Weird Regulator

Chapter 474 Four Locations

Black Gum held his arms in front of him and looked at Ji Li curiously.

After a long time, he said slowly:

"It seems that Inspector Ji is indeed very confident."

"At least it's better than those previous Feng Shui masters."

Ji Li glanced flatly at Yu Guo and others who were looking at the information behind him, and said meaningfully.

These connotative words did not cause any change in the expression of Black Gum. She just walked gently towards the kitchen.

As he walked, he said:

“It seems you did find something.

Five days forward from the day he came to see you, my son claimed to have seen something unusual.

At first I didn't take it seriously. After all, no one would believe the weird things a child said.

Slowly, he called me more and more frequently, several times a day.

He said he was scared and hoped that I could take some time off and go home to be with him.

But I refused.

He seemed angry, so he rarely contacted me after that.

Until the last time, he said he finally saw the whole thing.

After that, he disappeared. "

When Black Gum finished saying this, she walked back to Ji Li with two glasses and a bottle of red wine in her hands.

Ji Li was always observing her every move. This woman was too calm.

It can even be said to be indifferent. She spent a lot of money to hire people to find her son, but when she said this, she didn't even have any mood swings.

He watched coldly as Black Gum poured two glasses of red wine in succession, put them on the table and pushed them to him, and asked:

"Then what did he see?"

Black Gum took a sip of red wine, raised her slender neck as if to taste it, and finally said:

"I was very busy at the time and hung up the phone before I finished listening."

Ji Li almost laughed out loud at this answer. He tilted his head slightly and said with a half-smile:

"So there are no clues at all about your son's disappearance?"

"I said I have my own things to do, and I'm here to come to you to handle this matter with full authority.

As for the clues you want, I have put some of my guesses in the file. "

Black Gum ignored Ji Li's sarcasm, sat on the chair, pressed his temples with his fingers, and began to relieve the fatigue of the journey.

Ji Li squinted his eyes and looked at her like this, and the strange feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

Black Gum's various behaviors are too weird. If he has no feelings for his son, why would he go to all the trouble to find him?

If she has feelings, her attitude towards handling things is too cold.

"Is your illness... okay?"

Ji Li felt that the focus of the matter needed to be divided into two, one was her son and the other was herself, so he asked from a different angle.

Hearing this, Eucalyptus nigra opened her eyes and said calmly:

“I’m under a lot of mental stress, and my son’s disappearance has made my illness worse, and I occasionally have emotional breakdowns.

This is what happened when I called you. You don’t have to worry too much about me. "

After Ji Li glanced at her, he put the untouched wine glass back into its place and began to walk towards Yu Guo and others.

"How about it, can you see anything useful?"

Yu Guo spread all the papers in the portfolio on the table and said from left to right:

“Eucalyptus nigra is very organized and has sorted out all the basic information.

Her son's name is Ren Jiayun. He is five and a half years old today and attends the top class of Xiangyanghua Kindergarten.

Due to her work, this child basically grew up alone and had no close friends.

During the day, he is in the kindergarten, and his daily life is taken care of by a nanny.

Before and after the incident, judging from the confession of the basic nanny, there was nothing inappropriate, and Ren Jiayun did not show anything different. "

When Yu Guo said this, he raised his head and glanced at the black gum sitting in the distance and whispered:

"Then it can be judged that Ren Jiayun's character should be somewhat withdrawn.

But he was quite dependent on his mother, and he didn't even say anything about this to the nanny he came into contact with every day. "

Ji Li picked up Ren Jiayun's personal information and looked at the child's photo, secretly comparing it with the family photo he had.

Ren Jiayun is not handsome, but has a cute appearance, but this photo seems to be a bit overexposed, making his facial features less clear.

I couldn't tell much from the figure alone, so I had to give up.

"The next four files are Guess's guesses about where Ren Jiayun usually hangs out.

They are Xiangyanghua Kindergarten, Kapok Photo Studio, Tang Dynasty Wax Museum, and Tianmingshan Cemetery. "

Yu Guo also thought it was strange when he named the locations one by one.

Except for the first kindergarten, the remaining three seemed like no place a five-year-old should go.

When Ji Li saw the last location, a hint of horror flashed in his eyes.

Because Tianmingshan Cemetery is where the Ninth Branch is located!

He looked at these files that looked useful but were actually weird. He picked up one and turned around and asked:

"Your son disappeared and you didn't call the police or search for him. Even if you believe it was caused by supernatural forces, what's the use of listing these frequent places?"

Black Gum leaned back on the chair and gave his explanation calmly:

“If it was really done by a ghost, then he is probably dead.

I heard that after death, people will wander to places they are familiar with, so I wrote four places. "

Zhan Xun grinned as he listened, his eyes widened, and he said in a deep voice:

"Is Ms. Black so indifferent to her son's life and death?"

"Human life is a circle, from birth to death, reincarnation occurs on a fixed scale.

Some people's circles are longer and some people's circles are shorter.

As long as he can complete the journey satisfactorily, I, as a mother, will naturally be happy for him. "

Black Gum's thoughts are simply unreasonable and completely refreshed everyone's outlook.

However, this statement does not seem to have any loopholes, but reveals deep philosophical thoughts.

Zhan Xun was stunned for a moment, and he was speechless and didn't know how to refute.

Ji Li interrupted this useless nonsense. He took out the cigarette case again, regardless of the rule that Eucalyptus nobilis had told him not to smoke.

"Why would he go to a photo studio, a wax man house and a cemetery?"

This time, Eucalyptus nigra did not seem to have any intention of stopping Ji Li, but explained:

"He himself liked photography, and his father loved wax figures during his lifetime and was buried in Tianmingshan Cemetery."

Ji Li lit the cigarette, looked at the woman with squinted eyes, and then said softly:

"Look at it this way, you are not trying to find your son, you are trying to find his body."

"Whatever you think, in short, your mission is to find my son within three days, whether he is dead or alive."

Black Gum seemed a little tired. He rubbed his neck and stood up, as if he was going upstairs.

Looking at her retreating back, at the moment when she was about to disappear, Ji Li suddenly said:

"You're missing one!"

Black Gum suddenly turned around and asked doubtfully: "What?"

Ji Li took a deep breath of cigarette and said in a mysterious tone:

"The places where your son goes most often are not these four, but this house."

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