he looked at a small piece of something underneath.

Confusion flashed across Zhanxun's eyes, because this thing seemed like it shouldn't be in this position.

"Why hasn't Mr. Zhan come back? Is something going to happen?"

In the quiet downstairs, Su Qin'er looked at her phone worriedly and said this.

It has been more than twenty minutes since Zhanxun went to the attic, and there has been no news at all during this time.

Ji Li and Xiao Qianduye, the two people who have the most say, have not said a word until now.

Su Qin'er started to feel a little worried. She was afraid that Zhan Xun's action would fail.

But after she finished saying this, Xiao Qianduye suddenly took a step forward and said softly:

"The ghost is gone. Zhanxun's condition is fine. Let's go up and help."

In her eyes, the black air hovering in the attic had completely dissipated, indicating that there would be no bad luck if she went up.

Su Qin'er immediately felt excited, with uncontrollable joy in her eyes.

She doesn't care how little Qianduye knows this, but she trusts the other party's judgment.

So she took a peek at Ji Li, who was staying motionless, and quickly followed little Qianduye.

And Ji Li, who had been deep in thought, naturally knew that the matter in the attic had been resolved.

In fact, he could see it much more clearly and concretely than Xiao Qianduye.

Little Qianduye's eyes can only see disasters, but he can actually capture the changes in the supernatural aura.

But it wasn't over yet, because he found that the ghostly atmosphere in the attic disappeared immediately.

It’s not about going from weak to nothing, nor is it about running away.

Instead, it was full of momentum one second and disappeared out of thin air the next second.

Ji Li shook his head slowly. He knew ghosts too well, so this situation would never happen.

Slowly, he raised his eyes and looked at the door, Room 602, which was directly opposite the door.

Although the ghosts in this place are in a weird situation and seem to have strong auras, they are not that vicious.

The strange woman brought him here just to get rid of the ghost.

If you can't even take a look at the ghost, then what difference does it make if he comes or not?

Thinking of this, Ji Li no longer hesitated, pushed open the security door and went straight to 602.

The third personality was shocked when he saw this, and quickly spoke to stop him:

"Ji Li, don't be impulsive. What Xiao Qianduye said makes sense. You can't capsize in the gutter!"

He had personally experienced the special nature of Xiao Qianduye's evil object, so he paid special attention to the previous warning.

But Ji Li didn't reply. He just took out the lockpicking tool and tried his best to open the door.

On the contrary, the second personality is just watching the fun and doesn’t mind it:

"What's so scary? That ghost isn't strong. Even if it's special, can it be better than that gray guy?"

"You know what the heck!" The third personality uttered a rare expletive, "Ji Li, please think about it carefully..."

But now the door is open.

Ji Li stepped in and closed the door, standing quietly observing the room.

The structures of 602 and 601 are exactly the same, but they are on opposite sides and have opposite layouts.

"Things have the best of both worlds."

Ji Li naturally wouldn't do anything impulsively, he had already made a plan.

As soon as he raised his hand, the ancient bronze coffin appeared in the living room.

He gently opened the coffin lid, and a blue-gray palm patted the coffin.

The weird baby, not much bigger than a palm, suddenly showed its ferocious head.

The third personality was silent, and he immediately understood Ji Li's intention.

Ji Li was not reckless. He could have used a hundred-headed monster baby to go to the attic to negotiate with that special ghost.

In this way, Xiao Qianduye's death prophecy was perfectly avoided.

Ji Li looked at the strange baby that was gradually climbing up to the coffin lid and said softly:

"There is something I need in the attic, please help me bring it."

A slight expression flashed across the small yet terrifying face of the hundred-headed monster baby.

Then it stretched out its finger and wrote two words on the coffin lid:


After Ji Li stepped forward to check, his eyes showed hesitation.

This strange baby is by no means a good thing. It would be nothing more than a half-sinful creature and half-ghost as he originally thought.

But Gu Xingjian's secret operation, even if it has good sanity, is still a dead thing after all.

Finally Ji Li gave the answer:

"Help me three times and I will set you free."

But unexpectedly, the strange baby shook his head, pointed at himself, and then at Ji Li.

The intention is unknown.

Ji Li frowned secretly. He could roughly understand it and asked tentatively:

"You want to stay with me?"

This time the hundred-headed monster baby nodded heavily.

Ji Li suddenly smiled dumbly and nodded.

After receiving the promise, the strange baby no longer hesitated and disappeared into the living room.

Ji Li's smile disappeared and was replaced by gloom.

"I can never keep the things Gu Xingjian has tampered with!"

There is indeed a ghost in the attic.

However, it is indeed a bit weaker than the 601 one.

At this moment, the two supernatural forces above were confronting each other, and Ji Li clearly felt the different changes.

602 This ghost's supernatural aura began to increase when the strange baby arrived.

But in the blink of an eye, it weakened crazily, and completely dissipated in less than three minutes.

This is completely different from the situation at Zhanxun's place.

601 The ghost's aura disappeared mysteriously, leaving no trace.

602 This ghost, its changes are continuous and visible.

What this portends, Ji Li doesn't know.

But three minutes later, the hundred-headed monster baby reappeared in front of him.

The blue-grey hands also held a huge blue and white porcelain jar.

This porcelain jar is not big, but the strange baby is too small, and it seems to be enlarged in comparison.

And it actually only reached the height of Ji Li's knees.

Ji Li carefully looked at the appearance of this strange porcelain jar and asked:

"Where's the ghost?"

The hundred-headed monster baby pointed at his belly with his little finger.

Ji Li frowned: "Did you swallow it?"

The hundred-headed monster baby shook his head, and after thinking about it for a moment, he seemed to think that things were more complicated.

So he squatted down and wrote a line on the ground:

"It's not a ghost, it's just a baby."

The confusion in Ji Li's eyes deepened as he savored these somewhat profound words.

Opening the porcelain jar, I found the black plastic bag inside and pulled it out.

As soon as I opened the bag, a foul, bitter and pungent smell hit my face.

Ji Li covered his mouth and nose and stretched his head again to look at the tofu-like thing.

But this time, he immediately understood why the strange baby wrote that sentence.

Because what is contained in this plastic bag is actually human brain tissue!

Looking at the size, it clearly belongs to a baby.

Ji Li immediately began to connect everything together, trying to restore this weirdness.

There is a person, perhaps a strange woman, who buys all the houses in this building.

Twelve blue and white porcelain jars are hidden in them, and the baby's brain is placed.

And these things have only one purpose:

Raise ghosts!

The blue and white porcelain jar is the vessel, and the baby's brain is the stuff of ghosts.

Ji Li has no idea how this is done, but he or she almost succeeded!

These embryos are only one step away, especially the one from 601, which is about to take shape.

But Zhan Xun didn't know what he had done, so he forcibly interrupted it, and ultimately failed.

And this also explains,

Why did Ji Li feel that the ghost energy dissipated out of thin air?

"Ghost embryos are unimaginable..."

Ji Li's knowledge was refreshed once again,

Weird and unbelievable things happened again.

And when he looked at the hundred strange babies, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

One is a strange baby creature growing in the human body, and the other is a baby ghost on the verge of rebirth.

They actually merge into one...

I finished writing it and deleted it by mistake. I was so angry at my own stupidity, but I still have to update it. It’s so uncomfortable.

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