Barn Holt, whose father and grandfather were both soldiers, was neither high nor low in rank, and was a typical middle-level officer family.

Until the age of 38, Barn was an ordinary person, with good skills and some brains. He was an excellent but far from amazing middle-level officer.

When Barn was 38 years old, a rocket exploded close to him during a siege of an armed gang of evil forces.

Thanks to a strong enough bunker, Barn was seriously injured but not dead. He was lucky to be rescued and did not suffer any troublesome sequelae. He even miraculously awakened his superpowers.

The good news is that this superpower is strong enough, and the rating is A+ as soon as it awakens; the bad news is that this superpower must be activated by Barn's physical contact.

At that time, he only had the exaggerated superpowers of "fusion and fission" that could be called humanoid nuclear weapons, but the range was zero, which was not much different from a humanoid self-propelled nuclear warhead, or even worse.

After all, real nuclear warheads are dead objects, without emotions, and are controllable enough.

After two years of hiding in the semi-abandoned military base in the Dezette Desert, Barn thought that this was the end of his life.

Unexpectedly, less than two days after he couldn't help but complain for the first time, an A-level mutant wanted criminal was forced into the Dezette Desert by a bounty hunter and attacked the semi-abandoned military base that happened to be nearby for supplies.

Seeing the A-level mutant wanted criminal slaughtering wantonly, no one in the entire base might survive. Barn made up his mind and teamed up with several colleagues who were ready to die to find a bunch of non-ferrous miscellaneous materials and brazenly "ignited" a zero-distance mixed nuclear explosion.

A few months after the earth-shaking nuclear explosion, the Green Star Federation sent people to clean up the mess and accidentally found Barn sleeping at the original site of the base...


Food Club Chat Room.

[Forever Gothic Loli: So, Uncle Nuclear Explosion has become a concept level?

Not a natural fool: Yes! Isn't it very "miraculous" and very "open"?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Indeed, it is more exaggerated than my natural concept level... After all, it seems now that my birth was not without signs and process.

Not a natural fool: It is also much more exaggerated than me, the "son of the green star" in everyone's mouth. After all, I just happen to have good talents and the road of evolution is smooth. There are ancients before and there are future generations.

Forever Gothic Lolita: "The protagonist of the new era who ate the seeds of chaos in a muddle and soared to the concept level all the way" is determined to be Uncle Nuclear Explosion!

Forever Gothic Lolita: @Nuclear Explosion (secretary), arrange Uncle Nuclear Explosion's "past" and let him come to Inisel City, okay?

Nuclear Explosion (secretary): No problem! In fact, the general really went there for a trip when he was young, and it can be used after a little processing.

Not a natural fool: Oh! Isn't this a coincidence? If it weren't for little Lenari here, I would have believed this script.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Speaking of scripts, what was the fake death script that Team 7 originally arranged for me?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): That, we have to start over several times, and now with the "Seed of Chaos" incident, we have to start over again.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Thank you for your hard work...

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Fortunately, the guys in charge of the scripts are enjoying it. I heard that they are thinking about using those abandoned scripts to make movies.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Speaking of movies, how is your role, Fitz? Are you still an actor?

Not a Natural Fool: Well, I was planning to change my career, but for some reason, my agent has been promising that I will be famous. A few days ago, he actually managed to get me an important role... Even though I didn't even audition?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Your agent has a good eye. I also think that as long as you play yourself, you will definitely be famous!

Not a Natural Fool: [Baffled. Expression]

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Uh, what are you talking about? Mr. Fitz plans to be an actor?

Forever Gothic Lolita: I'm just playing a role with a small account. This is what happened...

Nuclear Blast (Secretary): I see. Please tell me which crew it is!

Not a Natural Fool: I don't know. The agent is in charge. I didn't ask.

Nuclear Blast (Secretary): Uh.

Forever Gothic Lolita: You'll know about this once you join the crew. Fitz isn't afraid of being sold out by the agent anyway. 】

After chatting casually for a while, Lenari threw away his phone and began to seriously recall every detail of his life since he was born.


That day, Donahue came to the third-ranked star hotel in the city with a low-key briefcase prepared in bulk by the firm and knocked on a door.

"Sorry, I thought you would be late." "Night Crow" looked like he had just taken a shower. He only had a bath towel around his waist and wiped his face with a towel in his hand.Wet hair.

——The "role" is good in every way, but it has no self-cleaning ability and gets dirty quickly...

"I am abrupt." Donahue tried to ignore the overly "fragmented" picture on the other side, and barely kept a businesslike face, "Your commission has been completed. There are more than a dozen houses in the city that meet the requirements. After selecting the best, there are still three left. The relevant information is in this file bag."

Lenari wiped his hair slowly without taking the file bag: "Where is your recommendation?"

"No. 4, Golden Rose Community." Donahue said without hesitation.

Lenari nodded: "Then No. 4, Golden Rose Community, the commission fee will be deposited into the firm's account later."

Donahue was stunned for a moment, and silently took out a pen and paper from his briefcase: "This is the commission completion certificate, please sign it."



Golden Rose Community, close to the city center of Inisel, is a villa-type community. Each household does not occupy a large area, but every inch of land is worth a lot of money. It is a famous rich area in the city.

Accompanied by the property management, Lenari stood outside the gate of Villa No. 4, and he was more and more satisfied the more he looked.

This house has changed 6 owners since it was built, and Night Crow is the seventh.

There have been no sensational incidents, and each owner has been good, except for the fact that he decorated it luxuriously after taking over and then hurriedly sold it at a low price.

After several price cuts, the overall price of this luxuriously decorated House No. 4 has been so low that it is almost the cheapest unit in Lavender Community...

Before even entering the door, Lenari made a decision: "This is it! I choose the down payment... Green Yuan, and then pay off the plan within the next 3 years."

The property management guy who was selling the house couldn't help but said: "Why don't you think about it again? Although this is not something I should say, this house is really..."

"It's okay, I don't care about these." Lenari waved his hand, "Let's go through the procedures."

"Okay, okay."


[Night Crow: The residence is settled, No. 4, Golden Rose Community.

Operator 339: ...The equipment will be delivered at 9 pm. Set up cover in advance.

Night Crow: No. 6 next door is the new house of the Son of Ice. Remember to tell the "moving company" not to be suspicious.

Operator 339: ...】

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