On this day, it was rumored that a strange guest came to an office.

"… That's about it. Please try to find a house with the best 'cost-effectiveness' and a high-quality house." said the tall and slender woman who called herself Night Crow.

Opposite the "woman", Donahue put down the water-based pen he used for recording, and said with a professional look: "Let me summarize. Ms. Night Crow just came to Inisel City from another place and is ready to settle here. She hopes to find a quiet, spacious, good environment, a garage and a front and back garden. But the budget is limited, so she commissioned us to find those houses that are sold at a low price due to 'various' problems and are of high quality. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's right." Lenari, who was driving a trumpet, nodded seriously, and changed the subject, "Also, it's sir, not ma'am."

Donahue: "..."

Valya, who habitually stood by with a tray and waited for orders, and regarded herself as a maid: "..."

——I've never seen such a thing before.

At this moment, the two people with completely different brain circuits thought in sync for the first time.

"Ahem." Donahue coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, "I roughly understand what you mean, sir... We can take this order. Here is the power of attorney. Please fill it out."

"Okay." Lenari took the pen handed over by Donahue and filled in her information one by one.

Of course, the name is fake.

It's okay elsewhere, but here, she can't really fill in the words "Lexiliti Milas".


Back to the hotel where she stayed, Lenari took out her mobile phone.

——Just when I was on the road, "Operator 339" who had set up special attention sent a message.

[Operator 339: After settling down, report your permanent address. Your contact person is still me.

Night Crow: Oh... Are you implicated by me?

Operator 339: This is respect.

Operator 339: Your equipment has been delivered and is temporarily kept in the organization's safe house. It will be delivered to you after reporting the address. 】

Operator 339's avatar darkened.

Lenari shrugged, threw away his phone, picked up the landline on the bedside table and ordered food.

World Mission Chat Room.

[Not a Natural Fool: @All members, a new member is here, let's meet each other.

Forever Gothic Loli: Wow.

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Hello, Excellencies!

Lord of the Underworld: Good.

Lord of the Underworld: Why don't you use the title?

God of Ice: Good suggestion.

Lord of Darkness: Yes.

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): I'm very sorry, Excellency, I don't have the right to change this account ID.

Lord of the Underworld: No problem.

God of Ice: The rules and some precautions are written in the announcement.

Lord of the Underworld: Thank you very much. ]

Lenari looked at the ID "Lord of the Underworld" and thought about it.

A moment later, Lenari received a chat room invitation.

“Unemployed and Office Workers” chat room.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: The name of this chat room is full of complaints!

Not a natural idiot: You just say whether it looks good or not?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Hmm… It looks good, but it also looks bad? I have a serious job…

Not a natural idiot: I have a serious job too! I’m a serious, hard-working actor.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Hmm…

Nuclear Explosion (secretary): …

Not a natural idiot: What do you think it should be called?

Nuclear Explosion (secretary): Three Gods Alliance?

Not a natural idiot: It’s too serious, and the nature is not right.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Long live furry?

Not a natural idiot: Hmm…

Nuclear Explosion (secretary): Please tell me, this is not serious!

Not a natural idiot: Actually, I think it’s okay…

Nuclear Explosion (secretary): Food lovers’ club! Just call it Food lovers’ club!

Not a natural fool: Good! This is it! Food lovers' club!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Yeah~ Food lovers' club! 】

In a certain office in the "Dezet Nuclear Weapons Base" far away in the desert, a young man with glasses silently confessed: I'm sorry, General...


World Mission Chat Room.

[Lord of the Underworld: @Nuclear Explosion (Secretary)

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Hello, sir.

Lord of the Underworld: I want the right to rule the city of Inisel.

Lord of the Dark: No.

Lord of the Underworld: Oh?

Lord of the Dark: This is my territory.

Lord of the Underworld: This is just a quasi-first-tier city.

Lord of the Dark: Yes, so why did you specifically name a quasi-first-tier city?

Lord of the Underworld: If I say, this is my hometown, do you believe it?

Lord of the Dark: What a coincidence, this is also my hometown.

Lord of the Underworld: In that case, why is it stillA quasi-first line?

Lord of Darkness: The surface world has its own rules. I am only responsible for crushing those who are causing trouble.

Lord of Hell: We can rule together.

Lord of Darkness: I refuse.

Lord of Hell: You'd better think about it again.

Lord of Darkness: No need.

Lord of Darkness: @Nuclear Blast (secretary), what is there in Inisel City?

Nuclear Blast (secretary): Sorry, I am just the life secretary of Lord of Nuclear Blast...

Lord of Darkness: Oh.

Lord of Darkness: @Nuclear Blast Lord, let's make an appointment. It's up to you whether to stop or to die.

Lord of Hell: Are you sure?

Lord of Darkness: Of course.

Lord of Hell: Don't blame me for not reminding you. As gods, the aftermath of our fight is enough to destroy the world.

Lord of Darkness: So what? Are you really going to destroy the world?

Lord of Hell: It was you who proposed the duel.

Lord of Darkness: There are many ways to avoid affecting the surface of Green Star.

God of Ice: I agree, such as "Gray Doomsday", "Infinite Mystery City", "Killing Fairy Tale" and so on.

Lord of Darkness: Time and place, you choose.

Lord of Hell: I reject this meaningless dispute of will.

Lord of Darkness: Haha.

Lord of Hell: As a god, you are so willful and reckless, which makes people feel that you are not up to the task and naturally look down on you.

Lord of Darkness: @God of Ice, what do you think?

God of Ice: It's just a temporary lead on the road of evolution, why do you have such a heavy idol burden?

God of Ice: Fight! Fight hard! Whoever is cowardly and weak, the weak should shrink obediently and don't make trouble!

Lord of Darkness: I think so too.

Lord of Hell: Unreasonable!

——The Lord of Hell has gone offline——】

Food Lovers Chat Room.

【Forever Gothic Lolita: What’s wrong with this guy?

Not a Natural Fool: No one knows, oh, no one knows.

Not a Natural Fool: That’s why I don’t like him.

Forever Gothic Lolita: What exactly is there in the city of Inesel?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): I really don’t know… I have already reported it urgently.

Not a Natural Fool: Until today, I didn’t think there was anything in the city of Inesel… But now that I think about it carefully, doesn’t “Inesel” mean “the original”? 】

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