Weird Regulator

Chapter 493 Who is telling the truth?

The sky outside the window is very far away, and the sunlight that is not dazzling is only a thin layer, which is far from enough to dispel the blackness at night.

In this time of communication between black and white, the strange scene of a day and a month can be vaguely seen at the end of the sky.

Ji Li stood alone between black and white, half of his face was dark and half was facing the sun.

"Hello? I'm Yu Guo, I'm not dead!"

An unfamiliar voice sounded through the phone's microphone, but the tone was so familiar.

Ji Li allowed the noise and verbosity on the other end of the phone to continue, but did not respond.

It wasn't until the person had been talking for a full minute but kept talking endlessly that he was sure that the other person might indeed be Yu Guo.

But the response was just a few words:

"I'm Ji Li."

"Hey, why are you so calm? I escaped death anyway, so you don't care at all?

Let me tell you, I have obtained important information after this incident. If you had this attitude, I would not tell you. "

After all, Yu Guo is Yu Guo, and he is very familiar with playing around with treasures.

Likewise, Ji Li, who still had doubts, became more certain that the other party was really Yu Guo.

Ji Li listened quietly, raised his left hand, took a puff of cigarette, and asked quietly:

"How come you're not dead?"

It stands to reason that Yu Guo must die.

Although Ji Li said that he could avoid disaster by letting him go to Tiannan Drama Academy, he couldn't do this at that location and at that time.

Yu Guo was stunned for the first time, but soon understood how to answer this question.

“Actually, after I learned that I was too late, I wanted to use the script as a crime and give it a try on the spot.

But even the script sin items had no effect until I finally used the life-changing prophecy..."

Yu Guo fell silent at this point, and continued after a brief hesitation:

“The life-changing operation seemed to have failed, but it succeeded again.

My original goal of changing my life failed and I died, but the Ninth Branch helped me! "

A gleam of light flashed through Ji Li's dull eyes, a slight sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he asked with interest:

"How did that help you?"

“Exchanging lives cannot be exchanged for ordinary people’s lives, but Tianhai shop assistants can.

Huang Banxian secretly exchanged souls and bodies between me and Duan Shisan from the Ninth Branch.

Well, it can be said that I am now Yu Guo with a new skin. "

What happened to Yu Guo has never happened even among the top ten branches.

This kind of accident caused by chance sounds extremely incredible.

But it is precisely because of the special nature of the crime object in the script, coupled with Huang Banxian's own special abilities, that this inexplicable situation has been created.

After a brief period of confusion, Yu Guo regained his excitement and spoke further to the topic:

“So the experience I had was pretty amazing and the things I gained were pretty valuable.

The first one is that the ghost boy didn't invalidate the sinful object, it just ignored it.

Those sinful things that can affect living people can still be established, but it can be done without any scruples.

There is still an essential difference in this point, and perhaps we won’t be so scared when we operate it in the future. "

Ji Li nodded gently, took this note in his mind and said:

"Is there any more valuable information?"

Yu Guo's tone became extra serious this time, he put away his previous playfulness, and said word by word:

"The second item is my basic guess about this ghost. I don't know if it is true, but it is definitely very important.

There is indeed no solution for its murder, but it has never taken action since it appeared.

The one who really pushed me to the brink of death was Ah Lian! "

Hearing this familiar name, the calm look in Ji Li's eyes suddenly dissipated, and he hurriedly asked:

"Why did she show up?"


Why did Ah Lian appear? But I will never admit my mistake!

She came out of my body and grabbed my throat with the hand wearing the wedding ring! "

Yu Guo's tone became extremely serious, especially when it came to the word "wedding ring", which represented his unswerving attitude.

Ji Li put his cell phone on the window sill, sat down next to the window, and took a slow drag on his cigarette, with a clear understanding in his eyes.

"So you are trying to say that ghost boys kill people by using the ghosts of human hearts as executioners..."

The phone was a little further away, but Yu Guo's voice was carved in Ji Li's heart like a knife.

“No matter what the task is, there are two aspects.

One is the main line of completing the mission, and the other is the rules for killing ghosts.

You're doing the former, I'm closer to the latter.

Now think about it, this mission started from Su Qin'er, to Jiang Jiang, and then to me.

The three of us have done nothing from beginning to end, but except for Su Qin'er, we all triggered a dead end.

So what exactly is the dead end? How did you attract ghosts? "

Ji Li stared out the window with burning eyes. The branches swaying in the wind caused his thoughts to keep spinning, and he asked softly:

"So what do you think?"

"Suspicion breeds ghosts!"

Yu Guo simply attributed the root of everything to these five words.

"Jiang Jiang saw ghosts because he was the most fearful of all of us, so he was the first to be found.

Heck, it was because the black gum reminded Ah Lian of his memory, so I was the second one. "

Ji Li listened quietly without interrupting him, but when he got here, he had to speak:

"But what about Su Qin'er? She is the one who deserves the most damn."

Yu Guo's words stopped, and after a moment of silence, his mood became even higher:

"Su Qin'er is the most fundamental argument for my hypothesis.

Have you forgotten who first spread the image of the ghost boy? "

Ji Li's brows furrowed more and more as he listened. He subconsciously looked back at the woman resting on the bedside and said in a deep voice:

"You mean, the unsolvable ghost boy in this mission came from Su Qin'er's own imagination?"

Ji Li's explanation was obviously exactly what Yu Guo wanted to say, so his tone became more and more determined and excited.

"Otherwise? Have you ever seen a mission where a ghost with no way out or no way to die appears?

It even appeared before the mission even started!

You go to the moon platform. Su Qin'er saw the blue and white porcelain jar and heard about the baby raising ghosts.

With her weak and weak temperament, she naturally sketched out the image of a ghost child in her heart.

And your so-called killing without explanation and ignoring the judgment of the crime did it arise in your mind before the mission even started.

Haven't we always suspected that Su Qin'er saw a ghost on the eve of the mission, what does it mean?

Her role is to instill the image of the ghost boy she has sketched in her mind into all of our minds.

Let's take the first guess and let the ghost boy come true later.

This inexplicably powerful ghost was caused by us! "

This was the subversive conjecture Yu Guo made after escaping from death, which completely overturned everything.

He spoke excitedly, but Ji Li took a long drag on his cigarette.

Because what he was about to say was to pour cold water on Yu Guo.

"Then, have you ever thought about it, that the theory of 'suspiciousness breeds dark ghosts' that you came up with is all about retreating forward.

If you use the results to deduce the root cause, you can naturally integrate a seemingly reasonable truth.

I can destroy this seemingly complete logical chain with just one piece of information. "

Yu Guo paused and asked in a deep voice: "What?"

Ji Li put the phone to his ear again and said calmly:

"I can see how each of you died when you were attacked by ghost boys.

If you really follow your theory, then the ghost boy was not created by Su Qin'er, but by me.

But I only learned about the existence of ghost children from Su Qin'er's mouth. Isn't this contradictory? "

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