Night Raven subconsciously held her breath. She could feel that Talos, who was close at hand, had also chosen to do so.

There was silence in the darkness, as if something was coming was just Night Raven's illusion. However, the throbbing premonition of crisis told her that danger did exist.

Suddenly, the alarm of danger suddenly rose.

Without hesitation, Night Raven activated the power of the Mark of Everlasting Darkness and blocked the darkness in front of her.

The intuitive alarm subsided.

Night Raven breathed a sigh of relief, touched her arm with goose bumps, and looked closely with the dark vision naturally obtained by activating the Mark of Everlasting Darkness.

——There was nothing there.

However, the feedback from the dark chain representing the power of shackles told her that there was indeed something there.

Night Crow asked Talos who was relaxing beside him: "Can you 'see' what this is?"

Talos' pupils had turned into golden snake pupils at some point, shining in the darkness. She shook her head: "I can't see... I can't see the body either, I can only be sure that there is something there."

"Your eyes?" Night Crow asked curiously.

"One of the 'magics' that comes with this body allows me to see through darkness and illusions." Talos said, "It's quite interesting. There are many other small magics that have nothing to do with life."

Night Crow nodded and shifted her attention to the invisible thing in front of her again, saying to herself: "What on earth is this..."

After thinking about it, she activated the power of the ice seal mark, covering everything in front with a thin layer of frost.

The outline of the monster was faithfully outlined by the frost. In the darkness, the thin ice shell was crystal clear, weird and strange, both disgusting and beautiful.

Judging from the surface outline alone, the lower body of the monster is made up of countless human arms twisted and entangled, with a total of 17 legs of varying thickness and length. The upper body has many human heads piled up irregularly, and the long or short hair of the human heads seems to be alive, wandering and dancing at will.

Night Crow noticed with his sharp eyes that there was a human head at the edge, whose outline was very similar to Fram, but whose expression was extremely twisted and hideous.

With a slight sigh, Night Crow asked Talos: "Is there a way to free it?"

Talos nodded: "What the sickle of the original body kills will be decomposed into the most primitive energy."

As he spoke, the reflection of the original body flashed in Talos' golden snake pupils, and then the figure in black robes floated into the present world.

The pale and cold giant bone sickle passed by, and the monster that looked like a rough pile of human heads and arms began to disintegrate.

While waiting, Talos controlled the witch's body and said, "Most of the things here are illusory."

"I can see that." Night Crow nodded, "When I first started to transform, I took the opportunity to do some divination."

The God of Death nodded, retreated back into the reflection in the golden snake pupils of the witch's body, and disappeared.

Talos blinked his charming golden snake pupils and asked curiously, "I can only see that most of the things here are illusory... What is the essence of this strange story?"

"How should I put it?" Night Crow scratched his head, "This is a different space between reality and illusion. The essence is... um, 'the grave of civilization'? 'The wreckage of civilization'?"

"......?" Talos tilted his head in confusion.

"Green Star is a special planet that has nurtured many civilizations. Some of them successfully 'left the nest', and more of them, due to various reasons, eventually ushered in the end in decay."

"This place is where the remnants of those lost civilizations are deposited."

Talos nodded thoughtfully.

As he spoke, the monster completely disintegrated, leaving only a metal necklace that fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The Night Crow twisted its snake body, staggered forward but still steadily, and picked up the slightly familiar metal necklace.

The metal necklace was old and covered with dirt, and the gold material could be vaguely identified, with a ruby ​​pendant box at the end.

The Night Crow finally recognized that this was the necklace that Freya wore on her chest. At that time, the necklace was as clean as new, exquisite and gorgeous.

After a moment of silence, the Night Crow returned to the stone bed in the corner with the necklace and began to divination with this medium.

"Freya's life, Freya's life..." She repeated it silently several times and fell asleep.


She was the daughter of a down-and-out nobleman. In order to make a living and for her father's ambitions, the whole family had to follow her father to go to sea to do business.

That day, they met pirates.

In order not to be tortured, Freya resolutely jumped into the sea.

She woke up in a cave in an unknown place and was fortunately rescued by the women of the Witch Society.

Realizing the dangers of this underground world, Freya gritted her teeth and accepted the torture ritual, becoming one of them.A member.

However, everything in this underground world is illusory, except for a few outsiders.

Real nutrients are gradually exhausted, and false substances fill the body.

Freya died quietly when she knew nothing, and became an unconscious puppet on the illusory stage, performing fragments of the distant past day after day.


"So, what about the 'Earth Mother Goddess'?" Talos asked, holding his chin with one hand, looking like he was listening to a story.

"It's also fake." Night Crow said, "In the distant past, there was indeed a myth called 'Earth Mother Goddess' on Green Star, but He has completely disappeared. What exists here is just a fragment of the memory of civilization reproduced by the ghost story."

Talos nodded: "In other words, if we don't leave quickly, we will die here; if we leave, this false power from the 'Earth Mother Goddess' will disappear."

"No, we can't leave alive." Night Crow said, "Didn't you notice? Our hearts and blood were sacrificed in the ceremony."

"...Uh." Talos scratched his head.

Night Crow thought for a moment and said, "If we have to leave, it's not impossible... As long as we try to 'replenish' the missing things, it should be fine."

"How to replenish?"

"I have a subordinate named 'Death Girl', who is good at flesh and blood abilities." Night Crow said, "Let her replenish us the moment we leave, it should be possible."

"That strange story..." Talos thought for a moment and nodded, "I think it's okay. The name of that strange story has 'Death' in it, but it's from the 'Life' side."

"Do you know it?" Night Crow couldn't help asking.

"I know it, including one of its predecessors, the 'Death Scythe'." Talos said, "I couldn't figure it out back then. The sickle was clearly called 'Death', but it turned out to be from the Life side..."

Night Crow looked at the ceiling: "The prototype of the sickle was a cosplay prop... It doesn't matter what it's called."

"Yeah." Talos didn't delve into it.

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