Weird Regulator

Chapter 502 The Forgotten Person

If death had a color, it would be red in Fan Ru's eyes.

After her seventh failure, she sat at the entrance for more than twenty minutes.

The eyes are dull, the mind is numb, and the limbs are limp, and a sense of death is slowly rising.

Human nature does have evil thoughts, but this time Su Qin'er guessed wrong.

The reason why Fan Ru did not perform the eighth cycle was because she was heartbroken and did not want to continue the unnecessary struggle.

After all, the prerequisite for malice is to have the will to survive.

The darkness, scarlet, and depth in this space have repeatedly killed Fan Ru's desire to survive.

too difficult……

The killing conditions created by ghosts, the intricate clues in the museum, and the cycle of death and death.

Everything is too difficult for Fan Ru.

She no longer has the confidence to find a real solution, and she even vaguely accepts this fact in her heart.

Su Qin'er was trapped in human skin, and Fan Ru was actually trapped in this corridor. In the end, their situations were no different.

In the long silence, intermittent calls for help came again.

Su Qin'er was cursing Fan Ru. She thought Fan Ru was greedy for life and afraid of death and refused to take turns with her.

But everything that reached Fan Ru's ears was just some strange "wuwu" sounds.

But this sound woke up Fan Ru, who was confused. She still didn't move her legs, but took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

The screen of the mobile phone lights up and becomes the second light source here.

There was a good-looking girl on the screen, wearing a black and white striped school uniform, holding two books on her chest, smiling broadly.

Fan Runum's face relaxed slightly when he saw the photo, and the corners of his mouth twitched as if to show a smile.

Compared to her mother, the daughter is very beautiful.

Just watching this, Fan Ru's hope, overwhelmed by fear, began to revive.

Not for myself, just so that I can not be so far away from my children.

Even if she lives a little longer, she will have one more moment to spend time with her daughter in the same world.

Fan Ru suddenly shuddered all over. Holding the phone in her hand, she suddenly realized something and quickly unlocked it and made a call.

The call this time was not as long as the call to Ji Li. On the contrary, it was answered quickly.

Fan Ru finally regained her courage. She shrank her legs and changed from lying down to sitting upright.

"Brother Yu, I am Fan Ru, can you hear me?"

That's right, Fan Ru finally realized that there was another way to solve the problem.

Please help!

If Ji Li didn't answer, she would call Yu Guo. Even if Yu Guo didn't answer, she could still call Tongguan and others.

Among these people, there will always be someone who will help her.

"Sister Fan, I'm Yu Guo, what happened?"

Yu Guo's voice on the other end of the phone was very relaxed, as if he was still outside, and his voice was clear.

Fan Ru was overjoyed and quickly told all the weird things that had just happened.

Listening to the silence on the other end of the phone, she said sincerely:

"Brother Yu, you are the most capable person in our group besides the store manager. You are the only one who can help me now.

The store manager has lost contact. Tongguan and the others don't know the situation of this mission, so asking may not be of much use.

You are so smart and dare to do it. If it were you in this situation, what should you do next? "

Fan Ru's mouth was dry, but there was still silence on the other end of the phone, without any sound.

This situation is gradually extinguishing her newly raised hope. What she fears most now is silence.

After a full two minutes, Yu Guo's voice sounded again, but that tone made Fan Ru's heart sink to the bottom.

"Sister Fan, I tell you not to be offended.

Judging from your account alone, the difficulties you encountered are very difficult.

To crack the cycle, everything must be used, and every detail may be the key.

And it is impossible for me to go there in person, only as an off-site support, and there is basically no possibility of deciphering it based on your report. "

Fan Ru's breathing became slow. It was not that she had never thought about her situation.

In a complex wax museum, just the first wax figure is so difficult. What Yu Guo said is extremely difficult is by no means sensational.

"Then... give up Su Qin'er and just let me leave the wax museum. Can this be done?"

The next best thing is that people can do anything for themselves, and Yu Guo will naturally not be offended.

After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice:

"As you said, the entire wax museum has two floors. The first floor you are on has eight rooms, corresponding to eight prisoners.

There will be sixteen murderer prisoners in the entire wax museum.

But just Prisoner No. 2 is so difficult to solve. If you really have to break through the levels one by one, wouldn't it be comparable to the difficulty of a pick-up mission?

And this place is actually just a clue location. "

Yu Guo's words obviously pointed out the truth of simplicity from complexity, which was refreshing to Fan Ru.

She thought for a moment that Yu Guo was indeed a senior clerk, and he could see through the core of what she could never figure out so quickly.

Just Prisoner No. 2 is so complicated, and the sixteen prisoners together are enough to issue a separate mission.

The complex appearance must have a particularly simple way to crack it.

Fan Ru couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, stood up from the ground, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother Yu, tell me quickly!"

"The first step is to give you basic information about the sixteen rooms on the first and second floors as a free person.

Photos of each room, each wax figure, and every detail were taken and sent to Tongguan and others.

I will ask Tongguan and others to set up a team to analyze the intelligence you sent;

The second step is to observe the wax museum as a whole. There must be some sense of dissonance in it and find it.

Sixteen rooms are sixteen points, and dealing with them is enough time for you to find a way out.

And finding out the violations in this wax museum is the only key to whether you can leave alive;

The third step is that you must still have forgotten details in your mind that you haven’t told me.

But I have my own affairs and won't worry about you anymore. Next, you will take over Tongguan.

When completing the first two steps, you must tell everything about every minute and every second since you entered the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum. "

Fan Ru nodded as she heard this. Her admiration and respect for Yu Guo at this moment was even more than that of Ji Li.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right now!"

Outside the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum, it rained continuously.

In the alley of this small building, Ji Li leaned against the wall, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky, lost in thought for a long time.

"I have tried my best to help Fan Ru and make her decide to abandon Su Qin'er according to your arrangement."

Yu Guo's voice came faintly from the headphones with blue light shining on them.

Yu Guo was a little busy during this period, but fortunately Zhan Xun could keep an eye on him instead, so he gave Ji Li a chance to communicate with him.

Ji Li took a deep breath from his cigarette, looked at his wet coat, and said softly:

"Whether Fan Ru dies or not depends on her luck. I need to push Su Qin'er to a desperate situation in order to dig out her secrets."

There were no pedestrians at the entrance of the alley, and there was only Ji Li in the alley.

He looked calmly into the depths. In his deep eyes, he always felt that there was something there, and looked at it from a distance.

Ji Li squinted his eyes, threw away the cigarette butt and walked slowly through the thin layer of rain.

In the earphones, Yu Guo’s words continued to come intermittently before he spoke:

"Fan Ru and Su Qin'er's abilities are too low, and her narration must have missed something extremely important.

I have no way to control her too much, I can only do my best and let fate dictate.

Su Qin'er is weird, she will die if she dies, or live if she lives, but Fan Ru doesn't have much time.

Prisoner No. 2's cycle does not involve life and death, so the real killer must be something else.

She wasted too much time because of the cycle, maybe those murderous things have already started to move, and it's almost too late..."

Ji Li pretended that he didn't hear anything. He put his hands in his pockets and walked very slowly. In the blur, he seemed to see a shadow, standing by the wall more than ten meters away.

"If something happens to Fan Ru and Su Qin'er, Ma Huaiyu will be the only one left by your side.

That kid is also incompetent. It will be too difficult for you to complete the following things independently..."

The soles of the boots stepped on a puddle, splashing a few bits of dirty muddy water, which were immediately washed away by raindrops.

Ji Li's brows suddenly wrinkled, his forward body stopped suddenly, his fingers pressed on the earphones, and he asked in a deep voice:

"Who is the person you just mentioned?"

"Ma Huaiyu, hasn't he been acting on your side?"

Ji Li was stunned. He slowly put his hand down and looked straight ahead.

The blurry shadow seemed to be an illusion in the field of vision. At this time, when I got closer, there was only a peeled off wall.

But Ji Li was shocked by Yu Guo's unintentional words. He looked blankly at the entrance of the alley behind him, which was also blank.

The rain from the sky was beating on his brain, and his long hair was scattered on his shoulders. He whispered:

"Ma Huaiyu, why don't I remember this person..."

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