Weird Regulator

Chapter 503 Prisoner No. 3, gluttonous and bloated


The gray curtains in the conference room of the Tenth Branch of Tianhai Hotel were straightened and opened.

The pale sunshine shone on that calm face. He pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at the drizzle outside, and turned around.

The lineup in the conference room at this moment was far more luxurious than those participating in the mission.

Tongguan, Chang Nian, Jie Zheng, Xiao Qiandu Ye, Mei Sheng, Dai Yingqi, Hong Fu.

Among these seven people, even Hong Fu, who came to watch the excitement, also had experience in joint reception missions.

It can be said that with the seven of them present, unless there is no solution, they are sure to crack it!

What's more, outside the seven people, at the edge of the room, there is a strange character from the seventh branch.

Fang Shenyan ranks among the store manager tasks as a non-store manager.

It's just that he was just sitting in the corner with his eyes closed at this time, and didn't seem to participate in this operation.

Tongguan put his hands on the table and stared at the dozens of densely packed photos on it.

More than half of those photos are blurry, and some are very gray.

But he knew very well that in such an extreme situation, it was not easy for Fan Ru to take so many photos with his mobile phone.

"Everyone, it is 9:27 a.m. on November 29, 2015.

1 hour and 2 minutes have passed since Su Qin'er and Fan Ru entered the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum;

It has been more than 32 minutes since Su Qin'er was trapped in human skin circulation;

Just now, Yu Guo conveyed the attitude of store manager Ji, who issued a death order.

Our purpose is only to rescue Fan Ru, and we must not intervene to rescue Su Qin'er. "

Tongguan took a deep breath when he said this, and continued with a solemn expression:

"Su Qin'er is Manager Ji's key breaking point in this mission, we can ignore it.

But Fan Ru must not die, otherwise Ji Li will be under huge manpower pressure in subsequent tasks. "

Chang Nian frowned and stood beside Tongguan, carefully looking at the messed up photos, and said in a low voice:

"The situation is very serious, Fan Ru's situation is close to death.

The cycle of prisoner No. 2 wasted too much time, and Fan Ru and Su Qiner failed to understand the essence of the matter.

Just a prisoner No. 2 is not the method used by Ghost Boy to kill.

What it wants to do is use Prisoner No. 2 to delay.

And now, it's about to succeed! "

Jie Zheng held a cup of hot tea, straightened his body and said quietly:

“Gui Tong’s killing spree this time is divided into three steps;

In the first step, Prisoner No. 2’s ability is looping, and he is best at delaying time, and it succeeded;

The second step, the purpose of delaying time, is to allow the remaining fifteen wax statues to completely fall off and allow the killing to resume;

In the third step, when all the murderous wax figures are resurrected, they will be completely invincible and the entire wax museum will be cleaned. "

This was the first time for Dai Yingqi to discuss a task in this way. He came to participate not only for Mei Sheng, but also to exercise himself.

So he stood up first, came to the table, pointed at the various photos on it and said:

"Look at the sixteen photos in the first row, these are all the prisoners in the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum.

The wax figure No. 2 has completely melted long ago, and the wax mud of the five wax figures No. 3, 6, 7, 13, and 14 has almost fallen off.

Immediately afterwards, all the wax figures on the first floor from No. 4, No. 5, No. 8, and No. 9 are resurrected;

As for the wax figures No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 15, No. 16, and No. 17 on the second floor, they are not even halfway out of the mud.

I calculated the time it took Prisoner No. 2 to get out of the mud, and it was about an hour, if Su Qin'er and Fan Ru's artificial stimulation were also included.

The normal time for a wax figure to come off the mud will be about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

And now the nearest killer wax figures are resurrected, No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 13, and No. 14, with only 18 minutes left! "

Dai Yingqi was sweating profusely just by simply analyzing the situation. After putting himself in the situation, he felt deeply powerless.

It is too difficult to find out the escape route of five ghosts in 18 minutes without knowing anything about it.

Not to mention, you still need to figure out how to survive for the remaining 10 ghosts at the same time.

This is simply driving people to death!

While listening to Dai Yingqi's analysis, Tongguan took the lead in taking out the photos corresponding to the wax figures No. 3, 6, 7, 13, and 14.

At the same time, he began to hand over the photos of wax figures No. 4, 5, 8, and 9 to Mei Sheng, Dai Yingqi, and Xiao Qianduye, and said in a deep voice:

"Three of you, these four wax figures of the second stage of resurrection are left to you to think about."

Finally, there was no rush, but the extremely large number of wax figures photos No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 15, No. 16, and No. 17 were pushed to the other end of the table.

Looking at Fang Shenyan who never opened his eyes, he said:

"Teacher Fang, the hardest part of this is only you!"

Fang Shenyan finally opened his eyes at this time, raised his head and looked at Tongguan for a moment, then nodded slightly.

At this time, all that was left in front of him were the strange images of wax figures No. 3, No. 6, No. 7, No. 13, and No. 14.

"Xiao Nian, Mr. Xie, the three of us have to face these five wax statues that are the most time-sensitive and the most threatening."

Xie Zheng finally drank the cup of hot tea, moved a chair and sat down, and said softly to Hong Fu, who had been watching the theater next to him:

"Mr. Hong, you can call Fan Ru now."

Hong Fu's face turned red, but there was a rush of energy in his eyes. Such a large-scale foreign aid operation was unprecedented.

The soft ringing of the phone echoed in the quiet and suffocating conference room, and was immediately replaced by a urgent cry for help.

"Hey! How's your analysis going? What should I do now?"

The depression and urgency inside the Seventh Branch are far inferior to those in the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum.

Fan Ru stood alone at the end of the red-lit corridor, looking at the doors on both sides that had been pushed open, calling anxiously for help.

For Tongguan and the other eight people, this is just a remote-controlled mental reasoning game.

Fan Ru is the only player in the game. She only has one life, but she has to fight against eighteen extremely ferocious ghosts!

The phone was on speakerphone, and Tongguan's deep and powerful voice came clearly:

"You now go to the location of prisoner No. 3, only at the door of the room, do not go in.

What you photographed is very blurry. Now I want to know the brief introduction of Prisoner No. 3. "

Due to the lighting problem of the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum and the urgent situation, the words on the introduction board are not clear in the photo.

Tongguan put the first breakthrough in the matter on the introduction card.

The case of Prisoner No. 2 serves as a warning.

That is, the introduction card records the ghost's identity information, crime, and time of arrest.

The entire Tang Dynasty Wax Museum is a prison that can be visited.

The killing method of Prisoner No. 2 is called "killing and sewing corpses", which exactly corresponds to the human skin cycle of Su Qin'er and Fan Ru.

If you want to find a way out, you must start with murder.

Maybe given Tongguan time, he could crack Prisoner No. 2, but it was already a dead end.

Therefore, now his first attempt will start with the murder method on the introduction card.

Fan Ru ran quickly from one end to the other. Su Qin'er's calls for help continued in her ears, but she was too busy taking care of herself.

There are no room numbers in the Tang Dynasty Wax Museum. The sixteen wax figures correspond to the sixteen prisoners, but they are not arranged in order.

She only remembered that Prisoner No. 3 was on the first floor, so she ran past the doorways of each room.

Until her footsteps stopped in a dark room, where even the red light could not shine in, like a void space swallowed by darkness.

In his throat that was trembling due to nervousness, the most terrifying words came to the other end of the phone:

“Identity: Prisoner No. 3;

Charge: Gluttony;

Date of arrest: January 1, 2008;”

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