The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Xie Yunxiao got in the car of the Abnormal Bureau and left the restaurant, while Li Yin and the others walked towards the city.

This was Ning Zhu's idea. She wanted to take Li Yin to relax and distract from the grief of Officer Liu's death.

But she was in a good mood now, because she finally had news about her brother. If Xie Yunxiao hadn't known him, she would have suspected that her brother was dead.

Even Ning Tiannan thought so. Something must have happened to his eldest son, otherwise why had there been no news for so many years?

She wanted to tell her father the good news, but unfortunately, her father was helping at Linhai University and had no time to come back.

Li Yin also noticed Ning Zhu's joyful mood, and couldn't help but tiptoe to touch her head: "Let's go to Beijing together the day after tomorrow to relax, look at houses, and choose our future home."

Hearing Li Yin's voice, Ning Zhu was a little surprised: "Li Yin, are you...are you okay? Wait, what about our home, what are you talking about..."

Looking at Ning Zhu's flushed little face, Li Yin couldn't help but stretch out her hand to pinch her: "Are you talking about Officer Liu? In fact, I have been mentally prepared for a long time, and today I just want to confirm the result."

"Li Yin, you..."

Ning Zhu didn't know how to respond. She always knew that Li Yin was very strong, stronger than anyone else.

In two months, she experienced the death of her parents, the disappearance of her uncle, the sacrifice of her old friend, and even her roommate and her school turned into a scorched earth.

And the one who caused all this was the senior sister she often mentioned and took good care of her. The power behind her was so huge that it was enough to easily destroy a country. Even Xie Yunxiao, such a powerful person with such a powerful background, did not dare to investigate easily.

But Li Yin can still face all this so calmly, Ning Zhu admires and feels sorry for her.


Turning her head to one side, she saw several aunts pointing and talking over there.

Looking at Li Yin who was almost in her arms, her face turned red again.

She picked up the little girl and ran away, running towards the commercial street.

The disappearance of Linhai University did not have much impact on the prosperity here. The commercial street was still bustling with people coming and going.

The two of them walked hand in hand through the bustling streets, and the neon lights of various shops reflected on their faces, bringing a touch of warmth. Ning Zhu couldn't help but speak, breaking the silence: "Li Yin, Linhai University is destroyed, what will happen to the remaining students?"

"I don't know, either transfer the student status to other schools, or... stop studying."

"Then can you go to Beijing with us?"

After saying this, Ning Zhu realized that he hadn't thought it through, and hurriedly said: "Sorry Li Yin, I didn't mean that..."

But Li Yin smiled: "I thought so too, so we have to wait until the day after tomorrow to go to Beijing to look for houses together. Let's see if there are two suitable ones to rent, one is a shop with a bedroom for our dad to live in, and we rent one separately, and spend the next two years The world of people. "

Ning Zhu's eyes flashed with yearning, but her mouth pouted immediately: "No! Houses in Beijing are very expensive! How can we have so much money to rent two houses?"

"But I have my parents' inheritance and pension, hundreds of thousands, enough for us to spend for a long time."

Ning Zhu still shook her head: "No, that's your parents' inheritance, you have to keep it well. And we have no income now, every penny we spend is a penny less, the cost of Beijing is very high, we have to save a little!"

She was talking about her family's savings. Ning Tiannan's plan was similar to Li Yin's, renting a store to open a store, and then buying a house to pay the down payment.

This will use up most of their family's savings, and life will naturally be tighter.

As for Li Yin's money, it's okay for the two of them to go out for dinner, buy clothes, etc., but she never thought about spending a lot of money.

Li Yin didn't say much, hehe, he laughed and didn't continue the topic.

But my heart was warm. Who wouldn't like a girlfriend who cares about me like this?

"Where in Beijing will our office be opened?"

"The fifth or sixth ring road, a place where there are no other offices around. Anyway, not many people believe in our industry, and customers are not attracted by prosperous areas, so it doesn't matter where it is opened."

"That's true, but there will be a lot of offices in Beijing, right? And it's close to the Abnormal Bureau.

Headquarters, if we go again, won't it be very stressful? "

Ning Zhu shook his head: "After all, it's Beijing. The requirements for opening an office there are very strict. It is necessary to review qualifications, and there must be special contributions and recommendations. 99% of the offices do not meet the standards. "

Li Yin suddenly realized: "Our family's office is the recommendation position given by my brother-in-law, right?"

Ning Zhu patted her head and said angrily: "What brother-in-law, you guy..."

She didn't say anything more, because it seemed that Li Yin's name seemed to be correct...

She could only reluctantly acquiesce: "Well, our family's recommendation position is because of my brother, but it was not recommended by him. Because he has good qualifications and was transferred to the headquarters of the Abnormal Bureau, our family has a lot of preferential treatment and privileges. In addition, Uncle Ye's office went with us, and they are also preparing to move to Beijing. "

Li Yin was a little surprised: "Is the Yufeng Sword Sect going to merge with us? What will it be called in the future? Yufeng Lao Ning? "

Ning Zhu was amused by her imagination and patted her shoulder gently: "What is Old Ning Yufeng? The Yufeng Sword Sect is also going to move to the capital and reopen. Uncle Ye's son, like my brother, was transferred to the headquarters in Beijing to study, and their family also has a recommendation position. "

Li Yin was even more surprised: "Is Uncle Ye's child also a candidate for the perfect controller?"

Ning Zhu shook his head: "I don't know, I remember Uncle Ye seemed to say that the Yufeng Sword Sect was about to become famous in the world. I guess it may have something to do with Uncle Ye's family's inherited methods. "

This is not impossible. After all, the means of Uncle Ye's family are said to have no upper limit. As long as the qualifications are sufficient, they can grow infinitely.

It is not surprising that he was valued by the headquarters of the Abnormal Bureau and transferred to research.

Ning Zhu looked at Li Yin, who had already run to the snack bar next to her to buy grilled sausages, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If this girl wants to, her current status must be as high as Xie Yunxiao, or even the superior she mentioned, right?

But Li Yin never mentioned these. She didn't seem to care much about power, status, and money, but liked to enjoy this ordinary and quiet time with herself.

It is my luck to be with her.

She ran back with two grilled sausages in her hand, with a happy smile on her face.

She stuffed one of them into Ning Zhu's hand, and suddenly came over and whispered: "Our dad can't come back these days, right? Let's go back early, I have something to do!"

Ning Zhu blushed and said, "What can you do? "

"Don't worry about it, just look forward to it."

Li Yin took out her cell phone and sent a text message to Xie Yunxiao, asking about the situation on Yuner's side, and by the way, testing whether this little light bulb would come back tonight.

In the Abnormal Bureau, Xie Yunxiao took Yu Yuner to the test room as soon as she got off the car. She wanted to personally preside over the qualification test.

From the cultist disguised as a policeman, she knew that Yu Yuner's qualifications might be very amazing, at least about the same as Su Ji who was locked up in the basement.

And Xie Yunxiao, who had a big battle with her at Linhai University, naturally knew how strong the opponent's combat power was.

Although that might be related to the means of transformation, qualifications are absolutely indispensable.

If I can bring back one... two! People with perfect controller qualifications to the headquarters, then my authority will definitely be able to go up a level, and then I can do more things.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and came to the test room.

This is a room specially designed for qualification testing. Various sophisticated instruments are inlaid on the walls around it, and the center is The test site is a circular platform made of special materials.

The main test content includes four items: adaptability to pollutants, resistance to pollutants, willpower and mental strength.

Yu Yuner stood on the circular platform under the guidance of Xie Yunxiao.

She looked calm on the surface, but she was very nervous in her heart, because the officer surnamed Xie just told her that her sister's future fate depends on the result of this test.

She didn't know what would happen to her sister if she failed the test, but it was obvious that the result would not be good.

I must do my best! For my sister! For our future!

An hour later, Xie Yunxiao took the report and took a deep breath.

This Yu Yuner is really a genius!

She quickly took out her mobile phone and called Li Yin to inform her of the good news, but the other party didn't answer.

Strangely, she called again, and this time she answered, and Li Yin's unhappy voice sounded on the other side, and she could faintly hear panting.

"Hello? What's up? I'm busy! "

Xie Yunxiao didn't care about Li Yin's attitude. She was excited.

Said: "Li Yin! Good news! Yu Yuner's qualification test results are out, just as you said, she is a genius, and her qualifications have reached the standard of a perfect controller!"

There was an "Oh" on the other end of the phone, and after a long time, the next sentence came: "That's all? Then I'll hang up?"

Xie Yunxiao was stunned: "Do you know what this means? From seventy years ago to now, there have only been twenty-one people with such qualifications! Including her, there are now twenty-two!"

Then she heard the "beep" sound on the other end of the phone, and it was hung up!

However, Xie Yunxiao had already shared her joy, and then reported the matter to the top management, and then used her qualifications to apply for leniency for Su Ji.

In addition, the evidence submitted by herself should have been analyzed. If it can be proved that Su Ji's actions were not intentional, but the result of being controlled by others, and she really knew nothing about the matter, the matter will have more opportunities.

She waved to Yu Yuner next to her and said, "Let's go. We should be comrades in the same battalion from now on. Your sister can be saved."

Hearing this, Yu Yuner jumped up excitedly, and then immediately bowed to Xie Yunxiao to thank him.

Her eyes were sparkling with crystal tears, which were her hope for her sister's future and her expectation for this new beginning.

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