The first thing that caught Night Crow's eyes was a slightly bulging chest compared to the past, followed by a winding snake tail of the same style as Talos, but in pure black.

After a moment of confusion, Night Crow lay down again and looked at the smiling Fram inquiringly, hoping that the witch lady could explain a little.

Fram sat down on the stone bed in the middle again and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is just the manifestation of the witch's power. When the power stabilizes, it will naturally recover."

"... But why is it a snake? My name is "Night Crow"!" Night Crow was particularly puzzled.

Fram shrugged: "The power of each witch is related to her deepest wish... Maybe it's a symbol of your wish, which happens to be closely related to snakes."

"This..." Night Crow tried hard to think about what her wish was.

"Darkness will devour everything", this is definitely not her wish, but something she is trying to fight against... Fight against...

So that's it, her wish is "eternity"!

——Make the world eternal.

Eternity is infinity.

Speaking of infinity, the most classic symbol is——


The case was solved.

But Night Crow didn't feel relieved at all, and even felt ridiculous.

——It's fine to turn into a snake, but do I have to chew my own tail? !

For a moment, Night Crow's beautiful black eyes, which were made pitiful by the witch, turned into the shape of a dead fish unconsciously.

On the stone bed next door, Flam, who was silently observing the changes in Night Crow's expression, raised her eyebrows with interest.


When Night Crow woke up again, she found that the witch version of Talos was lying on the head of her bed, staring at her quietly.

The lower body turned into a winding slender snake tail. Night Crow was not used to it for a while. He propped up his body with a slightly awkward movement, turned his head to look at Talos who was lying on the edge of the bed and looked up at him as he stood up, and asked: "Why are you also a snake?"

Talos was obviously not used to it yet. He staggered and barely stood up, and answered seriously: "My wish is to become 'life'."


Night Crow suddenly realized.

All over Green Star, the symbol of snakes is varied, most of which include "life" and "death" at the same time, which is perfect for Talos, the god of death.

Night Crow looked around and found that there was no sign of Flame in this simple but spacious stone house, so he asked: "Where is Flame?"

"She went to find food." Talos replied.

"Oh..." Night Crow no longer cared about the Blazing Witch, and began to look at himself more carefully in the light of the blazing white fireball suspended in the air.

First, the clothes on his body.

The original clothes had been ravaged by storms, waterspouts and vines, and were already tattered. They were not worn at this time.

At present, she was wearing... a black scale bra, well, her own scales, the kind that grew on her body.

Other than that, she had nothing on her body.

Discovering this fact, Night Crow subconsciously turned her head to look at Talos, and found that he... she was similar to herself, and she was relieved immediately.

——Something like shame is sometimes compared...

Night Crow continued to study herself, and unexpectedly found that her black snake tail was quite beautiful, soft and flexible.

After thinking about it, she tentatively let go of the support of her arms and tried to "sit" with the strength of her waist and tail.

She succeeded, although it was not very stable.

Anyway, this is a good sign.

While adapting to this almost new body, Night Crow asked Talos who propped himself up and sat at the head of the bed: "After becoming a witch, have the abilities of this body changed?"

Talos answered without thinking: "The ability of 'passerby' has been strengthened a lot. In addition, I have gained abilities similar to flesh magic and life magic."

"For example?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"For example, I can transform into many forms, currently ordinary snakes, feathered snakes, half-human and half-snakes, half-human and half-feathered snakes, and complete human forms; I can also regenerate broken limbs, control blood remotely, detonate flesh and blood, etc."

"It sounds great."

"Yes." Talos nodded, paused, and asked with a little curiosity, "What about Night Crow? What abilities did you get?"

"Me..." Night Crow pondered, and suddenly staggered to lie down, "Wait for me to do a dream divination first."

"..." Talos blinked and nodded obediently.


After waking up from a short sleep, Flame still hadn't come back.

Night Crow stretched and said to Talos, who was lying on the bed next to him and playing with his tail, "I have gained abilities similar to 'loop', 'restart', and 'rebirth'. I can reset my body and other things without supernatural factors to their previous state.The state of a short period of time can also allow oneself to "reborn" on the corresponding wreckage after death..."

"Except for "rebirth", the specific effects of these abilities are not strong, but after all, they involve "time", I think it is still very good."

Talos nodded and said, "Should we go find Flam? She has been out for almost 24 hours."

"Almost a whole day?" Night Crow frowned, turned around and took out a coin that was lucky enough not to be lost from the pile of miscellaneous items that he had taken off from his body, "Let me do some divination..."

After a while, Night Crow frowned and looked solemn: "She is dead..."

"...?" Talos was at a loss.

Night Crow thought for a moment and asked Talos: "What is the level of your current "passerby" ability? Can you hide the entire stone house?"

Talos shook his head: " most the range of the two stone beds in the corner."

"Then hide this corner. "Night Crow said, "Let's pack up and bring all the water jars here, just in case."



Less than half an hour after Talos activated the "passerby" ability, Night Crow keenly sensed that something very heavy was approaching.

Signing Talos to come closer, Night Crow was always ready to "hack" when things got bad.

--He didn't cheat before, so as not to affect the fun. Now, this strange witch's body is fresh, and Night Crow can't bear to throw it away...

The two waited quietly.

Not long after, a messy, heavy sound of footsteps came clearly into their ears.

The footsteps had a very clear target, going straight towards the stone house until they stopped outside the stone house without a door. However, Night Crow and Talos clearly saw that there was nothing outside the door, not even footprints.

The two were silent, and once again increased their mental concentration, ready to deal with various possible situations.

Suddenly, the blazing white fireball floating in the air went out, and the surroundings were shrouded in darkness again.

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