Weird Regulator

Chapter 494: Seize the opportunity

Silent highway, dawn suburbs, open car door, next to two corpses...

Yu Guo looked at his bloated body and scratched his head uncomfortably, but the messy touch made him even more awkward.

The body lying on the co-pilot not far away was looking at him with its blood-stained eyes.

Listening to the voice coming from the phone receiver, Yu Guo walked to the edge of the road at a loss.

Directly opposite the direction he was going were a middle-aged man wearing an orange robe and a handsome foreigner with indifferent eyes.

After staying away from these two people, Yu Guo digested the news about Ji Li, suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked:

"Why did you see the way we died?"

"I don't know, but this means that I am the person closest to the ghost boy who has no solution, so your theory is untenable."

The location where the two of them were located was extremely open and quiet, so he could hear every word Ji Li said clearly.

Yu Guo frowned tightly and sat on the ground in distress.

He originally thought that after escaping from death this time, he should have grasped the most core clues.

But Ji Li's words are not unreasonable. If it is true, then Yu Guo's guess cannot be established.

However, Ji Li's follow-up speech made his thinking active again.

"I gained a lot last night, and now I have a general outline.

If this mission is a circle, then the disappearance of Ren Jiayun is the center point of the circle.

There are two forces surrounding Ren Jiayun...

No, maybe it should be three parties.

The biological mother, Black Gum, the deceased father, Ren Yunfeng, and a strange and mysterious ring organization.

This ring organization is so powerful that it covers almost all areas of the city.

They kept embryos in captivity and used blue and white porcelain jars to raise ghosts. The disappearance of Ren Jiayun was suspected to be of interest to this organization.

Because I guess that Ren Jiayun seems to have the "yin and yang eyes" to see ghosts, so his disappearance is probably the work of the Circle Organization.

Combining the information currently available, if we can find this ring organization, then we can find Ren Jiayun. "

Ji Li's long speech made Yu Guo, who was sitting on the phone, refreshed.

It can be seen that Yu Guo's experience in one night has been very exciting, but Ji Li's side is not less generous.

Yu Guo's eyes flashed, he stood up from the ground excitedly, and said in a deep voice:

"In this way, we finally have the direction to complete the mission!"

Ji Li's voice on the phone was still low and flat. As Yu Guo said before, a mission must be divided into two sides.

One is the conditions for completing the task, and the other is the basic information about the ghost.

So after a brief pause, Ji Li's analysis of ghosts came over the phone again:

"Excluding the ghost theory you mentioned, let's listen to my guess.

I think all ghosts are the same type of ghost children.

The difference is that they belong to different stages.

Starting from the moon platform, it was the first time we came into contact with the blue and white porcelain jar, which contained immature ghost embryos.

This is the first stage of the ghost boy I guess, with only low-level and weak attacks.

In the Ge Hong family, I encountered a ghost boy who had just emerged from the womb. It was also very weak and no different from an embryo.

But when I arrived at Wang Ting's house, I encountered the second step of the ghost boy.

Its strength has improved rapidly, and it can completely control an entire building, and it has all the common attack methods such as psychic interference and frequent attacks.

In the second step, the ghost boy has reached the level where a ghost should be included in a mission.

And the ghost boy who brings us the greatest crisis, who kills without explanation and ignores the crime, has reached the third stage.

There are multiple ghosts, but their roots are in the Circle Organization, and Ren Jiayun is also in the Circle Organization.

Therefore, my guess is obviously more suitable for this task. "

Ji Li's words made Yu Guo, who was originally in high spirits, fall silent again. He returned to the ground to ponder this inference.

These are two completely opposite conjectures from him.

There is no doubt that Ji Li's conclusion is obviously smoother.

Because he found a complete survival route by combining information about ghosts and completing tasks.

But this does not mean that his conjecture must be correct, because Yu Guo can also refute it with a simple piece of information.

"If what you said is correct, then how do you explain Su Qin'er's abnormal situation?

Even saying that why can you have the fantasy of seeing other people being killed by ghost children? "

Both ends of the phone fell silent because of these words.

Yu Guo's theory of "suspiciousness begets dark ghosts" perfectly explains Su Qin'er's anomaly.

Ji Li's conjecture that "circular organizations raise ghosts" perfectly followed the progress of the mission and was even more smooth.

But there are unexplainable doubts on both sides, that is why Ji Li can witness the ghost boy killing someone, no matter how far apart they are?

After a long period of thinking, Yu Guo still couldn't get an accurate answer, so this problem can only be attributed to their insufficient clues.

So he immediately changed his thinking direction and said:

“Let’s put aside the root of the ghost first.

I fully agree with your conjecture about the main plot of Ren Jiayun. This is what we must do now.

So do you already have a direction for action? "

Yu Guo Xinkuan's character has a positive value in the mission. Following his question, Ji Li gave an answer.

"Wang Ting's confession gave the connection between the Kapok Photo Studio and the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum.

The four addresses of Eucalyptus nigra are by no means groundless. There is no such coincidence in the world.

I will return to those addresses to search and find the shadow of the ring organization as soon as possible.

But again, this means that Eucalyptus nigra remains important. "

The converse meaning of Ji Li's words was to remind Yu Guo to still carry out surveillance work on the black gum.

Yu Guoming nodded and smiled slightly:

"Since you are searching for clues on the front line, the Unsolved Ghost Boy should be more 'preferred' to your side.

I followed the work of Eucalyptus nigra and seemed to be able to relax for a while. "

The first information integration for this mission has come to an end.

Whether it is Ji Li or Yu Guo, their two speculations about the truth have been put aside for the time being. At least the main line of action has been determined.

This is a huge breakthrough.

After all, the most difficult part of this mission is the chaos of the main line.

Yu Guo felt the breeze before dawn and glanced at his fat hands with a wry smile.

It was very helpless to have his body changed, but his soul was still a member of the Seventh Branch, so the mission was naturally the mission of the Seventh Branch.

This point remains unchanged.

"The people from the Ninth Branch should be near you."

Ji Li has a very keen sense of smell. Although he has never asked before, he knows very well that the Ninth Branch will not save Yu Guo for no reason.

Yu Guo nodded silently, his heart feeling little moved by Huang Banxian's favor.

This is completely different from the original Li Guanqi. Everything Huang Banxian did had a purpose, and he did not need to be grateful for it.

“Although there are differences between you and me regarding ghost speculation, we do not rule out the possibility that your theory is the truth.

Therefore, you must keep your mind calm and do not mention or think about anything other than tasks. "

Ji Li's advice made Yu Guo's face straighten. He knew the seriousness of the matter.

It was precisely because of his excessive fluctuations in mentality that he was tricked so early. He had good luck this time, but he would never have it next time.

Yu Guo took Ji Li's warning to heart, and a hint of cunning appeared on his face after a moment.

He quietly turned his head and glanced at Huang Banxian not far away, and said softly:

"I don't care what the purpose of the Ninth Branch is, but they are also in this mission after all, so I conveyed all the images of the ghost boy.

If we can get the Ninth Branch to get the Wujie Ghost Boy involved, our pressure will be much less.

So Ji Li, you have a lot of time to do things, we must seize the opportunity! "

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