"You misunderstood! They are the rich women I told you about before... Ahem, the boss's employees." Lei quickly explained, "The boss was away on a business trip, so he asked me to bring them here to play... Well, the reward is that I can also eat and drink for free all day!"

At the end, Lei's tone was a little excited.

After all, he had heard of the Puinsus Restaurant for several years, and this was the first time he "patronized" it...

"I see..." The young waiter named Kunnier neatly placed the boiled cabbage on the tray on the table and was about to leave, "Then you eat slowly, the food in this restaurant is superb!"

"Wait!" Lei subconsciously called his friend.

"?" Kunnier turned around in confusion.

Remembering that he was just a "human transportation tool", Lei hesitated to speak, and finally just asked indifferently: "What time do you get off work?"

"5 pm, what's wrong?" Kunnier asked in confusion.

"...No, nothing, come on." Lei said.

Kunil nodded without knowing what was going on, and was about to turn around when Night Crow suddenly called him.


The crow is talking? !

Kunil was shocked on the spot.

"Your luck is not right. Don't rush home after get off work. Come to this box first and I'll see what's going on." Night Crow said seriously.

Although this behavior violates the confidentiality regulations, if something really happens... who will take care of the so-called confidentiality regulations!

"Okay, okay..." Kunil was a little panicked and a little at a loss. He subconsciously looked at his friend who always had his own ideas.

As soon as he turned his eyes, Kunil saw his friend nodding at him frantically without caring about his image.

This somewhat funny scene, in Kunil's eyes, made his panic heart, whose worldview was suddenly shattered, incredibly calm down.

"Thank you, I will." Kunnier thanked him politely and then said goodbye, "Enjoy your meal, I'll leave first."

"Goodbye." Night Crow said, looking at Kunnier, then at Lei, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Lei suddenly shuddered, rubbed his arms covered with goose bumps with his hands on his chest, and couldn't help complaining: "I always feel that you are thinking of something very rude..."

"No... Well, a little bit." Night Crow admitted frankly, "I just thought of the plot of a certain anime series..."

"I see." Lei nodded seriously, and changed the subject, "Please don't tell me the name of that weird series!"

"... Tsk." Night Crow smacked his lips in disappointment.

Seeing this, Lei quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and in his heart he praised himself for successfully escaping the disaster again.

- Although a strange anime series at most brings some mental pollution, it can't be compared with those terrible commissions that are often fatal.

After a round of dishes were served, the waiters finally stopped coming to the box frequently.

Ever since Night Crow said that Kunnir's fortune was not good, Lei, who had been fidgeting and even lost interest in the meal, finally asked the question in his heart: "What's wrong with Kunnir?"

"Not sure yet." Night Crow took a sip from this plate and a sip from that basin, and took the time to answer, "I'll take a closer look later, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Okay..." Lei hesitated for a moment, and in the spirit of not wasting food, he picked up the tableware and started eating.

Summer nights come slowly. At a little after 5 pm, Kunnir, who had changed into a casual dress, arrived at Night Crow's and others' box as scheduled.

"…Strange, too strange."

Night Crow circled Kunnir, who was sitting on the sofa nervously, for several times. The more he checked, the weirder he felt.

Night Crow is indeed very weak now, but his vision and knowledge are not discounted. At most, his perception ability is limited by the strength of the "character" itself, and he can't see too many details.

Night Crow's attitude made Kunnier, who was already uneasy, and Lei, who was even more uneasy, so nervous that their hearts almost jumped into their throats.

After confirming that no new things could be found after further examination, Night Crow flew to the marble coffee table that was cool under the cold air of the air conditioner, and said to Lei: "Report it to the Public Security Bureau. You should know the contact information of Team 7?"

"...Ah?" Lei was dumbfounded, "Is it so serious?"

"Well...To be honest, I don't know whether it is serious or not. This... Kunnier's situation is very strange and beyond my knowledge." Night Crow said seriously, "To be on the safe side, it is better to report it to the Public Security Bureau and let the knowledgeable Team 7 handle it."

"Okay, okay...Then I will take him to the Public Security Bureau now?" Lei asked as if talking to himself.

"What are you thinking?" Night Crow looked at the uneasy boy in surprise, "Of course I will stay here and let the people from Team 7 come over!"

"......Ah?" Lei was dumbfounded again.

"The background of this Puinsus Restaurant is very strong, very strong, and the entire Hurricane Building has been included in the protection of the game's 'safe zone'." Night Crow said seriously, "If you encounter some strange things and don't know where to hide, hide here."

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