Weird Regulator

Chapter 476 Predictable Death

Manager Ji?

Manager Ji!

Ji Li!

A rapid and confused cry came from the world in my ears.

Several voices overlapped and came from a distance, getting closer and closer until they were deafening.

Ji Li opened his eyes suddenly, and all the noise disappeared, replaced by a familiar face.

Zhan Xun was standing in front of him, putting his arms on his shoulders and calling his name anxiously.

"Ji Li! What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly stop moving?"

Ji Li's vision gradually became clearer, but he immediately fell into a trance again.

Because the scene in front of me was so familiar, the dilapidated van also left the villa at No. 4314 Qingyuan Road.

Zhan Xun worriedly called Ji Li, who was frozen in place and motionless for some reason.

Su Qin'er, Fan Ru, and Ma Huaiyu were staring at him with incomprehensible eyes.

In the courtyard of the villa, Yu Guo's figure had long been hidden. Although some accidents occurred outside, he did not show up.

Hit the road to where Ge Hong is, the ghost boy who appears for the second time, and the sign with Jiang Jiang’s head...

Everything that happened before was like a tape being played in reverse, completely erased.

Ji Li's memory was knocked back. He lowered his head and glanced at his watch. It was 0:30 on November 29, 2015.

Was it just a vain fantasy? Or a terrifying prophecy?

Seven minutes later, Jiang Jiang will see the ghost boy holding his head under the sign?

So, will Jiang Jiang be dead or not after seven minutes?

Ji Li raised his hand and knocked down Zhan Xun's arms, then slowly turned his head to look at the direct victim locked in the shadows.

Jiang Jiang's originally vivid face was now as pale as paper, and the blood had suddenly disappeared.

His lips were trembling up and down, and he huddled behind the crowd, raising his longing eyes to look at Ji Li.

His actions have already foreshadowed the answer.

What just happened was not a fantasy, it was a real prediction of death.

Seven minutes later, on the way to Ge Hong, Jiang Jiang would see the ghost boy holding a bloody head.

At the same time, you will also witness your own death!


Ji Li's thinking was confused. Zhan Xun, Su Qin'er, Fan Ru, and Yu Guo couldn't remember everything that happened in front of him.

Those whose memories have not been erased or who can see the future are Ji Li and Jiang Jiang.

Whether this was a death prophecy or time being set back, he couldn't figure out the answer.

Or maybe...

In fact, between the two parties, it is hard to say who was affected by the ghost.

In short, Jiang Jiang will really die, and he will be the first victim of this mission.

Ji Li's brain was racing at this moment. He could not let the ghosts take away their few death chips in such a short period of time.

Every life is important. Even if Jiang Jiang is going to die, he must get enough reward for him.

Thinking of this, Ji Lixin ordered Zhan Xun and others:

"Everyone except Jiang Jiang drove to Ge Hong's house immediately."

Zhan Xun, Su Qin'er, Fan Ru, and Ma Huaiyu suddenly felt confused and swarmed over and asked why.

Ji Li looked gloomy, suppressed their suspicions, and repeated the order again.

After watching the dilapidated van go away, he slowly walked towards Jiang Jiang.

Jiang Jiang was squatting on the ground, his clothes soaked with sweat, suffering in the cold and windy night.

"You saw your own death, didn't you?"

Ji Li's question was like a knife piercing his chest, completely disconnecting his tense nerves.

Jiang Jiang left a line of tears without knowing it:

"I'm not dead...

At least he won't die so early!

I saw the ghost carrying a severed head, but I didn’t know the owner of the severed head.

At that time, I was still telling you about the appearance of ghosts. How could it be a dead person?


Jiang Jiang's thinking also began to be confused. He didn't understand what was going on, but...

"When you walked towards the severed head, I found that my head disappeared!"

Ji Li had already expected this answer, and he didn't know whether it was the ghost boy's way of killing or a demonstration.

It seems to be declaring that its method of killing must be unsolvable.

But going back in time indicates the time and manner of death, and it seems to be to give Ji Li and Jiang Jiang a chance to turn around.

After thinking about it again and again, he could only understand that this was a rule set by Tianhai.

There is no solution for the ghost boy's murder, but it leaves Ji Li with a chance to survive.

It depends on whether he can find a way to avoid the dead end in a short period of time.

"Manager Ji...are we still leaving?"

Although Jiang Jiang asked so, he could no longer muster any strength. He collapsed on the ground like mud. How could he walk again?

With his hair flying in the wind, Ji Li looked at the dark sky.

The ghost child declares its powerful ability, so all it can do is do the opposite.

"If we don't leave, we'll stay here and wait for it to come."

These words were blown away by the wind. Jiang Jiang shuddered and looked at the sky with his eyes.

Death came so quickly that people were caught off guard. Jiang Jiang even forgot his fear after witnessing the prophecy of his own death.

Invisible time passes bit by bit without human awareness.

During this long wait, Jiang Jiang gradually regained his original sense of fear.

He became frightened and began to look around, trying to prove that the situation could be changed by not going to Ge Hong's home.

But when the minute hand on the watch made seven circles, his eyes widened and he began to scan around carefully.

After watching this circle, Jiang Jiang stood up from the ground. After confirming again, he said in surprise:

"No more! It's not coming!"

There was no sense of relief on Ji Li's face. He could not see the ghost boy, only Jiang Jiang.

So he asked again uncertainly:

"Are you sure?"

Jiang Jiang spoke in a high tone and said with great certainty: "Of course I am sure, it definitely did not appear..."

But before he finished speaking, Ji Li saw a thin mark on the right side of his raised neck through the moonlight.

As Jiang Jiang's head moved, the fine mark became wider and wider, revealing a crack through which he could see the scene behind him.

A stream of scarlet blood flowed out along the gap, staining his clothes red.

But Jiang Jiang was still speaking those words confidently, and he didn't feel anything unusual at all.

Ji Li looked at him with gloomy eyes, looked at his watch, and said softly:

"The ghost boy first appeared at 00:37."

Under Jiang Jiang's stunned expression, Ji Li touched the gap in his neck.

Finally, at this moment, Jiang Jiang also touched it tentatively. His expression became immediately panicked, and his words were incoherent:

"Me! My neck was slit!

Why am I not dead yet? I don't feel any pain? "

Ji Li took a deep breath, glanced at the lighted window in the villa, then grabbed Jiang Jiang's arm and turned around and ran away.

Since the appearance of the guilty object, it has been a long time since he took the simple and difficult way of escaping like he did today.

The ghosts on this mission were beyond imagination, giving him a sense of powerlessness that he hadn't experienced in a long time.

“The ghost boy has already appeared, just in a place you haven’t observed yet.

The killing method was almost the same as what Su Qin'er had seen.

The ghost boy comes several times, and on the fourth or fifth time he will cut off your entire head.

It wants your head to complete the predicted death and show off its unexplained murder! "

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