Weird Regulator

Chapter 491 Clockwise Circle

A lot happened on the first night of the mission.

Jiang Jiang is dead, Yu Guo is in danger, and Ge Hong, the first clue, was silenced in advance.

The seventh branch only lasted one night and lost nearly half of its manpower. Even Ji Li himself was extremely tired.

The intensity of events and the urgent pace of tasks are unprecedented.

Fortunately, after a night of suffering, Ji Li finally got his first major breakthrough.

Wang Ting is a living clue to this mission.

Under the moonlight, Ji Li gently wiped the blood stains on his shoulder with his sleeve, without any pain on his face.

The stray bullet only scratched his shoulder and did not seriously damage it, so apart from being tired, he was in pretty good condition.

He looked at Wang Ting and was about to speak when he heard loud sirens not far away.

As a normal person, it was not easy for Wang Ting to wait at the door, so it was natural for her to call the police.

Ji Li didn't say anything more, he just took one of Wang Ting's arms and carried her out:

"I saved you, so you have to repay me.

This is an axiom that you as a teacher should understand, right? "

Wang Ting did not look at Ji Li or the direction of the police car, but looked at the community behind her with tears in her eyes.

"You said that I was targeted by a ghost, and Ah Shan was implicated by me..."

After a moment, a trace of hatred appeared in her eyes.

Calling the police was just her instinctive reaction, but she also knew very well that the police could not solve the problem at all.

Perhaps everything depends on the powerful and mysterious man in front of him.

Ji Li carried Wang Ting out of the Green Garden Community, turned a corner at the intersection, and walked towards a certain location.

He glanced down at the barefoot Wang Ting and said softly:

"I was entrusted by someone to track down a matter, which involves ghosts or perhaps human beings.

And your role in this incident caused today's tragedy, so I need to get some information from you.

Helping me also helps you. "

Wang Ting stared blankly at Ji Li's indifferent side face and asked blankly:

"What on earth is going on?"

The moon was showing its last light, and a new day was coming. Ji Li faced forward and said softly:

"Your student Ren Jiayun disappeared mysteriously."

Listening to this familiar name, Wang Ting thought of a boy who was not very talkative, and she couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's him?"

Judging from Wang Ting's reaction, it seems that Ren Jiayun made a particularly deep impression on Wang Ting.

Due to the inaction and irresponsibility of the birth mother, Ji Li only had a vague understanding of Ren Jiayun. At this moment, he could get a more detailed understanding from Wang Ting.

"What kind of child is Ren Jiayun in your eyes?"

A hint of memory appeared on Wang Ting's face, and the word that came out of her mouth was: lonely.

"Ren Jiayun has always been a loner in our class and has never interacted with other children, and even rarely talks to me.

I think this has something to do with his family situation. Except for the day I met his mother on the day he entered kindergarten, his nanny would attend every parent-teacher meeting.

I can tell that his family is quite wealthy, but he has lacked care since he was a child. This child is quite pitiful. "

Ji Li nodded silently. What Wang Ting said was almost consistent with what they had guessed before.

But this is not what he wants. There are one or two children with special personalities in every class, so what is so special about Ren Jiayun?

"So besides being withdrawn, is there anything else that makes him different?"

Wang Ting fell into deep thought. After walking forward for a while, she said in a deep voice:

"I suspect there is something wrong with his mental state..."

"Mental state?"

Ji Li raised his eyebrows. This was a key piece of information that he had never discovered before, and he quickly asked her to continue.

Wang Ting took a deep breath, and a sudden sense of understanding appeared on her face.

"The reason why I am very impressed by Ren Jiayun is not only his character, but also his frequent weird behaviors.

For example, he would suddenly yell and scream during class and rush out of the kindergarten ignoring everyone;

Furthermore, he always talks to himself and talks to the air, as if there is an invisible person beside him;

Also, I once saw a spiritual tablet and a clay figurine in his schoolbag..."

Hearing this, Ji Li frowned secretly, and for some reason he suddenly thought of a word:

"Yin Yang eyes!"

Before and after Ren Jiayun's disappearance, according to Black Eucalyptus, the child claimed to have seen a dark shadow getting closer and closer.

Now that I think about it, that black shadow might be the unsolvable ghost boy from the third step.

But listening to what Wang Ting said now, it seemed that Ren Jiayun had seen "ghosts" a long time ago.

It is even said that the "ghost" had a huge impact on him, so much so that it changed his character.

"Have you looked carefully at the spiritual tablet and the clay figurine?"

Wang Ting's previous words were not important, but Ji Li keenly captured the last key point.

Looking through students' schoolbags is not a glorious thing, but Ren Jiayun's situation is special, and it is understandable that Wang Ting does this out of concern.

"There is a name written on the spiritual tablet: 'Ren Yunfeng', which should be his father's spiritual tablet.

As for the palm-sized clay figurine, it was made of some colored clay, and its physical features were vague in all aspects.

But I found a strange symbol artificially carved on the clay figure’s forehead..."

Symbol, this familiar yet unfamiliar word, unexpectedly appeared in Ji Li's ears again.

And this also evoked a clue that he had forgotten in his mind, an information that he once regarded as a branch line or even useless.

All members of the Hiding Wind and Carrying Water Association were silenced on the eve of the mission.

And where their heads were severed, a strange symbol was artificially carved between their eyebrows!

The clues of this mission were too complicated and confusing, and the main thread that could not be traced made Ji Li still unable to find the way out.

And Wang Ting's words now are undoubtedly reconnecting the broken chain of clues.

"What does the symbol look like?"

Wang Ting looked at Ji Li's face and gave a definite answer:

"A clockwise circle."

Ji Li couldn't hide the throbbing in his heart. As the clues were connected, they also brought new problems.

Between the eyebrows of the corpse hiding the wind and carrying the water, what is engraved is: "Counterclockwise circle";

The clay figure of Ren Jiayun is engraved with: "clockwise circle".

Between the two, one is positive and the other is negative, making it clear that they are two opposing individuals.

So following this logical reasoning, was Hiding the Wind and Carrying Water killed by the forces of the "Clockwise Circle"?

I also speculate that Ren Jiayun's ghost sighting and disappearance are closely related to the power of the clockwise circle!

Missing children, dead fathers, ring organizations, blue and white porcelain jars, using children to raise ghosts...

If we connect all of these together, will we get the main thread that Ji Li has been pursuing so hard?

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