Weird Regulator

Chapter 492 Special Family Portrait

While talking, walking along this street, a small clinic appeared in front of Ji Li.

Since the hundred-headed monster baby had always stayed with Su Qin'er, Ji Li knew their location very well.

Ji Li didn't take it seriously that they did not stay in the Green Garden Community but left without authorization.

And this clinic that is still open late at night is also a good place for them, the clerks who are injured, to rest.

After this period of precipitation, Wang Ting's original fear and shock had been worn away, and now she finally began to immerse herself in sadness and pain.

Ji Li raised his eyes to look at the white color that was about to appear in the sky, and was not in a hurry about Ren Jiayun.

So the two opened the door of the clinic and walked in side by side.

This small clinic only looks about 30 to 40 square meters. The front desk is just a solid wood table, and the space behind is blocked by a white curtain.

When the curtain was lifted, an extremely familiar face appeared in front of Ji Li's eyes.

"Store manager? Why did you find him?"

Su Qin'er was at a loss to see Ji Li. She didn't know how Ji Li knew where they were, and she was worried that the other party would blame them for leaving without authorization.

When she saw a young woman wearing pajamas and bare feet coming with Ji Li, the guilt on her face became more and more obvious.

Ji Li desperately saved important clues in Luyuan Community, but instead of helping, she and Fan Ru left the scene of the incident and ran to the clinic.

"Store manager, please listen to my explanation. Sister Fan's injury is really..."

But Su Qin'er's explanation was of no value to Ji Li. He waved his hand to interrupt it, stepped forward and pulled open the curtain.

Fan Ru was leaning on a small bed, with a haggard expression on his coat and gauze wrapped around his stomach.

Seeing Ji Li's appearance, Fan Ru sat up in excitement and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

Fan Ru has always been hot-tempered and straightforward, but she has extra respect for Ji Li.

After all, although Ji Li was unkind, he actually saved her life.

Ji Li's eyes were not on her, but on another figure behind the curtain who looked a little rickety.

This figure in a white coat exuded an old look. When Ji Li looked at him, he was also taking off his glasses and looking at Ji Li.

The wrinkles on the old doctor's face were all wrinkled together, and his old look with droopy eyelids made it hard to believe that he could use any clever treatment methods.

"Doctor, please help me see this young lady's injuries."

Although Ji Li was still bleeding from his left shoulder, he didn't care. Instead, he helped Wang Ting to the bed and said.

The old doctor didn't say anything, he just moved a chair, put on his gloves and sat directly opposite Wang Ting.

He gently grabbed the sole of Wang Ting's foot, identified the injury, then put it down again, and said in a deep voice:

"The bones are injured. I can't see her anymore. Take her to a regular hospital."

Ji Li glanced at the time, then looked at Su Qin'er and Fan Ru who were looking at him eagerly, and said softly:

"There's still an hour before dawn. We'll rest here and set off again tomorrow."

The old doctor held his glasses in his hand and slowly passed by Ji Li. When he was about to leave, he turned his head again:

"Young man, remember to pay when you leave."

After saying this, he went up the stairs holding on to the wall and disappeared from everyone's sight.

It's not easy for Ji Li, who always values ​​efficiency, to give him one hour of rest.

Fan Ru's face was pale but he breathed a sigh of relief. He held the bandage on his abdomen and moved a few times to the bed, leaving enough space for Wang Ting.

Su Qin'er stood behind the curtain, staring directly at Wang Ting, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Ji Li leaned his back against the wall, took out the cigarette case from his pocket, lit it on his own, took a deep breath and asked:

"Let's get to the point. Ren Jiayun disappeared from your Xiangyanghua Kindergarten, right?"

Wang Ting knew that Ji Li's purpose was to deal with Ren Jiayun's disappearance, so she didn't dare to show any signs of neglect and nodded heavily:

"The last time I saw him was at noon on November 17.

During nap time in kindergarten, the children in our class either go home or stay in the kindergarten.

Ren Jiayun always stayed in kindergarten all day long, and that day was no exception.

But what's special is that Ren Jiayun never takes a nap, but he slept through it that day.

I was very surprised at the time, thinking that he did a great job today and I would give him a little red flower after school.

But when he woke up, I found that his state began to be wrong, and he kept mumbling something.

Just when I went to look for the school doctor, Ren Jiayun was nowhere to be found..."

Although Wang Ting's description was very detailed, several people present felt disappointed after hearing it because there was no usable information.

After Wang Ting was silent for a moment, she said again:

“Ren Jiayun’s schoolbag was still in its original place, but when I looked through it again, I found that the spiritual tablet and the clay figurine were all missing.

There was only one photo left in it, a very special family portrait. "

This remark reawakened everyone's spirits, because they all knew that there was a family portrait in Ji Li's hands at this moment.

So is the one in Ren Jiayun's hand the same as the one in their hands?

Ji Li was a little annoyed by Wang Ting's deliberate pause. He glanced at the other party and asked in a deep voice:

"Tell me about that family photo."

Wang Ting pursed her lips, recalled it carefully and said:

"It's said to be a family photo, but not all the people are there. That photo was taken by Ren Jiayun standing in front of two wax figures.

Perhaps because he was too short, only the lower half of his body could be seen from the man and woman standing behind him.

But he was very close to the two wax figures, holding them from side to side, and had a rare bright smile on his face.

The watermark on the photo says ‘Kapok Photo Studio’. "

When Su Qin'er heard this, she took a few steps forward involuntarily and exclaimed:

“Wax figures, kapok photo studio!

Store manager, doesn’t this match the information we got? "

Ji Li glanced at her, but there was no obvious change on his face. He just blew out a smoke ring and fell into deep thought.

Why is this happening...

The search locations given by Black Gum are Xiangyanghua Kindergarten, Kapok Photo Studio, Tang Dynasty Wax Museum, and Tianmingshan Cemetery.

But Ji Li felt that her answer was too absurd and did not accept it. Instead, he promoted it based on the characters.

But now things seem to have gone around, and the intelligence from both parties points to the same direction of action.

To be on the safe side, Ji Li reached into his arms and took out the family portrait held together with glue and handed it to Wang Ting.

"Do you think Ren Jiayun's figure and other aspects match those in the photos?"

In this photo, there are only the faces of the black gum and her husband. Ren Jiayun's face was deliberately painted over, making it impossible for anyone who is not familiar with it to recognize it.

So Ji Li still has doubts about the origin of this photo.

But the answer given by Wang Ting was very conclusive. She just glanced at it briefly and nodded:

"Yes, although the face has been crossed out, the child's physical characteristics are exactly the same as Ren Jiayun.

The key is his clothes, I always see him wearing them. "

Ji Li silently took the photo back, found a chair and sat down.

So the situation is now clear.

Ren Jiayun has seen ghosts many times, and he is being plotted against, and it is most likely that he is the mysterious ring organization.

The Kapok Photo Studio and the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum are either involved or have clues, so you must go.

Moreover, if blue and white porcelain jars also exist in these two places, it is almost certain that the ring organization was behind Ren Jiayun's disappearance.

Then, finding the ring organization may be equivalent to finding Ren Jiayun.

Ji Li raised his head and let out a long sigh of relief. He finally got some great news after such a long time.

At the same time, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed, which meant that another bigger good news was coming.

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