Weird Regulator

Chapter 475 Ostrich with Head Covered

Being ordered to be expelled, the group naturally had no reason to stay.

Even if everyone can see that this black gum definitely has a lot to say.

Yu Guo walked at the front with a file bag in his arms, immersing himself in the long night again.

He wrapped his clothes tightly around his body, held on to the cold midnight wind, sniffed and asked:

"What do you think of what Eucalyptus nigra said before?"

Ji Li pulled open a corner of his windbreaker to block the firelight, lowered his head, lit a cigarette, and said eight words:

"It's full of lies and loopholes."

Yu Guo nodded heavily, turned his head and glanced at the lighted window on the second floor, gritted his teeth and said:

“The black gum is weird, and her son Ren Jiayun is even weirder.

The four locations given are simply random guesses and are worthless.

It has been nearly half a month since Ren Jiayun disappeared. At this time, if someone is looking for an investigation, there is no way to start even with the corpse! "

Zhanxun stood beside the dilapidated van, put his hands in his pockets and joined in the analysis:

"The countdown to the mission has started. Since we have no choice but to accept the mission, we must work hard to complete it.

But I have no clue right now, what should I do? "

Fan Ru's face, which was full of bruises, also showed a sad look, and she fiddled with her messy hair.


This black eucalyptus's brain is definitely weaker than that of a normal person. Is it possible that he really wants to find Ren Jiayun's ghost according to the four locations she gave him? "

Ji Li blew out a smoke ring, turned around, took a look at the villa, and said slowly:

“This woman has her own plans, and there should be something wrong with the four locations she was given.

I don't want to bother trying to guess her thoughts. We have only one purpose, which is to find Ren Jiayun.

So, we cannot be influenced by Eucalyptus nigra, nor can we leave her alone. "

He took another deep puff of cigarette and said to Zhan Xun:

"We need to have our own direction of investigation. Ren Jiayun is still a child, and his life only exists in two parts.

The most direct connections between home and school are the nanny and the kindergarten teacher.

One by one, from the nanny, the teacher, to Ren Jiayun’s father, we also have our own chain of clues.

The first step of the plan is to find out where the nanny is now, and I want to ask her to extract a confession. "

Upon hearing this, Yu Guo immediately opened the file bag in his hand and handed the one with the nanny's personal information to Zhan Xun.

Black Gum does have quite a set of rules when it comes to doing things, and the information about Ren Jiayun’s related people has also been downloaded.

This also saves the store clerks from having to spend time investigating.

Yu Guo carried the remaining information, returned to Ji Li, and continued to ask:

"What about the second step?"

Ji Li had not conducted a teamwork mission for a long time, but there was no lag in his command and his thinking was particularly clear.

“You can’t just consider human factors, don’t forget that there is a high probability of multiple ghosts in this mission.

This mission only lasts for three days, which means that the frequency of attacks by ghosts will be shortened accordingly.

So let’s take a step-by-step approach to reduce early casualties as much as possible, and strive to identify the source ghost we are looking for and its killing methods as soon as possible. "

What Ji Li meant when he said this was already clear, that is, this mission required a team investigation and did not adopt a separate strategy.

This also made Jiang Jiang and Ma Huaiyu feel relieved a little. As they waited beside Su Qin'er, they naturally felt more fear in their hearts.

Ji Li's plan at this moment, to a certain extent, also gave the entire team reassurance.

But then his next words stirred up the hearts of these people who had just settled down again.

Ji Li turned to look at Yu Guo and said in a mysterious and firm tone:

"But I'm going to arrange a different kind of mission for you. You need to break away from the large army and act alone."

Yu Guo didn't show much fear when he heard this, but his eyes became more solemn. He knew that what Ji Li said next would be particularly important.

"I want you to prevent Black Gum from leaving your control from now on, and closely monitor her every move.

Try to do it in secret. As long as she is alive, don't let her know of your existence.

It's up to you to determine the scale of emergency situations.

Every two hours, send real-time text messages to my mobile phone to confirm the whereabouts of the black gum and your personal safety.

This is perhaps the most important line of this mission, and I can only hand it to you! "

Due to the special nature of this mission, Ji Li could only lead a large force to investigate the clues in the Ming Dynasty.

There are too many doubts about Eucalyptus nigra, which is a hidden line, and a trustworthy and capable person needs to be in charge.

Obviously, the most reliable person among these seven people is Yu Guo, who possesses scripts, treatments, and dual life-saving sins.

Yu Guo took a deep breath, put away his past fun, and stuffed the file bag into Ji Li's palm.

Without saying another word, he turned around and rolled into the courtyard of the villa, disappearing completely.

Yu Guo's crime has been tested by the mission. Everyone knows his true strength, and he is the only one who can persuade Ji Li.

Now that he is gone, General Jiang and Ma Huaiyu can't help but sweat secretly.

Because now Ji Li, especially after becoming the official store manager, seems to be becoming more and more moody and cruel...

"Ge Hong, forty-seven years old, lives at No. 122 Pingxin Road, DC District."

The dilapidated van roared once again in the dark night, carrying six store clerks to the next unknown road ahead.

Ji Li gently turned the page and looked at the nanny's personal information and shook his head slightly.

The location where Ge Hong lives is not very close to the villa of Eucalyptus nigra, nearly thirty kilometers away.

Since she usually has to take full care of Ren Jiayun's daily life, she has been living here.

But since Ren Jiayun disappeared, she was fired. It took a lot of effort to cover the distance of a district.

Ji Li made a rough estimate. It was 0:36 in the middle of the night, and it would take at least two hours just to reach Ge Hong's location.

In this case, this time is too wasted.

So, he held the paper in his hand and thought about whether to change to a more efficient route.

However, a discordant sound sounded in the carriage, interrupting his thoughts and ending the dull atmosphere.

The timid man who had never dared to intervene in the mission or say a word suddenly asked with a trembling tone:

"Miss Su..., what does the ghost you mentioned before look like..."

Ji Li turned his head in disbelief and looked at the source of the voice. The speaker was none other than Jiang Jiang.

In his gaze, this timid middle-aged man's eyes bulged, his right hand slapped on the car window, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

This shows that he is extremely frightened, but he is still looking forward to something with a little bit of happiness.

Su Qin'er turned her head and looked out the window, her face as pale as the gauze on her face, and she said slowly and tentatively:

"A child with slate-colored skin?"

"Turn around! Turn around! Turn around quickly!"

After Jiang Jiang got this answer, he suddenly jumped up from his position and slapped the car door frantically.

His crazy behavior has exposed everything, and the ghost comes to the door...

But Ji Li looked at all this, his eyes full of surprise.

How could it be so fast?

It's only half an hour since the mission started, and they have just received the employment mission of Eucalyptus nigra, and they haven't even stepped out of the door for a few minutes.

Zhanxun stepped on the brake but did not stop. He was waiting for Ji Li to give the order, but he did not wait.

Because Ji Li still didn't believe it would be so fast, not to mention that Jiang Jiang had never done anything from beginning to end.

"Store manager...

I beg you, please don't drive any further. Let's go back to Black Gum's home.

The ghost was holding a bloody human head and standing on the roadside, under the previous sign.

It's staring right at me! "

Jiang Jiang was crying so hard that snot had already entered his mouth. He was really frightened.

Because from his words, the ghost in Su Qin'er's mouth was even more different.

This time it appeared, carrying a human head dripping with blood...

Ji Li frowned. Jiang Jiang's words were too true. Although they violated the rules of the mission that he once thought, he had to believe them.

So he gently patted Zhan Xun's arm and instructed him to do as Jiang Jiang said.

The seat next to Jiang Jiang was already empty. The moment Ma Huaiyu said that the ghost was targeting him, he had already forced his way into the row with Su Qin'er and Fan Ru.

Sitting in the last row at this moment, Jiang Jiang lay down on the seat and stuck his head into the seat cover.

This approach was very funny, but no one laughed at him, because Jiang Jiang now is who he will be in the future.

Ji Li was staring out the window all the time, because the speed of the car was not fast, and the sign Jiang Jiang mentioned was so clear.

Only a minute passed before the place Jiang Jiang mentioned came back to everyone's eyes.

When Ji Li saw that, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and he held down Zhan Xun's arm.


When everyone looked out the window, they were so frightened that they forgot to breathe.

Right above the orange road sign, a bloody human head was stuck on the iron pipe, and the blood had stained the entire sign red.

Ji Li took the lead in opening the car door. No one dared to sit in the car anymore and got out of the car.

Only Jiang Jiang was left in the car, his head covered and his body shaking like an ostrich.

Although everyone got out of the car, no one except Ji Li dared to step forward.

He slowly moved closer to the head, took out the flashlight from his backpack, and pointed it at the head.

As a stream of fresh blood dripped onto the gravel road, Ji Li even took half a step back in fear after seeing the head and face clearly.

Because the owner of that head turned out to be Jiang Jiang!

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