The "exit" or "way" to leave will naturally open when the mark of the constant darkness is triggered. Night Crow leads Talos' hand and snakes into the shadow door.

On the other side of the door, Fuldiri has been waiting for a long time under Lenari's instruction.


Food Lovers Chat Room.

[Forever Gothic Lolita: @Not Natural, @Nuclear Blast (secretary), I already know the whereabouts of the other fruit, no need to look for it, just wait for Uncle Nuclear Blast to come out and start the show.

Not Natural: Where is He?

Forever Gothic Lolita: The Green Star has nurtured and supported many civilizations, some of which have self-destructed due to nuclear war, some have died due to exhaustion of resources, some have been hit by meteorites from outer space, and so on.

Forever Gothic Lolita: However, no matter how tragic the extinction is, the Green Star will quickly recover its "vitality"...

Not Natural: So that's it, it's on the Green Star.

Nuclear Blast (secretary): ? ? ?

Not a natural fool: That's right, the seed of chaos is in Green Star's body, there is no reason to watch bacteria and fleas take advantage of it.

Forever Gothic Lolita: That's right.

Not a natural fool: That's good, we don't have to worry so much.

Forever Gothic Lolita: Yes, myths also have strong and weak points. If they jump too much, Green Star should have the means to kill them.

Not a natural fool: Let's not talk about anything else, just throw it away and it will be quiet...

Not a natural fool: By the way, isn't your generation suddenly upgraded to a higher level?

Forever Gothic Lolita: I don't want to be called auntie... Let's talk about our own.

Not a natural fool: Yes, let's talk about our own.

Not a natural fool: By the way, why hasn't your character come back yet?

Forever Gothic Lolita: Encountered a storm at sea and was accidentally swept into the "Civilization Cemetery".

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Civilization Cemetery? What is that?

Forever Gothic Lolita: A strange story. I have memorized its smell. Will the Federation send someone to check it out?

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Yes!

Forever Gothic Lolita: Let's make an appointment, take anti-pollution measures, and gather in front of the Ghost Annex. [Notes. Document]

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Got it!

Not a Natural Fool: It seems very interesting...

Nuclear Explosion (Secretary): Will Mr. Fitz come too?

Not a Natural Fool: Some other time.


After chatting about some food topics casually, the chat room became quiet.


Ghost Annex, a room filled with sofas and cushions.

"So hungry..." Night Crow's slender snake tail coiled on the back of the sofa, and his upper body lay on the backrest like a dead fish, letting his two arms hang naturally with his long hair, muttering hungry mutterings.

"So thirsty..." Talos continued in a slightly absent-minded and mumbling voice.

In contrast, the posture of this beautiful snake was much more gentle, half lying on the sofa bed.

——I don’t know what went wrong. Night Crow and Talos have obviously escaped the influence of the unnamed strange story, but they are still in the state of beautiful snakes... The power of the witch has obviously disappeared.

Not only that, they have all become alien blood, and are now in a state of thirst for blood...

——This is not unexpected, after all, they have accepted so much blood and flesh from Fuldili, who has the attributes of alien blood.

On the side, Fuldili, who just "bleeds a lot and loses a lot of flesh", looks at this and that, with a confused face.

——If you are hungry and thirsty, why don’t you just eat and drink?

After thinking for a long time, Fuldili, who still couldn’t understand, shook her head, picked up the sickle and went out to look for lucky criminals.

——After losing so much blood and vitality in one breath, it is also hungry and thirsty.


After lying there for a long time, Talos couldn't help it. She propped up her upper body and suggested, "Let's go hunting?"

Ye Ya didn't move. A sad voice came from under her thick long hair: "No... It will be troublesome to go out like this... Let's order takeout."

Talos was at a loss: "Which takeout has fresh blood?"

"Team Seven Special Takeout." Night Crow said.

"..." Talos was silent and reminded, "We are killers, criminals in the black zone who can't see the light."

"...Oh, it's really set up like this..." Night Crow said weakly, "Then call the organization for takeout."

Talos thought about it and thought it was a good idea.

"But our mobile phones were lost in the storm..." She said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, there is an emergency contact number." Night Crow said, slightly raising the volume, "Little Ghost! Come to a landline phone that can contact the outside world."

"...?" Talos was at a loss.The room was quiet.

Suddenly, a landline phone with a pale shell quietly grew on the armrest of a sofa near Night Crow.

"..." Talos was even more confused.

- If I remember correctly, this architectural ghost story called "Ghost Annex" is still free and not subordinate to anyone?


The phone rang three times before it was picked up.

Night Crow ignored the silence on the other side and briefly explained the situation, asking the real operator to transfer the contact code-named "Operator 339".

Not long after, a mechanical electronic synthesized voice sounded from the receiver: "Speak."

"To put it simply, the Death God and I have now become alien blood-blood clans with human bodies and snake tails. We are deeply trapped in blood thirst, but it is not convenient to go out. Please send someone to send some fresh plasma to help us out." Night Crow said weakly.

"..." The receiver was silent for a long time, and the cold mechanical electronic synthesized voice sounded again, "Address?"

"Ghost Annex." Night Crow said.

The receiver rang with a "creaking" sound of something being tightly grasped.

After a moment, the electronic synthesized voice said, "At most, I'll deliver it to the door, and you can come out and get it yourself."

"Oh... I'll let the little ghost help me get it." Night Crow weakly instructed the weak, pitiful and well-behaved Ghost Annex again.

"The urgent delivery of 'medicines' and the resettlement allowance for peripheral personnel will be credited to your account, and the interest will be paid according to the organization's regulations." The electronic synthesized voice said coldly.

"Tsk!" Night Crow smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.

The receiver was disconnected.

After hanging up the phone, Night Crow sighed, "This contact's temper is still so bad..."

Talos, who has been carefully observing and studying human behavior recently, did not comment on this.

She asked curiously, "I can understand the 'urgent delivery of medicines', but what about the resettlement allowance for the peripheral personnel?"

"Well, the Ghost Annex is a strange story after all. Although it is still under control now, Team 7 will not completely leave here... The peripheral personnel who received the delivery mission are considered useless in the eyes of the organization and cannot be used in the future." Night Crow said nonchalantly.

"Oh!" Talos suddenly realized and added a note to his notes on human behavior in his mind.

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