After the wedding, the two sides finally met.

Xie Yunxiao brought a chair from the side and sat in front of Li Yin. Seeing Li Yin's smile, she couldn't help but smile.

"Haha, you figured it out? I do need your help, but I'm afraid you won't agree?"

Li Yin was a little helpless: "You call me a comrade, how can I disagree? Just tell me if you need anything. As long as you don't touch my bottom line, I'm happy to help."

The premise is that you can provide me with enough useful clues.

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "It's not a big deal, I just want you to go to my place to investigate something. You can see that I'm stupid and not suitable for detective work, but you have talent and experience in this area. The most important point is that you are not from the Abnormal Bureau. In my opinion, there is no one more suitable than you."

Li Yin smiled and shook her head: "You are not stupid at all..."

Even if she didn't say it, Li Yin knew why this guy was looking for her.

Just like what Xie Yunxiao said, there are some things that she, as a member of the Abnormal Bureau and a candidate for the Perfect Controller, is not convenient to investigate with this identity.

As the second-tier combat power of the country today, it can be said that she represents the attitude of the Abnormal Bureau and even the country.

This will undoubtedly bring many inconveniences to the investigation and may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.

How could she be a simple person if she could figure this out?

As for what she wanted her to investigate, Li Yin could also guess roughly, it should be related to suspicion.

"Do you trust me so much? Aren't you afraid that I will expose the matter you entrusted to investigate?"

In the same position, Li Yin asked the same question as when she faced Officer Liu.

But this time, Xie Yunxiao gave a different answer.

"Comrade, do you know why I trust you?"

Li Yin shook her head and motioned her to continue.

"You may not know that the abilities that we perfect controllers have are almost all related to the will of the user. For example, my physical fireball is actually the product of my thoughts. I can detect any slight change on it, including the energy you inject into it."

She stretched out her hand and drew a circle in the air, as if she was dragging a fireball in her hand.

"I don't know what your energy is, but it looks similar to the abilities we have, and perhaps it is related to our own will. I can clearly feel your purity, your firmness, and your kindness in that energy."

Li Yin was a little confused.

Are these three beautiful qualities in me? Am I kind?


Am I kind?

Ahem, just think of me as a kind person.

Li Yin accepted Xie Yunxiao's compliment with a clear conscience, without blushing or beating her heart.

"In that case, tell me what you want me to do for you."

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "Now is not the time, I will tell you in detail when we get to Beijing."

Li Yin raised his eyebrows: "Are you afraid that I will not go after I know?"

"No. Well, it's not convenient here."

Li Yin glanced at Ning Zhu, shook his head, looked at Sister Xiao Wang outside the door, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, in exchange, tell me everything you know about the Guiyi Cult."

Xie Yunxiao closed his eyes and recalled, then sighed: "Actually, I don't know much. This cult is very mysterious. Although there are traces of their activities all over the world, and the casualties they have caused are countless. But the evaluation of them is mixed. As far as I know, many small countries even strongly welcome them to their countries."

Li Yin was puzzled: "Why?"

"For power and self-protection."

Xie Yunxiao's low voice revealed helplessness: "You should know that since the recovery stage seventy years ago, there have been more and more ghosts in the world. Even a country like us with a complete office and abnormal bureau system, as well as a huge foundation, is a little exhausted to deal with it, not to mention those small countries with small land, small population, and not many years of history."

The Guiyi Cult provided them with a possibility, that is, to reach a certain cooperation in exchange for powerful power to fight against the increasing number of ghosts. "

Li Yin frowned: "Isn't that drinking poison to quench thirst? Can the power provided by Guiyi really help them fight against ghosts for a long time? Or, will this power be like poison, giving them temporary safety?

After the feeling, push them into a deeper abyss? "

"Of course, and, such a thing has already happened."

Xie Yunxiao took out his mobile phone and found a photo of a map and placed it in front of Li Yin, pointing to a blank area and asked: "Do you know what this place is called?"

The location she pointed to was an area in eastern Africa. There was no country written on it, and there was no marking. It was just blank.

This location reminded Li Yin of the place name that Professor Zhang had mentioned.


Xie Yunxiao was a little surprised: "You know?"

Li Yin shook her head: "I heard it from someone."

"This person is very powerful." Xie Yunxiao sighed, then nodded: "Yes, Ambinia. It used to be an extremely poor country. For many years, it has been relying on UN aid. But just five years ago, Ambinia suddenly announced the establishment of a state religion, which is translated as the One God Religion, or the Unity Religion. Originally, everyone thought that this country was going to end. They couldn't even eat and still believed in religion. Wouldn't this add to their burden? However, what happened next was shocking. With the establishment of the state religion, their national strength increased greatly in a short period of time. They not only got rid of poverty, but also became the best among the surrounding countries. "

"And it disappeared?"

"Yes, it disappeared, disappeared from everyone's memory! Not just memories, I checked all the information and couldn't find any trace of its existence, as if this country had never appeared. "

Li Yin frowned.

This feeling was too similar to what happened to her, and it was hard for her not to associate it.

"Was it done by a cult?"

"It is likely, because later, the same thing happened twice, all of which were a country that disappeared strangely in everyone's memory. Even if you ask relevant experts, they will only think that you are crazy and suffering from delusional disorder. "

"Then how do you remember it?"

Xie Yunxiao was silent for a moment: "This is related to the source of power of our perfect controller, I'm sorry I can't tell you. "

Li Yin nodded. She was not very interested in the source of Xie Yunxiao's power.

"Are you trying to tell me that the power of the cult is quite strange and huge, and even has an influence that cannot be ignored in the world, and persuade me not to continue investigating? "

Xie Yunxiao shook his head: "No."

"Then it is related to the matter you asked me to investigate?"

Xie Yunxiao nodded.

Li Yin slapped her thigh in anger: "Good guy, you can also calculate me for this? You promised to tell me the information of the cult, but in the end, all you said was related to your commission? Can you show some sincerity? "

Hearing her words, Xie Yunxiao chuckled and muttered softly: "I've said it, I don't know much, you still have to ask, what can I do..."

"Say! What else do you know?"

"The destruction of Yunan City was also done by the cult, do you know?"

"I know! "Professor Fang wrote in his memory that their people were studying how to enhance the effects of pollutants. The experiment was successful, but it was out of control.

"Then...what about the underground hidden laboratory of Kangtaisheng Pharmaceutical in Ninghe City?"

"I know that too!"


Just then, Officer Xiao Wang outside the door came in, with tears on her face, and she had obviously cried again outside the door.

"Xiao Li, I have contacted Brother Liu's parents. The two old people... woohoo, the two old people cried when they heard the news. They couldn't imagine that their son, a good policeman loyal to the country and the people, would encounter such misfortune. Brother Liu is their pride, their everything, but now..." Officer Xiao Wang choked and couldn't say anything more.

Ning Zhu walked up and patted her on the back gently, trying to comfort her emotions.

After calming down, Officer Xiao Wang took a deep breath and continued, "The two old people wanted to come to Linhai to personally confirm Brother Liu's body. I was afraid that the two old people would get into trouble, so I asked for leave from the bureau and went to the northwest to pick them up. ”

“Does your director know about this?”

“Yes, Mr. Chen and the director told me. They are on their way now.”

“Sister Xiao Wang, you have to understand one thing. Uncle Liu fell in the battle against evil forces, and his sacrifice deserves the highest respect.”

Officer Xiao Wang knew what Li Yin meant and nodded silently.

“I understand…”

Li Yin stood up, patted her shoulder, and left the restaurant with Xie Yunxiao and Ning Zhu.

Behind her, the suppressed cry of Officer Xiao Wang could be heard faintly.

If she couldn’t get over this knot in her heart, she would never be seen on the front line again.

“When will we leave for Beijing?

Notify me beforehand so that I can be prepared."

"The day after tomorrow, I have to wait for the notice from there."

"Okay, call me then."

"Aren't you going back to the Abnormal Bureau?"

"No, there's no need."

"What about Yu Yun'er? Not taking her away?"

"Test her qualifications first, maybe she'll give you a surprise."

Xie Yunxiao slapped his head: "Look at me, I forgot about this. Hey, you lied to me before, saying you have your own method. I believed it, and thought about what method you used to test qualifications, but it turned out to be what I heard from others!"

Li Yin nodded without hesitation: "Collecting information is my method!"

"Okay, you win."

"This is called the rational use of wisdom, you don't understand."

"What do you mean I don't understand? You didn't explain it clearly! "

Ning Zhu, who was standing aside, looked at the two people bickering, and always felt that their way of getting along was very strange.

They were not like friends, nor like sisters.

As they said, they were comrades-in-arms, but more like... brothers...


She suddenly thought of someone and couldn't help asking, "Sister Xie, do you know Ning Chuan? He was transferred from the Linhai Abnormal Bureau to Beijing."

Ning Chuan?

Xie Yunxiao turned to look at Ning Zhu and suddenly remembered.

"Of course I know, you are Ning Chuan's sister, right? He often mentioned you to me."

Ning Zhu's face lit up, nodded vigorously, and hurriedly asked, "What is he doing in Beijing? He hasn't sent us any news for many years. My father and I are very worried about him."

"Oh, him. He is working hard to become a candidate for the perfect controller. It's normal that he can't contact you." She looked in the direction of Li Yin and introduced again, "He is one of the six people I told you about, a member of our training camp. "

Li Yin was surprised.

I heard that my brother-in-law was very talented and could be transferred directly from Linhai to Beijing for further studies. I didn't expect that he was at the same level as Xie Yunxiao.

He is really good.

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