【Forever Gothic Lolita: "Initially"...

Not a Natural Fool: Do you have an idea?

Forever Gothic Lolita: No, I just have some associations, not an idea.

Not a Natural Fool: It's really curious!

Forever Gothic Lolita: That guy is so eager for quick success, isn't he afraid that we will notice something and follow him to get what he wants?

Not a Natural Fool: No, he just didn't expect that the city of Inisel has already "been owned"... You are still young, and some "traditions" are not clear.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Tradition?

Nuclear Blast (secretary): Until the current Green Star Calendar 2000, the Green Star Federation still recognized the concept-level's right to divide the territory and be autonomous, and to be king and emperor, which was abolished after 2000.

Forever Gothic Lolita: How was it abolished?

Nuclear Blast (secretary): At that time, it happened that the other two concept-levels died together, and Lord Barn took the opportunity to propose, and Mr. Fitz agreed...

Not a Natural Fool: That's about it.

Not a natural fool: The absolute power of life and death under the rule of the opposition should have been abolished long ago.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I agree with this.

Forever Gothic Lolita: You have had direct contact with him, right? Do you think he will start with the people around me to deal with me?

Not a natural fool: It's hard to say.

Not a natural fool: That person's behavior is unpleasant, but he still has brains. When I clearly favor you, he will not show aggression directly unless he is sure to kill both of us.

Forever Gothic Lolita: What about Uncle Nuclear Explosion? With his virtue, he is naturally opposed to Uncle Nuclear Explosion, right?

Not a natural fool: Xiao Barn is in the "lawful" and "official" camp.

Forever Gothic Lolita: ...I understand.

Nuclear Explosion (secretary): Ahem...

Forever Gothic Lolita: You don't have to say it, I understand that the Federation must first consider the survival of civilization, and then other things.

Nuclear Blast (Secretary): Thank you for your understanding...

Forever Gothic Lolita: It's really troublesome. I regret not strangling him in advance.

Not a natural idiot: Oh... There is no if.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Yes, there is no if. 】


Dark Domain.

Lenari threw away the phone, and the amorphous tentacles squirmed back and forth irritably, and the abstract tentacles unconsciously slapped the air from time to time.

The one called "Lord of the Underworld" ignored the current global unified democratic social background as soon as he opened his mouth and directly asked for "rule"...

Even if he didn't want the city of Inesel, it was really unpleasant.


After more than ten minutes, the alienated mobile phone bounced in front of Lenari.

——The secretary of Nuclear Blast relayed the Federation's answer to "What is in the city of Inesel".

【Not a natural idiot: ... Chaos Seed?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Yes, it is said that it can make the concept level go further. The specific principle and appearance are all unknown.

Not a Natural Fool: It sounds suspicious... The realm of mythology is not as comfortable as mortals imagine. One wrong step will lead to eternal damnation.

Forever Gothic Lolita: It seems, it seems, I know what is going on...

Not a Natural Fool:?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary):? ? ?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Well, about "Him", the "seed of chaos", I have some news that is hard to tell whether it is good or bad.

Not a Natural Fool: What is it?

Forever Gothic Lolita: "Him" has sprouted and borne fruit...

Not a Natural Fool:?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): !!! !

Forever Gothic Lolita: In fact, I am born at the concept level, which is the so-called "innate mythology".

Forever Gothic Lolita: One feature of innate mythology is that except for the "seed of chaos", they are all "opposites coexisting".

Not a natural fool: Are you trying to say that the "seed of chaos" has sprouted and produced two fruits, and one of them represents you who represents "darkness" and "destruction"?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Is the attribute of "destruction" very obvious?

Not a natural fool: Fortunately, I can see that you are trying to suppress this attribute.

Forever Gothic Lolita: I have some knowledge similar to "inherited memory". When I saw the keyword "seed of chaos" just now, some related knowledge automatically emerged.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Then, the question is, where is the other fruit, the innate myth that represents "light" and "creation", my twin?

Not a natural fool: Hmm...

Nuclear explosion (secretary):...

Forever Gothic Lolita: The twins of the innate myth should be closely connected, but I, until just now, did not even notice His existence.

Not a natural fool: What about now?

Forever Gothic LolitaLi: Now I know there should be a "He" but I still can't sense it, not even a little bit.

Not a natural fool: It's a headache...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Sigh...

Forever Gothic Lolita: Tell this to that "Lord of the Underworld", do you think he will believe it?

Not a natural fool: It's too much.

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): He won't believe it...

Forever Gothic Lolita: I think so too.

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): What's the matter!

Forever Gothic Lolita: When is Uncle Nuclear Explosion expected to come out of retreat?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): I don't know...

Not a natural fool: It doesn't matter whether he comes out or not.

Not a natural fool: Let me arrange it, and move to Inisel City later.

Forever Gothic Lolita: This is too much trouble for you, you are also very busy, right?

Not a natural fool: Knowledge can be studied anywhere, it doesn't matter.

Not a natural fool: My sudden move should allow that guy to wait and see for a while. During this time, we can try to find traces of your twins, or pretend that I or you have "eaten" the seeds of chaos, so that he will give up.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Good idea, but my and your attribute bias is too obvious, it is difficult to pretend that you have eaten the seeds of chaos.

Not a natural fool: You really eat it.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Of course not "eat" in the general sense... If you do that, you will either choke to death or be poisoned to death.

Not a natural fool: What about Xiao Barn? "Fusion and fission" naturally have the nature of "opposites coexisting".

Forever Gothic Lolita: I think it's okay. Wait for Uncle Nuclear Explosion to come out of retreat and see how he has cultivated and whether he has reached the level where he can claim to have eaten the seeds of chaos.

Not a natural fool: Don't worry, even if it's still the same, you can claim to have eaten the seeds of chaos, but the time will be a little earlier.

Forever Gothic Lolita:?

Not a natural idiot: The process of that guy achieving the concept level is a miracle.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Eh? Can you tell me more?

Not a natural idiot: Of course. 】

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